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While mobile phones are being used indiscriminately across the age groups, according to various researches, the ownership of mobile phones among teenagers is as high as 100 percent in most of the countries across the globe. This age group is the thought to be the most influenced by the mobile phone technology.
The handiness, size and applications present in the mobile phones have enticed the youth to an extent that they consider these devices as an indispensible part of their daily lives. Diverse brands of mobile phones are used by the teenagers as a status symbol to compete with their friends and acquaintances on the grounds of social standing. The “Carphone and Warehouse” Research also reveals that 78 percent of the teenagers consider themselves “unwanted” or “lonely” if they don’t get any phone calls or text message for the entire day.
Being too much in public
Among the numerous mobile phone applications, instant messaging is identified as the favorite among the masses with mobile phone calling (using mobile networks or low-cost apps) grabbing the second spot.. Cheap and convenient instant messaging applications such as Whatsapp, Viber, Snapchat, iMessage etc are facilitating in sharing even the slightest of their feelings with a huge group of peers simultaneously and stay connected at a minimal or no cost. Because of our mobile phones, we are living too much in the public. Is it necessary to make others know what we had in the breakfast today or how is the weather outside our windows or the office work seems too hectic today? Such trivial information about us is now actively being shared, liked and commented on by our social circle. Even the least important people can know about our whereabouts, feelings and habits. This raises a question mark on the issue of privacy and confidentiality.
According to a survey conducted by Vodafone experts, there are about 600 million active Facebook users who produce more or less 30 billion pieces of content per month. Kudos to the mobile phones!

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