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我选择了“女仆的故事“Margaret Atwood写的文章,我将作为诠释本文。这个加拿大作家的作品是在投机小说的类型,并在未来设置。背景故事中设置是一个独裁的基督教神权已导致征服美国政府。这个故事的标题是从类似的标题如“牧师的故事的一个灵感,“坎特伯雷故事”等。这是一个美妙的散文,穿越在那些已经征服了女性的社会搜索。故事的中心主题是女性被社会占主导地位,他们如何寻求帮助(奇尔顿和保罗,12-19)。这个故事已经被所有人和获奖的形式获得太多的喝彩和进一步修改为其他娱乐形式的认可。

故事的地理背景是在前美国边界内的基列共和国。该地区主要是一个独裁形式的军事和讨论性别歧视,妇女在这样的社会。故事的情绪是恐怖主义和宗教保守主义和传统社会的演变,现代女性在否认存在的基本权利(Burgess &安东尼,145-154)。这些妇女的未来是与领土被原教旨主义的神权统治的不确定。除此之外,社会的个体被职业、种姓和其他形式所歧视,并在社会中服务。作者描绘了不断衰退的加拿大社会,每个社会中的人都想摆脱这种社会。Gileadan的社会是以一个政权的镇压和虐待和所有的忧郁情绪。


I have chosen ‘The Handmaid’s Tale’ written by Margaret Atwood as the passage that I shall annotate in this paper. The work by this Canadian author is in the genre of speculative fiction and set in the future. The background in which the story is set is an authoritarian Christian theocracy which has been a cause of conquering of the U.S government. The title of the story is an inspiration from similar titles like ‘The Parson’s Tale’, ‘The Canterbury Tales’ and so on. It is a wonderful piece of prose that traverses through the society in search of women who have been subjugated. The central theme of the story is such women who have been socially dominated and how they seek assistance (Chilton & Paul, 12-19). This tale has been recognized by one and all and gained much acclamation in the form of awards and prizes and was further amended for other entertainment forms.

The geographical setting of the story is in the Gilead Republic within the former American borders. The region is primarily a dictatorship form of military and discusses the gender discrimination that women are subject to in such societies. The mood of the story is that of terrorism and religious conservatism and the evolution of a traditional society in the modern age where women are denied basic rights of existence (Burgess & Anthony, 145-154). The future of these women is uncertain with the territory being ruled by a fundamentalist theocracy. Apart from this, the individuals of the society are discriminated by occupation, caste and other forms and accordingly served in the society. The author portrays the Canadian society which is constantly declining and every person in that society who wants to be free of this type of a society. The Gileadan society is symbolised as a regime of repression and mistreat and in all a depressive mood.

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