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被选为分析的伦理问题是在医学领域。纽约时报报道FDA正在对批准生育程序进行处理。这个生育的过程将在“设计”无缺陷的婴儿有益(塔弗尼斯,2014)。许多遗传异常可以在出生前治愈。遗传异常的患病率增加。在2003至2007年,每1000个出生的,23.9的遗传异常在22个欧洲国家注意到(Dolk et al,2010)。欧洲监测先天性异常的报告,这种日益普遍的染色体异常,导致生存率下降是一个政策重点。存活率降低不是遗传异常的唯一后果;幸存的孩子可能患有脑瘫或有学习障碍。这导致增加社会负担的照顾的负担谁是主要照顾者的父母经济形态(Dolk,et al,2010)。认识到这种情况,初级保健、孕前保健、新生儿保健工作具有创新性、前沿,安全科学的程序来达到同样的。


The ethical issue that is being selected for analysis is in the medical field. The New York Times reports the processing being done by the FDA towards approving a fertility procedure. This fertility procedure will be beneficial in “designing” defect free babies (Tavernise, 2014). Many genetic anomalies can thus be cured pre-birth. There is an increased prevalence of genetic anomalies. In the year 2003-2007, for every 1000 births, 23.9 genetic anomalies were noticed in 22 European Nations (Dolk et al, 2010). The European Surveillance of Congenital anomalies reports that this increasing prevalent of chromosomal anomalies that leads to decreased survival rates are a policy priority. Decreased survival rates are not the only consequence of a genetic anomaly; a surviving child could suffer cerebral palsy or can have learning disorders. This leads to increasing burden on society in the form of economics of care and burden on the parents who are the primary care givers (Dolk, et al, 2010). Acknowledging this situation, primary care, preconception care and neo natal care are working with innovative, cutting edge, and safe scientific procedures to achieve the same.
Given this context, any procedure that helps reduce risks of genetic anomalies is a boon for the society. However, the ethical issue at hand is whether such a procedure should be allowed as it is against commonly held beliefs and the way of life. Other ethical concerns cited are that the procedures might not be completely safe. The resolution of the ethical issues is significant as it could change the lives of many babies that are born with birth defects.
Tavernise, (2014) in her article discusses the new fertility procedure that is being evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration FDA. This is a procedure that could combine genetic material from three people in order to make a baby free of genetic anomalies. Research has been performed by scientists from Oregon on Monkeys. The research was also conducted on people more than a decade ago by New Jersey scientists and almost 17 babies were born before the experiments were shut down citing regulatory reasons (Tavernise, 2014). The experiments however continued on animals. The evaluation that is being conducted by the FDA now will assess if the tests are safe enough to be allowed again on humans. The same reasons that led to the experiments being shut down earlier are being analysed now, both from scientific and ethical perspectives.

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