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安普尔福思修道院一直是世界上最著名的苹果酒制造商。它是一家专业生产雪松的公司,是公认的世界上最好的雪松生产商。大量的雪松产品制造的安普尔福思此时如苹果白兰地、Slor Damson、接骨木、苹果酒和其他产品。我们的苹果酒是一个屡获殊荣的苹果酒,它已从位于Abbey的僧侣在约克郡制造。由于对苹果酒需求的增长和良好的增长速度,需要在市场上推出新产品。这种新产品将是安普尔福思还是酒,产品将创建在酒行业的一场革命,将导致一个新的安普尔福思修道院品牌的建立。预计新产品将被世界接受为以前的产品,并将在市场上持续很长时间。还有酒一定会有一个良好的利润(Piercy &摩根,1994)。




Ampleforth Abbey has been the most famous cider manufacturers of the world. It is a company which is specialized in the production of cedar and is recognized by the world as the best cedar manufacturer of all times. A large number of cedar products are manufactured by Ampleforth at this point of time such as the Cider Brandy, Slor Damson and Elderberry, Apple Liqueur and other products. Our cider is an award winning cider which has been manufactured from the monks which are located at Abbey in Yorkshire. With the need for the increasing demand of cider and good growth rate, there is a need to bring out a new product in the market. This new product will be Ampleforth Still cider, a product which will create a revolution in the cider industry and will lead to the establishment of a new brand of Ampleforth Abbey. It is also expected that the new product will be accept by the world as the previous products and will last long in the market. Still cider will surely have a good profit (Piercy & Morgan,1994).


The Company

Ampleforth Abbey are the leading cider producers in the world. We are a company which has produced award winning cider products and have stood as the best cider manufacturers of all times. They cider which are made by us have been harvested from the great quality applies which are extracted from the best quality apples in our own orchard which is located in a seven acre site. Since last ten years we have been winning a large number of awards and prizes such as the prestigious “Cider of the Year” award in the Dales food and drink festival which was held in the year 2012 and the Bronze award at the international cider challenge where we over casted over 100 cider making companies in the world. So, as a company we have established a brand in the market and have come up as the one of the best cider producing companies in the world.




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