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按照Halfpenny在他的研究中,一个校友捐赠的最重要的决定因素是,通过从他的大学收到学生的援助(半便士,1999,p. 203)。这些好处包括教育质量、职业优势等。换句话说,校友与母校的社会交流关系在捐赠中起着很强的作用。这种社会交换关系包括校友和学院之间的过去和现在的关系,以及他们参与校友活动的程度。
Shadoian在他的研究集中在校友参与校友捐赠。他认为,加强校友服务中发挥着至关重要的作用。校友捐赠(shadoian,1989,p. 23)。他说,定期互动和更新他们的母校帮助合格的学生更好地了解他们的大学的需要,并为他们的大学捐赠。
年龄和收入在校友捐赠中也起着重要的作用。在他们的研究中,发现Graham Husted校友会的财务状况和他们的捐赠的关系(Graham & Husted,1993,p. 199)。他们的研究表明,随着校友年龄的增加,他们的财务状况也有所增加。这样便于提高各自的母校捐款。


Across the world, the alumni donations have been increasing over the years. More and more pass out students have given donations as a gratitude to their alma mater. Researchers over the years have identified a number of factors which act as determinants of alumni giving. These wide array of determinants are being discussed in the section below-
As per Halfpenny in his study, one of the most important determinants of alumni donation is the assistances that a pass out student received from his college (Halfpenny, 1999, p. 203). These benefits include quality of education, career advantages etc. In other words, the social exchange relationship of the alumni with his alma mater plays a strong role in donations. This social exchange relationship includes the past and present relations between the alumni and his college, as well as the extent of their involvement in alumni activities.
The next factor which determines the student giving is the level of expectation of the alumni about the future activities or events of his college. The expectation about whether and how will his donations to his alma mater make differences to the organization determines the donation. The outcome or the value of the donation, the belief that the donations will help the college to achieve its target and finally the capability of making a financial contribution will determine the donations to the organization.
Shadoian in his studies focused on the alumni engagement and alumni donations. He concluded that the enhanced alumni services play a crucial role in .donations by alumni (Shadoian, 1989, p. 23). He stated that regular interaction and updates about their alma mater helps the pass out students to understand the needs of their universities in a better way and donate for their universities.
The age and income also play an important role in the donations by alumni. Graham and Husted in their research found relation between the financial position of the alumni and the donations by them (Graham & Husted, 1993, p. 199). Their research indicated that as the age of the alumni increased, so did their financial status. This facilitated increased donations to the respective alma maters.

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