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The first and the most important factor that affects the vote bank is the risk of unemployment. 56.22% respondents believe that unemployment is an unlikely scenario whereas 16.75% think it is a likely scenario. If ambiguous responses be included, nearly three-quarter of the respondents feel that risk of unemployment is either unlikely or is going to remain the same.

However, a large majority feel household economics has not gotten better over the past election period; the total percentage being 81.64%. This implies that the leaders need to focus on the household economic systems more as compared to the previous year. It essentially points out to the fact that while employment has stayed same, if not gotten better over the past years, the household management systems are facing problems. The key here would be to determine the factors which lead to these problems.

One of the possible reasons for this maybe the perception of the people about the cost of living index. Only 19.79% feel that it stayed same or got lower. Clearly rising cost of living or rising inflation is a major problem and the politicians need to address the issue urgently. Those with strict methods to target inflation are bound to get preference here.

Another indicator of the economic situation in the country is economic optimism captured here by the willingness of respondents to buy assets or whether they perceive the current time to be a good time to buy. 14.19% show low economic optimism whereas 22.64% show high economic optimism. More importantly, 54.42% show indifference and this group can be converted into a favorable vote bank by an optimum mix of appropriate policies.
The most important economic or probably a socio-economic indicator is the expectation of poverty. But, this expectation is fairly stable with 68.68% people believing that the risk is not very high or poverty is less likely. However, 31.32% people believe that poverty risk is high and that an increased incidence of poverty is going to be seen. The percent is a good number and can be used as a pivotal vote bank conversion by the politicians.

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