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Aldi’s mission statement is clearly underlines its focus. According to its mission statement, Aldi’s mission is to provide highest quality product at the lowest possible price. Unlike other organisations, which have multiple missions, Aldi has kept its mission straightforward. It has aligned its mission with efforts related to its innovation and efficiencies (Giménez, 2013).

Marketing Objectives

Aldi’s vision it to create a retail environment, where customers are able to get best value for money when they shop for grocery. Through its various innovative methods such as, customers bringing their own bag to shop, or cart rental system has ensured that Aldi continues to keep a check on the prices of its products, and eventually passing on the benefit to its customers ((Johnson, 2010).

PESTEL analysis reveals that how various macro factors impact the organisation.

Political: In terms of political factors, Aldi can extract benefit in terms of stable political environment in all the country it operates. This has major influence on the business. Although there is large influence of the labour unions on the business run by Aldi, butAldi still has been able to ensure that it remains unaffected from any sort of political issues. Its straight forward labour policies and corporate governance has ensured that Aldi remains on right side of the law.

Economy: There are several economy factors which might impact Aldi’s business. For example rising inflation at global level has impacted the prices of the products offered by the organisation. Similarly rising tax slabs has washed away major chunk of the profit generated post tax. Also sluggish economy in several countries it operates has been impacting the business (Giménez, 2013).

Social: Aldi initially was not popular among the masses, as it was considered brand for people who could not afford any other retail chain. Although this perception has changed over a period of time, but still Aldi is yet to capture the premium segment of the customer, who prefers organisations such as Walmart, Asda, Sainsbury’s etc. as their preferred choice of shopping.

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