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中国的互联网审查可以被麦金农(2008)称为一个更厚的墙。西方媒体经常把中国的互联网审查描绘成不利于中国人民寻求民主和政治自由的追求。但从一个实现更紧密更冷静的方法的需要。互联网和博客可以成为政治变革的工具和媒介,但不完全是一个变化的原因,如谢弗(2006)和潘(2006) 和参考所引用的麦金农(2008)。神话,互联网可以是固有的,不可避免的和必要的增强和民主通过对那些缺乏政治权力是一个真正强大的人指出码头提供语音设备解放的工具(2011)。互联网不应被视为实现民主自由的一种自动手段,而只是作为一种媒介,帮助和煽动独裁国家的民主之旅。


当局清理任何可疑材料互联网提出一个真正乐观和理想的图片作为发生在中国的2008北京奥运会的De Gruyter指出,世界(2011)。需要注意的是,它不仅是政治上敏感的内容,就是在这样的情况下删除,在任何方面有关中国或中国任何不利的评论被删除。举一个例子,在北京奥运会之前,一个网络论坛被关闭了,仅仅因为有人评论说昂贵的体育场正在修建,而大量的中国人处于贫困状态。


Chinese internet censorship can be as rightly dubbed by MacKinnon (2008) described as a flatter world with thicker walls. Often media in the west portrays Chinese internet censorship as being detrimental to the Chinese people’s quest for democracy and political freedom. But peeking more closely one realizes the need for a more sober approach. Internet and blogs can be a tool and medium for political change but not exactly a cause of change as noted by Schafer (2006) and Pan (2006) and as referenced by MacKinnon (2008). The myth that internet can be an emancipatory tool that is inherent and a device that inevitably and necessarily boosts democracy through providing voice to people who lack political power is a really strong one as pointed out by Warf (2011). Internet should not be presumed as an automatic means of achieving democratic freedom but only as a medium aiding and abetting the journey to democracy in authoritarian states.

It has to be noted that such a strict censorship of the internet in the country sometimes prove to be counterproductive as this strict censoring sometimes encourage discussion of sensitive topics on many social media sites in China as pointed out by Ng (2014). Also Chinese information controls have proved to be futile on some occasions as proved by the classic cases of the failure in suppressing the fatal 2011 Wenzhou train accident and the failed 2013 suppressing of the renegade newspaper Southern Weekly.  But the authorities have also found ways to circumvent the smartness of the Chinese netizens. Both smart Chinese netizens and the authorities have at present capabilities in advancing their views on the net effectively and thwarting them respectively.

The authorities clean up the internet of any dubious material to present to the world a really rosy and idealistic picture of China as happened before the 2008 Beijing Olympics as noted by De Gruyter (2011). It has to be noted that it is not only politically sensitive content that is removed under such scenarios, any adverse comment on any aspect pertaining to China or the Chinese is removed. To cite an example, before the Beijing Olympics, an internet forum was shut down simply because it carried a comment by someone pointing out that expensive stadiums were being built while large numbers of Chinese were in poverty.

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