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对非营利性领域的行为进行了各种方法的审查。过去的几十年里,一些反对志愿非政府组织的人提出了一些反对意见。行政资助协议的修改、项目的联邦化和大幅的预算削减已经使非盈利区域陷入了一种主要灾难的境地。矛盾的是,正是在那个时候,这类重大的修改被安排在研究人员和政府的非营利性区域(Lunenburg,F.C. 2011)上。统计调查评估了中国志愿人员参与的情况,报告了一个非营利部门在中国经济中的显著性。由于代表团和资金的修改,大量的NPOs在资金不足的情况下,正面临着越来越多的问题。政府和江苏省正在举办研讨会和会议,以确定如何协助自愿领域,并处理不同的问题(Alatrista,J。和Arrowsmith,j . 2004)。


Kvale,s和Brinkmann,美国在2009年位于混杂的结果,在文献中对非营利组织所有权可能被变化说明主要研究人员的基本注意事项有关的依赖变量的轮廓,与不确定的方法以及方便的形式导致金融行为预测主要区别在非营利组织和营利组织(菲利普斯,H。和菲利普斯,c . 2010)。同样,Bryman,。2011年,e . e .(e .)的研究表明,研究结果的变化主要来自于研究系统方法的变化。

2003年,美国经济研究中心的布拉德肖·林恩(Bradshaw Lynn)回顾了许多文献,在他们的研究报告中指出,行业内的竞争程度严重影响了盈利性组织和非营利组织对金融催化剂的敏感性;这两个领域的表现往往会因为积极的负担而联合起来;而且,盈利性和NPOs供应商的表现远比不相似。


An assortment of methodical reviews of the conduct of the non-profit field has been carried out. The last few decades have been outlines by several objections for voluntary NGOs.  Modifications in administrative funding protocols, federalization of programs and sharp budget cut-offs have dropped the non-profit zone into a situation of main catastrophe. Paradoxically, it was at the time that such major modifications were scheduled that more consideration was focussed on the non-profit zone by researchers as well as governments (Lunenburg, F.C. 2011). Statistical surveys evaluating the involvement of the Chinese voluntary field reports how noteworthy a player the non-profit sector was in the Chinese economy.  Numerous NPOs, working on insufficient funds, were confronting rising issues as a result of delegation and funding modifications. The government and Jiangsu province were setting up seminars and conference to locate how to assist the voluntary field and deal with the varying matter (Alatrista, J., and Arrowsmith, J. 2004).

Vagueness of researches and its percussion on consequences of ignored circumstantial aspects

Kvale, S. and Brinkmann, S. in 2009 located that the miscellany of outcomes in the literature on NPOS ownership might be illustrate mainly by variation in researchers’ elemental considerations regarding the serviceable outline of the relying variables, with uncertain approaches along with handy forms contributing to forecast major differences in financial conduct among NPOs and for-profits (Phillips, H., and Phillips, C. 2010). Similarly, Bryman, A., and Bell, E. in 2011 affirms that variations in outcomes seem to take place chiefly from variations among studies’ systematic approaches.

Bradshaw Lynn, D. in 2003 reviewed many literatures that in their outlook reveal that the extent of competition in the industry drastically influences the sensitivity to financial catalysts of for-profit as well as non-profit organizations; that the performance of the two fields tends to unite as aggressive burden rise; and that the performance of for-profit and NPOs suppliers is far more comparable than dissimilar.

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