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For many years now social scientists have been interested in studying the relationship between income inequality and social development in a country. Access to the comparable data on the distribution of income within multiple countries was available in 1970’s; this further increased the interest of researchers to understand the relationship between economic inequality and development. Many indicators were put to use in order to compare the economic developments within different countries and come out with empirical results. Some of them are Gross national product per capita, Physical quality of life index, Human development index etc.

In this paper we are going to discuss the Kuznets hypothesis, Kuznets curve and ratio, studies that support Kuznets curve and studies that do not. The study of understanding the relationship between income inequality and income is tough because it is highly dependent upon the quality of data used for analysis and making sure that right parameters are taken into account while coming up with a hypothesis.

Kuznets U shaped curve or the relationship between per capita income and income inequality is a long standing tradition in developmental economics. Thus, when a country first starts on the path of development for becoming a rich country from a poor country, it follows the Kuznets curve. Thus, the income inequality and per capita income are going to be at the lowest; with time and development the incomes and inequality reaches a threshold post which the decline starts again.

Kuznets curve though describes a typical relationship between two parameters, but studies show that the hypothesis is entirely not correct and the assumptions made for coming up with this hypothesis are not entirely correct, leading to a very limited scope. Empirical studies show much more promising and reliable results.


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