


妇女的解放计划也反映在媒体。2001年11月13日,洋基航空服务国家资本的掌舵。比《华盛顿邮报》曾报道过,让国家资本作为一种可行的行为然后每个平凡的新闻镜头展示女士开始他们的罩袍,音乐再次被竞争,女人回到高中,所以足球比赛碗内的塔利班绞刑架被拆除。在那个月,CNN描绘自己的观点关于阿富汗的国家资本和不同城市的秋天,女性也被他们的罩袍,因此一些女士们所表现出的脸,在报纸的头版。媒体因此认为覆盖面是冰冻的,不会被修改。出于这个原因,这项研究还考察了描绘阿富汗妇女的美联社(Associated Press)线照片在塔利班政权的统治。由于政治的场景中,高度重视的问题是,已成为国际发展的一部分。




The liberation plan of women was also reflected within the media. On 13 Nov 2001, The Yankee aviation was at serving at the helm of national capital. The Washington Post had than reported, ‘Let national capital be taken as a doable act then have each mundane news camera show lady starting off their Burqas, music once more being vied, women going back to high school, and therefore the Taliban gallows within the football game bowl being torn down’. Throughout that month, CNN had portrayed their views regarding the autumn of national capital and different cities of Afghanistan, the women had also removed their burqas and therefore the few ladies who had shown their faces, were on the front page of newspapers. The media had thus viewed the coverage as frozen and would not be modified as a result. For this reason, the study also examines the depiction of women of Afghanistan in AP (Associated Press) wire pictures throughout the reign of Taliban regime. Due to the political scenario, the problem is of high importance and has become a part of international development.


The core emphasis on AP is aligned with its status and influence. Prime USA media retailers use as well as publish AP wire pictures through a usual image. With the exception of body, the study evaluates and analyzes visual cues regarded the portrayal of Afghan ladies through media. Starting off Burqas has been liberating in step with western concepts, however some media have even asserted that media will portray ladies in subordinate ways that on the far side being absolutely coated. Though pictures don’t seem to be staged, they still got to be hand-picked during a frame.








科学家们对他们的工作非常雄心勃勃的,拥有独特的行为特征和性格特征被定义为疯狂或疯狂的科学家。尼古拉·特斯拉是著名的以类似的方式在纽约和美国和考虑偏心和邪恶的,据报道,有一个强迫性和强迫性障碍(卡尔森,2013:302 – 331)。他的工作是good-spirited和仁慈的,世界却不尊重他个人的工作和影响人类的友爱和科学的世界。很频繁,特斯拉了新闻标题和经常被批评为同一这就是为什么他是脱离世界。


Nikola Tesla was a Serbian scientist who had lived a brilliant life that was accompanied by torture and pain as well. His profound work in the areas of mathematics, physics and sciences was such that intrigued other scientists of the time and was a base for future research for the coming generations of researchers of science. The inventions of Tesla were very much to perfection and his imagination.


The world however perceived him as an insane scientist who was typically mad about inventions in science. Even though he was recognized for his work and successes, Tesla was not considered to be a very good individual by many at the times until his death. Until 1960 his work was also ignored and the period till then after his death virtually killed the name he had gained in his ailing years.


Scientists who are unusually ambitious about their work and possess unique behavioural characteristics and personality traits are defined as mad or insane scientists. Nikola Tesla was distinguished in a similar way in New York and America and considered eccentric and villainous and was reported to have an obsessive and compulsive disorder (Carlson, 2013:302-331). His work was good-spirited and benevolent but that the world did not respect him for the work and influence of the individual to the human fraternity and the world of science. It was quite frequent that Tesla hit the news headlines and often was criticised for the same which was why he was mostly detached from the world.






电影的音效设计被导演给予重视,这说明当我们看到这部电影。它捕获的真正本质的电影。例如,在开幕式现场,一群狗显示运行对着镜头,电影的声音设计师使用102种动物声音轨道(兰德斯曼 & 柏尼特,2011)。这包括声音的狼、老虎、狗、狮子等等声音设计师特拉维夫Aldema做了很棒的工作保持电影的背景音乐的主题根据主题和声音设计赞美我们看到的画面在屏幕上。




The film opens and closes with depressing colors of yellow orange and black (Harsin, 2009). Even the sky is shown as yellow and this matches with the overall feel of the animated documentary. The rest of the movie is shot using all the colors which would be expected in a normal animated movie, but the colors are not as vibrant as in any other animation. The color of the movie goes well with the dark theme and it feels like we are watching a documentary. The colors are dull and the characters too are also not drawn with much detail.


The sound design of the movie was given much importance by the director and this shows when we see the movie. It captures the true essence of the movie. For example, in the opening scene where a pack of dogs are shown running towards the camera, the sound designer for the movie used 102 types of animal sound tracks were used (Landesman & Bendor, 2011). This included sounds of wolves, tiger, dogs, lions etc. The sound designer Aviv Aldema has done a wonderful job in keeping the theme of the background music of the movie according to the subject and the sound design compliments the visuals we see on the screen.


The ending of the film is the first time in the movie when we see real people. The ending shows the agony and pain of real victims and people who have lost their limbs, eyes and other body parts or have died in the tragedy. It shows the real footage of mothers who have lost their children and family in the massacre (Mansfield, 2010). The ending shows the agony of the people who actually suffered. This is the place where the animation ends and the director shows the real pain and suffering of the people who went through the actual event.








The registered trademark gives the owner the privilege to sell his goods under the trademark. Another company may not use the trademark to sell their goods. There are some tangible values that a company acquires over time and then there are some intangible values such as consumer preference because of say, custom.A trademark will help a consumer differentiate between the company that he holds tangible and intangible values for and another company that he does not know much about. Another company hence cannot take advantage of the consumer based on that a trademark protected company has built for itself.  This gives the businesses a sense of fair competition. There can be no devious practices, a business would be able to succeed because it built its own reputation and protected the same with the trademark and not because it used the reputation that some else built.


A trademark needs to be unique and also distinguishable. It is the right of usage awarded by the government to the corporations and individuals who want to market their creations. In order to provide adequate protection, it is necessary that one trademark be differentiated from another. Hence, the requirement imposed on the trademark is that it should be distinctive from the rest. This follows that companies cannot choose any word they like as a trademark. They will have to carefully analyze for and choose the trademark. It is the company’s burden to prove their distinctiveness and uniqueness to have a registered trademark.









Australia has remained engaged in detention of refugees multiple times as per the reports and findings of UNHCR. The violation of Section 14 of International Covenant on Civil and Political Rights is observed by many agencies in Australia and the situation is getting intensified day by day. This section deals with protection of rights of refugees keeping in view the principles of justice and fairness. Peter Qasim was the longest held detainee of Australia as he was detained for a longer period of 6 years (McAdam, 2013).

As far as my personal view regarding the issue of asylum seekers is concerned, I have formed my views and opinions by closely observing the consequences of asylum seekers’ migrations of Australian territory. I have worked with asylum seekers and came to know that they are faced with many extreme issues in Australian protection too. One of the major issues that I have observed while working with asylum seekers is the discriminatory behavior being followed by Australian nationals for them. Many Australians intentionally hinder the pace of their growth because they personally do not support asylum seekers and such people majorly think that asylum seekers are no more than a burden for their economy. In addition to this, it is very hard for anyone entering the country unlawfully to get the protection by lawful means. They have to go through tedious legal procedure to seek protection under Australian territory. Even if they remain able to get the protection under law their miseries do not end. They are not provided with equal opportunities as those given to Australian nationals. I personally feel that such discriminatory behavior against asylum seekers on the part of general public and Australian government is undesirable.




总之,它可以指出,已经有了巨大的改变产品的设计相比传统和当代世界。差异在设计的前景,触觉,感觉和好处是可见的。在传统设计的产品像一把椅子,一个手机,电视,电脑等,花了太多的时间和精力设计师设计的产品。此外,产品的使用将是有限的。然而,在当今时代,随着技术的进步和创新,设计也出现了新的地平线,在产品设计已经成为一项简单的任务(阿什比,M. F.& 约翰逊,K,2013)。有更少的时间消耗产品。




To sum up, it can be noted that there has been a tremendous change in the designing of a product when compared to the traditional and the contemporary world. The differences in the design in its outlook, touch, feel and benefit are visible. In the traditional designing of a product like a chair, a mobile set, a TV, PC etc, it took much of the time and effort for the designers to design a product. Moreover, the use of the product will be limited. However, in the modern era, with the advancement of technology and innovation, the designing has also seen a new horizon, in which the product design has become an easy task (Ashby, M. F., & Johnson, K, 2013). There is less time consuming to make a product.


Considering the industrial products like mobile, PC, watches etc, the designing is easier and its working will be complex as it can deal multi-tasking, when compared to the simple traditional designs. When traditional designs have less technology on the creations, modern designs are mostly done using latest technologies, even considering the normal chairs, daily used utensils etc. On the other side, it is also argued that the quality of the traditionally designed products are more as they last for long time when compared to the modern hi-tech designed objects. Hence, with the support of technology, product design is made easy, less time consuming as these designer rely mostly on the machine run automated process for designing a product.




结构上的黑洞有三个截然不同的领域。它们是内部和外部视界和单点“奇点”(Redd,2015)。这个黑洞的外部边缘被称为黑洞表面或视界。这是进一步分为内部和外部区域(夏皮罗& Teukolsky,2008)。这是边界线内没有对象可以逃离黑洞。奇点是空间,物质的密度如此密集,空间和时间的意义在这一点变得无限(Wittke,2012)。




上面的例子表明,粒子的轨迹的途径以及一旦穿过视界不能一步也走不动了。它还表明,黑洞附近区域的影响超出了地平线的事件。它最终将试图达到的奇点(Wudka,1998)。黑洞的引力取决于质量和大小的黑洞。为太阳大小的黑洞的事件视界是3公里。数百万太阳质量的黑洞的大小如果3 * 109公里。一旦粒子拽入黑洞不能逃离它(Wudka,1998)。因此这些黑洞的影响到周边地区根据经典物理学理论。量子力学已经略有所不同黑洞对周围地区的影响。


Structurally the black holes have three distinct areas. They are the inner and outer event horizons and a single point “singularity” (Redd, 2015). The external borderline of this black hole is known as the surface of the black hole or event horizon. These are further divided into outer and inner areas (Shapiro & Teukolsky, 2008). This is the boundary line within which no object can escape from the black hole. Singularity is basically space where the density of matter is so dense that meanings of space and time become infinite in this point (Wittke, 2012).

According to classic physics theory once a particle or an electromagnetic radiation like x-ray, light, UV rays enters into this black hole it cannot escape from the black hole. In other words they are substances of extreme density that even light cannot escape from the black hole if it is in the vicinity of that of the black hole. The reason that the density of the area is so strong is because the large amount of matter is pressed into a very minute area (Redd, 2015).

The above illustration shows that the trajectories of the pathway of the particles and how once it crosses the event horizon cannot go any further. It also shows how the nearby areas are affected by the black holes beyond the event of horizon. It will ultimately try to reach the point of singularity (Wudka, 1998). The gravitational pull of the black hole depends on the mass and size of the black hole. For black holes the size of the sun the event of horizon is 3 km. A black hole with million solar masses the size if 3*109 km. Once the particle is pulled into the black hole it cannot escape from it (Wudka, 1998). Thus these are the effects of the black holes to the surrounding areas according to the classical physics theory. Quantum mechanics has a slightly different take on effects of black hole on the surrounding areas.





印度是一个国家的不同的宗教,因此,它不是强制性的,如果有一部分印度人喜欢特定的伦敦南岸大学那么印度人民喜欢的食物。这是因为跨文化差异为居住在印度的人不去为非素食的项目多,大多数伦敦南岸大学的食物包括非素食(aloia,et al.,2013)。除此之外,伦敦南岸大学将不得不面对来自印度的快餐零售商本地激烈的竞争,因为他们已经从印度时代以来的工作,这将是伦敦南岸大学与他们竞争的一个主要挑战(纽科姆,2013)。


Though it is obvious from the above discussion that global fast food chains which are planning to expand their activities in India have great opportunities in the country to achieve their objectives in future, it is not damn easy to grab Indian market so easily (Kannan, 2014). Hence, the companies like LSBU are likely to face many challenges while expanding their activities in India such as most of the Indian population is vegan and do not approve non vegetarian food. Also, those people who are not vegan do not go for beef products in LSBU’s food content as cow is holy in India and they are strictly against to eat beef products (Anand, 2011).

Besides this, Indian population has become really aware of counting calories in their food to get rid of obesity and this is the major challenge for the core food items of LSBU as they are full of calories and trans fat which is not good for health (Han, 2008). Besides this, some other major challenges that India presents to the LSBU fast food outlets may include cross cultural differences, vegetarianism, competition from local food retailers, cost issues, eating patterns and nutritional values (McKinsey Global Institute, 2007).


India is a country of various religions and therefore, it is not compulsory that if one portion of Indian population likes a particular food item of LSBU then all the Indian people would like it. This is because of cross cultural differences as people residing in India do not go for non vegetarian items much and most of the food items of LSBU include non veg (Aloia, et al., 2013). Apart from this, LSBU will have to face tough competition from the local fast food retailers in India as they have been working in India since ages and it will be a major challenge for LSBU to compete with them (Newcomb, 2013).








When organizations go on with the change the most important aspect is about leadership that helps in bringing the change smoothly and after reading the case it has been evaluated that TR Ltd. Has not considered all these aspects. They are only forcing the change without following the proper steps of implementing the change without developing the model of planner change. In this way they are going to face resistance by the employees. It can be clearly stated that leadership of the organization is poor and this is the reason why change process is poor. Blackard (2000) commented that resistance on the planned change can vary from all levels and this can result in frustration and aggression levels in the employees that are not good for the productivity of the organization. The most successful strategies of the organizations start with a good leader and that leader brings in the tools and vision that can help in overcoming this resistance.


In this case also it has been mentioned that Managing director of the organization is not willing to take the employees in the process of change or communicate with them. This is one of the examples of poor leadership that can bring disaster for future in the company. Blanchard (2013) commented that no company can maintain success and grow in future until employees of the organization are happy and satisfied with their job. Coercion of any sort will limit the chances of productivity and retention of the employees that can be a big loss for the company. Allcorn (2002) commented that one of the major reasons why employees resist changing is bad management and this is present in the case in which only directors of the department have decided collectively about the change and this change has not been communicated with the employees properly.








Literature has a very important role to play in society and in the lives of all the people. It is an immeasurable realm and its influence is far beyond the reaches of people. It is such an enormous expanse that one would begin to articulate some form of response. Chinese literature, to many westerners, has not been easily accessible as it had remained hidden in the higher strata of the society “shi da fu (士大夫)” in Chinese culture. In the long history of China, each dynasty has carried down magnificent and brilliant work that is considered a treasure and holds a significant amount of contribution in passing the legacy of the profound series of events and works done by them.


Chinese literature is interwoven with its own reigning cultural tradition, its own tastes, values and its own theoretical system (Bond, 1996). It possesses the potential of revealing its art and its social climate by encompassing a variety of forms and a series of genres such as fictions, dramas, poetries, astrology and essays. Much of the Chinese literature, culture and philosophy was developed during the rule of Zhou dynasty. In a chronological order, Chinese culture can be classified on the basis of four main periods: Classical literature, Modern Chinese literature, Contemporary Chinese literature and the present-age Chinese literature.




这是商业战略涉及一个公司执行在某些领域的研究和转化这一想法它探索通过研发到产品然后提供进入市场。这是需求拉动的反向策略的需求存在于市场和公司反应进行研究和产品的开发和生产,然后提供给市场(Mital,德赛,萨勃拉曼尼亚& Mital,2014)。根据这一理论,一个公司决定引进一个新功能的移动设备和执行研究和发展,在完成本研究领域和发展阶段的公司进入生产阶段功能成功添加后的设备和装置的功能是在市场和营销活动发布启动教育人们关于功能的设备的好处(Foehr,贼鸥,Turrin Petrali,&帕加尼,2013)。




It is the business strategy which involves the fact that a company performs the research in some area and convert that idea which it explored through the research and development into the product and then offered it into the market. This is the reverse of the demand pull strategy in which a demand is present in the market and company responds by performing research and development and production of the product and then offer it to the market (Mital, Desai, Subramanian, & Mital, 2014). According to this theory, a company decides to bring in a new feature in their mobile device and performs the research and development in that area after completing this research and development phase company enter into the production phase of the feature in the device and after the successful addition of the feature in the device it is released in the market and a marketing campaign is launched to educate people about the benefits of that feature in the device (Foehr, Jager, Turrin, Petrali, & Pagani, 2013).


Several steps involve in PD each with their specific purpose which are focus to cover different aspects. Different types of theories are presented about PD i.e. Don Koberg with his fellow researcher Jim Bengal has presented 7 steps theory for problem solving related to creativity. PD provide the design engineers to align their activities according to universal benchmarks which help them in developing a standard product (Liang, Tan, & Ma., 2013). There are several people which involve in the process from idea to the last stage of developing tangible product.






电影一方面描述了以色列的恶性行为,对违反了他们对国际法,种族歧视和排斥的规章制度在过去的难民营,而在另一方面它也显示了新的屠杀以色列在加沙。政治参与这部电影的观点解释说没有正在采取措施阻止这样一个恐怖的事件,即使是那些有能力采取行动(Landesman & Bendor,2011)。以色列人没有直接指责,但相信他们有能力阻止屠杀。


Waltz with Bashir is an Israeli animated movie directed by Ari Forman. The movie was released in the year 2008. The team took four years of time to complete the movie. The story of movie belongs to the time period of 1982 when Lebanon war was going on. It was the time when Christian Phalangists murder civilians at Palestinian refugee camps named Sabra and Shatila in Beirut. Even though Israeli did not assist them in massacre, they did not take any action to stop them too (Harsin, 2009). In the massacre at Palestinian camps approximately 2000 civilians were murdered brutally.


The movie on one hand describes about the vicious act of Israel, about the violations made by them against international law, racism and about rejection of rules and regulations at refugee camps of the past, and on other hand it also shows the new slaughters by Israelis at Gaza. The political point of view involved in the movie explains that no steps were taken to stop such a horrifying event even by those who have got the power to take some action (Landesman & Bendor, 2011). Israelis were not blamed directly, but it was believed that they have got a power to stop the massacre.








What I felt that in order to garner more support from the fans across the world and also from the ones present there, she made an additional effort to endear herself to her fans. She made sure that she thanked everyone in the audience again and again for providing her the much needed support. She also told many things about her childhood and one of the things were that her favorite movie as a child was I Not stupid which was directed by Jack Neo and she also told various other things too which made the audience connect to her. At the end of the show she said something which almost stole the hearts of everyone in the audience she said that as compared to the love she has received from the audience, a boyfriend doesn’t mean anything in comparison.

It was not till the end of the show that the things at the concert started to heat up. G.E.M which stands for Get Everybody Moving, was able to make almost everyone present in the audience to get on their feet and dance on several songs like Want to tell you and what have you done. With the amount of talent she has, it is actually very sad to see that she isn’t well known amongst her fan for her own songs. However, we must take into consideration the fact that she is very young now and the every rising count of her fans (2.3 million on Facebook and rising) it will not be a surprise to many that she would be able to produce a stable of her own hits. Moreover, it will not be a surprise to others that she was able to sell every show in a matter of few minutes or hours.


























Daniel Kahneman has focused on the system II and according to him the system II is more influential on the human thoughts and on the human activities. The Daniel Kahneman has given the importance and significance of the both systems and in order to make the understanding better he used various pictures and practical examples in his book where he used various pictures in order to check the system I of human that is the unconscious and automatic thinking. Moreover the Daniel Kahneman has also used various facts and realities in order to check eh system II of thinking that is the conscious and deliberated act of our mind.


It is important to see how things in the surroundings are shaping up in order to ensure a clear understanding of human thinking and the patterns attached with the thinking. Not only that the author has attached a great deal of information with the human patterns, it has provided an in depth analysis of how human brain works in different conditions. The need to have a firm knowledge of brain helps in understanding behaviors and reactions that in turn will help in keeping the mind alert.




这本书是丹尼尔·卡尼曼写的,他是伟大的作家,这是他写的最好的书。这本书有许多奖项和奖金由于其写作。丹尼尔•卡尼曼(Daniel Kahneman)解释了关于人格和人类思维的思考如何在各种条件和人类思维认为的方式反映出人类的个性。在他的著作《丹尼尔•卡尼曼(Daniel Kahneman),把人类的思维和心灵感知分为两个方面,一个是缓慢的思考,二是快速思考。


丹尼尔•卡尼曼(Daniel Kahneman)解释说,我们的思维从周围环境中收集周围的信息,然后开始做出不同的快和慢的思考。行动的人类和人类的个性反映了人类思维的这些想法和思考. .在他的著作《丹尼尔•卡尼曼(Daniel Kahneman),用于把这本书分为各个部分和解释了事情一步一步。丹尼尔•卡尼曼(Daniel Kahneman)用来解释我们的大脑和思维的不同阶段在书的第一部分,是“介绍与关注系统的思考我。“在这一部分,Daniel Kahneman解释了人类大脑的思维不同的系统。


The book is written by the Daniel Kahneman, he was the great writer and this was one of the best books written by him. The book is entitled of many awards and winnings due to its writing. Daniel Kahneman has explained about the personality and about the thinking of human mind that how the human mind thinks in the various conditions and what are the ways of reflecting the human personality. In his book the Daniel Kahneman, has divided the thinking and mind perception of the human into two ways, one is the slow thinking and second is the fast thinking.

Daniel Kahneman has explained that our mind gathers around information from the surroundings and then starts to make different fast and slow thinking. Action of humans and personality of human reflects these ideas and thinking of human mind.. In his book the Daniel Kahneman, has used to divide this book into various parts and explains the things step by step. The Daniel Kahneman uses to explain our brain and its various stages of thinking in the part one of book and that is the “introduction of thinking with the focus on system me.” In this part the Daniel Kahneman has explained about the different system of thinking of human mind.




研究称在当前场景由毛雷尔等,(2002)和麦当劳等,(2008)试图关注对骨钙和原因的重要性和饮食习惯可能/不可能导致骨质疏松症,酸中毒或其他并发症。而研究毛雷尔et al .,(2002)对雄性和雌性,这项研究由麦当劳et al .,2008年是更年期妇女进行60 – 65年。研究由毛雷尔et al .,(2002)是短暂的七天内,但Mc唐纳德和他的同事在2008年进行的这项研究共两年。


毛雷尔和他的同事试图建立一个传统的西方饮食之间的重要连接是高度发达的酸从而导致酸中毒等骨相关疾病由于快速丧失骨钙和皮质醇通过顺利取代酸性盐分别与NaHCO3和KHCO3。他们表明,骨钙保留情况中和饮食中增加。另一方面,麦当劳et al .,(2008)表明,碱丰富的饮食和充足的水果和蔬菜或柠檬酸钾不能导致骨髓密度的显著变化在长期在更年期后的女性。



Both the studies referred in the present scenario conducted by Maurer et al., (2002) and Mc Donald et al., (2008) try to draw attention towards the importance of bone calcium and the reasons and food habits which might/might not lead to osteoporosis, acidosis or other complications. While the study of Maurer et al., (2002) was conducted on both males and females, the study conducted by Mc Donald et al., 2008 was conducted on post menopausal women of 60-65 years only. The study conducted by Maurer et al., (2002) was for a short seven day period, but Mc Donald and his colleagues in 2008 carried out the study for a total two years.

Maurer and his colleagues tried to establish an important interlink between the conventional western diet which is highly rich is acid thereby leading to acidosis and other bone related disorders due to rapid loss of bone calcium and cortisol by smoothly substituting the acidic salts with NaHCO3 and KHCO3 respectively. They showed that bone calcium retention increased in cases where a neutralization diet was given. On the other hand, Mc Donald et al., (2008) showed that alkali rich diet with ample fruits and vegetables or potassium citrate was unable to cause significant change in the bone marrow density in the long run in post menopausal women.
Thus, the exact role of alkali in bone calcium retention or the specific fruit/ vegetable which could help in retention of bone calcium thereby maintaining the bone marrow density needs further research.








Museums are historical, social and cultural symbols for contemporary society. However this view is quite narrow as it constraints the utilitarian value of the museum (Black, 2005). They are more than just symbols and are emotional attachments for the people. Munro (2014) states that visitor interactions with the museum in the form of discussions around the exhibitions, the displays and the chat places will contribute to emotions. Also there are emotions created between the museum collections and the people (Munro, 2014). The Museum development processes these days are also aware of it. Museum development process these days keep in mind that museums are not just warehouses for relics and artefacts, but that the museum itself will serve as an educational tool (Templeton, 2011).


Audience engagement by museum development and by focusing on interior decorations that involve community inputs has been growing. Attracting museum visitors are a main priority (Waltl, 2006), and to do this museums are increasingly becoming places without walls as Davies (2013) puts it. Community engagement can be created only by primarily engaging the community in museum collection and gallery constructions. This essay critically reviews how museums are reaching out to the society in order to create audience engagement strategies that meet diverse community/audience requirements.




维克多解释说,她在早期的年龄和遭受的压力看起来不错,这个元素使她忘记,集中对其他积极的方面她的性格就像研究。“当她来到了大学成为异国同学在她不同的颜色(棕色)和有一个诱人的吸引力。多社会生活她需要稳定生活”(Mcquade 341)。随着年龄的增长她抓住她的性格,关注她的性格的积极和重要元素除了外观和颜色。维克多的故事是很常见的,可以观察到在其他女孩来自不同地区特别是来自非洲区域。




Victor explained that she suffered in her early age and had pressure to look good and this element made her forget and concentrate about other positive aspects of her personality like good in studies. “When she came to the college she becomes exotic to her fellow students as she was of different color (brown) and had a seductive appeal. More than social life she needed stability in her life” (Mcquade 341). As she grew older she got hold of her personality and focused on the positive and prominent elements of her personality other than appearance and her color. The story of Victor is common and can be observed in every other girl coming from different region especially from African region.


Victor was motivated by her inner abilities and talents and promised with her that she will gain stability in her life. Victor was married and was contended from her life and appearance after she made peace with herself. She concentrated on her academic abilities and became confident to about her abilities. She decided to work on her abilities so she can gain competitive advantage over others on her mental strengths (Cruz, 1997). Looking at your personality and appearance in the way others want to see you become difficult and challenging to cope up with the real personality. In all these pressures the real identity is lost and becomes vague to an extent. The only reason to resolve all these issues is by concentrating on the personal abilities more than appearance.








For providing the entire Canadian community with several processes of sustainable development, the department of justice in Canada has established several laws for the entire community that includes the family laws, criminal justice, funding, and several laws. The family law is provided to enhance the child support, enforcement support, divorce and separation, family justice services, custody and parenting services, spousal support, publications, provincial and territorial contact services. The criminal justice will include youth justice, victims, family violence, criminal conviction review, human trafficking, war crimes, and crimes against humanity, national security, and mutual legal assistance. Funding law services will include Aboriginal communities, criminal and family justice, justice system and policy, government funding, application form funding and several procedures to apply. Along with the development sectors, the laws will include constitutional documents, acts, regulations and Canadian rules.


Thus, from the above Canadian law and justice practices, it is clearly known that, the rights and the justice along with the judiciary acts are common for all, and these rights must be learned and should also be claimed by the marginalized and poverty line people to avail the rights and needs to earn and to live an economically benefited culture along with the people around in a very well equipped and peaceful manner. This could help the people in getting several growth and improvements beyond the level of spirit, desire, expectations and the margin of limits, which could help the nations to grow in equity.








Turkheimer et al. had used Scores on the Wechsler Intelligence Scale for kids were dissected in a test of 7-year-aged twins from the National Collaborative Perinatal venture. A generous amount of the twins were brought up in families existing close or underneath the poverty point. Biometric examinations were directed utilizing representations taking into consideration segments characterized to the added substance impacts of genotype, imparted environment, and non-imparted environment to communicate to socio-economic standing (SES) considered as a consistent variable. Outcomes show that the extents of IQ fluctuation characterized to genes and environment change nonlinearly through SES. The representations propose that in bankrupted families, 60% of the fluctuation in IQ is represented by the imparted environment, and the commitment of genes is near zero; in rich families, the consequence is just about precisely the converse.


The impact of surroundings on the IQ of youthful kids can be critical, especially for youngsters existing in destitution. As the impact of destitution reductions, the vitality of natural conditions as a restricting element on insights additionally diminishes. By dealing with the ecological concerns made by scarcity, it might be conceivable to debilitate the connection between small SES and poor learner execution on IQ (and further) examinations.











The literature review from several journal articles will help in researching on theoretical models and conceptions along with frameworks with respect to supply chain issues while developing new products in the fashion industry.
From this perspective the theories in this research paper will have its basis on researches that have place in the field of fashion industry along with concepts related to supply chain management strategies (Brun et al 2008).
The three main theories here will be inclusive of traditional supply chain management, agility in supply chain and Responding quickly. Other frameworks will be inclusive of studying the logistics framework of fashion industries while development of new product which will further be inclusive of 3 important leading times which are time to market, time to serve and time to react.
The theories of virtual integration and market sensitivity will also further the insights on inefficient supply chain issues.
The shorter life cycles of products in the industry of fashion has made companies to look into the way in which supply chain can be rationalized and for this, adopting a new fashion strategy has become considerably important. However, the issues present in the supply chain are not able to make the organizations produce their new products on time and with quality (Hines et al 2007). This research is not only important from the perspective of fashion industry but also important on a niche level for new fashion organizations who are still striving to develop new products.
By organizing the theories and conceptions related to the research topic, the research question will help in answering “Does supply chain influences on new product development in fashion clothing?”











Price discrimination is all about the difference done in prices by the firm at the time of selling the goods. Different markets are there and the preference of buyers and consumers are totally different here. There are different criteria on which the discrimination is based. If the rise in prices are not high as per the expectations of the consumer then whatever the extra amount is charged by the firm that is the revenue of the firm.

Discrimination is done by the firms in the prices of the goods. Price discrimination means charge the prices by the firms for the same goods or services. The reason behind all this is only they want to generate the maximum revenue out of it. It should not be based on the prejudice, stereotype.

(Source: economicsonline.co.uk)


  • Second price discriminations means, price charges by the firm are different for the different quantities. It shows that the total prices are different for all the quantities, which is quite fare (Armstrong, M.2005).
  • Third price discrimination means, charge of prices are different for the different categories of consumers. It is very commonly seen in the market. For example: prices of train tickets vary according to the consumers, type of coach, luxurious/ non luxurious etc. Three categories are defined under travellers- children, adults, and old citizens. The prices of fare tickets are different, there are certain exemptions. So this example is related with this discrimination.







A simple OLS model will consist of several components and calculations that belong to the OLS model of the analysis. Some of the components of the variances in OLS will include, Error variance, Total sample variation, linear relationships among independent variables, and standard errors. Among the above components, the well known component is considered to be the standard errors. Here, the standard error will itself include the sample variance, as both of them are related to providing common coefficients and variables. Now by using the variance expressions, the coefficients, standard error, sample size, and the r square coefficients will be founded. All these model calculations will help the final model to provide the resulting OLS model. Here, the OLS results will include several significances and reset tests to provide bigger and clear variations and samples of economic values to the regression and the population model.


This analysis part is to ensure the successful completion of successful portions and parts of strategies that could develop the rate and growth of the economy in a very affordable and beneficial way. The final estimate of background information, the description model, empirical data, preliminary regression, sources of data, economic growth rate, descriptive statistics, and preliminary reset and significance tests, Final OLS model along with the OLS results, and the economic analysis will provide the complete report of information about the factors affecting the economy and the solutions to reveal the economy in a very good way. This strategy could also help the people to get provided with best causes and impacts to be known in the economic growth and the factors related to the growth and demolition of the economy without any kind of afoul.




以来,中国打开合作的大门,战斗在全球层面,中国经历了不同的发展阶段。作为劳动力的影响和阶段由资本已经开始减少,该国增长的生产力应该越来越多的创新素质和组织管理专业水准。例如,从1990年- 2000年的生产力水平。年代在零售业增长由于大量依赖于信息技术的使用和优化供应链。以类似的方式,中国还需要更多的创新在技术层面。中国GDP的份额增长了两倍,因为更大的压力研究和开发历时3年,但随着时间的推移,这个比例是逆相关,R和D的增长增加较小的时间(11 – 15号的王等)。尽管支出模式显示更少的迹象平衡自2012年以来,增长健康导致获得3.0的比率增长。与可用的干预政策而言,自然资源和庞大的人口,经济增长的障碍可以很容易地受到这个国家。与革新政策考虑关于绿色可持续发展在所有部门,国家的表现是固定的。进一步稳定在经济领域没有太多对公共投资的依赖也将帮助该国在未来安全本身(11 – 15号的蜀等)。中国的技术部门是巨大的和更多的依赖创新肯定会揭示有益的结果。


Ever since, China opened the doors to collaborate and fight at the global level, the country has gone through various development stages. As the influence of the labor forces and phases led by capital have started to eliminate, the growth in terms of productivity in the country should be more and more from the innovative quality and organizational level management expertise. For example, from the year 1990-2000, the productivity levels of U.S within the retailing sector grew due to large dependency on information technology usage and optimization of supply chain. In the similar manner, China also requires more innovations to take place at the technological level. The share of GDP by China has tripled because of more stress of research and development over a span of 3 decades but this ratio with time has to be inversely related that is increase in growth of R and D in lesser time (Wang et al 11-15). But even though the spending pattern has showed less signs of rebalance since 2012, the growth has been healthier resulting in acquiring of a 3.0 ratio growth. With available interventions in terms of policies, natural resources and a vast population, the barriers to growth can easily be limited by the country. With revolutionizing on policy considerations with regard to green sustainable growth in all sectors, the outperformance of the country is fixed. With further stability in economic segments without much reliance on public investments will also help the country to secure itself in the future (Shu et al 11-15). The technological sector of China is vast and reliance more on innovation will certainly reveal beneficial outcomes.








People will want to meet the celebrity and come to events. This would also enable the marketing team to reach to a new customer base. Once the events start the place should be flooded with the brand images, logo and the phrase of AM. Care should be taken by AM to ensure that it does not mar the event happenings that were requested by the client in any way. There should not be any compromises in this area. The marketing team must make every effort to reach to the customer base making their services irresistible (Calonius, 1986). The people should want to utilize the products and services after attending the event. The fundamental marketing purpose of the product must not be forgotten or sidetracked with the business elements. The event should solely focus on the brand and the brand recognition.

The internal marketing of the brand should also take place. AM should be able to incentivize its employees in understanding the brand value. It can do so by giving honorary certificates for attending brand awareness training and more.

To recapitulate branding logo and catch phrases are the pulse of marketing. Event marketing is an important tool in creating a brand image. In the context of an organization that is in the events industry, it follows that the organization has wider chances of displaying its logo and brand and hence can create better brand awareness. The marketing of the brand is one of the most critical factors in the growth and brand building of the business or specific brand. This report discusses the same ‘importance of the branding theory’. Specifically, it is concluded that in events, event planning, or event management, branding plays a vital role.




有两个不同的点之间的奢侈品消费在中国和发达国家;首先,时代集团在中国购买奢侈品是20-45岁之间,而在发达国家,市场是由40 – 70岁组。这一现象表明,中国奢侈品消费的群体是相对年轻的比较与发达国家集团。第二,大多数中国人、皮具、豪华服装、香水、手表等个人用品都是奢侈品。然而,大多数人生活在发达国家,他们认为,房子、汽车和旅行是真正的奢侈品。这些差异说明中国人民之间的不同的生活方式,人们生活在发达国家。


根据中国人口年龄结构图在2013年底(见picture4.1),20-45年龄结构的比例占45.98%的中国人口年龄结构(7.66% + 6.74% + 6.74% + 6.76% + 9.04% + 9.04%)。作为研究员上面所提到的,在中国奢侈品的主要消费群体是20-45岁这个年龄段接管附近全中国人口的一半。因此,中国市场,大多数奢侈品零售公司,最大的潜力。


There are two different points between the consumption of luxury goods in China and in developed countries; first, the age group which purchasing luxury goods in China is between 20-45 years old, while in developed countries, the market is dominated by 40-70 years old group. This phenomenon showed that the group of Chinese consumption of luxury goods was relative young to compare with the group in developed countries. Second, to most Chinese people, leather goods, luxury clothing, perfume, watches and other personal items are the luxury items. However, to most people who live in the developed countries, they hold that house, car and travel are the real luxury goods to them. These differences illustrated the different lifestyles between Chinese people and people live in developed countries.


According to the Population Age Structure Diagram of China at the end of 2013(see picture4.1), the proportion of 20-45 age structure occupied 45.98% of the whole population age structure of China (7.66%+6.74%+6.37%+6.76%+ 9.04%+9.41%). As researcher mentioned above, main consumption group of luxury goods in China is 20-45 years old, this age group took over near half of the whole population in China. Therefore, Chinese market, to most luxury goods retail companies, has the greatest potential.








The Econometrics has mainly helped the accounting and business sectors to make evaluations on separate disciplines of the mathematical statistics to create solutions for the problems that have been evolved from non experimental economic data. These data and essential information are not accumulated through the controlled experiments and analysis of individuals, firms and segments of the economy. The method of multiple regression analysis is the main process used in the economic and statistical analysis. It is a necessity provided for the regression analysis, which could help the economic strategies to deal with the complexities of economic data and with the test predictions of economic rules and theories. Among several tools and techniques indicated in the models, the econometric analysis will include several procedures such as making use of the Shazam output and the Shazam run data to analyze the exact practical output value and the practical run data output.


Practical values are needed in necessity because, sometimes, simple errors in the theoretical data could become a much bigger impact to make severe conflicts to the background information and to the final analysis of the model, which is going to be implemented. This could help the members of the economy to develop the field and techniques along with several tools that could be used to develop the economy in a very beneficial and cost effective way. With this simple theoretical and practical analysis, one could be able to get provided with best measures to detect and to destroy and to protect the economy from the severe factors that are affecting them in a very crucial way.










Consider a sentence, “It has an exciting fresh plot”. Here, the adjectival modification will contain the aspect token (e.g. “Plot”), and uses the “amod” relations to extract a list of the adjectival modifiers of the aspect token (e.g. the two words “exciting” and “fresh” in this case).In the above module, one could notice that, certain aspect tokens are often described by non-opinion words. For example, the phrase “main plot” is often used; “main” adjective modifies “plot”, so the opinion extractor will find “main” as an opinion.


Here, consider the sentence, “the plot was dull”, where, the interest is to only look forward for the “amod” relations that miss the word “dull” .Notice that when linked via a copula to an adjective, the noun is always in an “nsubj” relation with the adjective itself. So, one should use appropriate dependency relations to output the term opinion word “dull”.


Here, from the above references, the opinion extractors must be created. It will only find the opinion “dull”. It would not recover an indication of the strength of the opinion. Adverbs like “excessively” elaborate on the adjectives that they modify in adverbial modification relations. The relevant dependency relation could be used to show this relationship as “advmod”. But, this opinion extraction function when given in a sentence like those aspect tokens, “plot”, should use the advmod relation to output the features like “excessively-dull”. Consider, the below mentioned module. If this has a list of strings, then one could use python’s join function to concatenate them into a single string. But, here, the opinion extractor must be tested and the example test sets must be set in order to check whether the function is working as per the requirement.








The most characteristic difference between the two is that organized religion is viewed as a set of custom practices enacted by the people with significant symbolist meanings and spirituality essentially is about the mind. This concept of organized religion is seen in many of the religions of the world. It is usually a set of customs practices enacted by the people. It is believed that spirituality is the concept of becoming embedded with nature and the natural elements of the nature. There are no significant symbolist rituals enacted by spiritualism. There are also some negative reviews done on spiritualism by people who do not understand the inherent nature of spirituality. Attachment with the environment is also a form of spirituality.  Researchers say that deep ecological preservation and spirituality in nature is actually the amalgamation of mind with the environment.


People really do experience a transformative sense on being exposed to the concepts of earth ecology (Pepper, 2002). Since there are people who misuse these concepts for their selfish gains it is viewed as dangerous path by people who have been exploited. The real truth actually cause true liberation of the mind and brings a sense of belonging to the environmental networks that exist. The author has given a comprehensive viewpoint of the different religions and even mentioned the irony of some religious practices. In the context of deep ecology, this is as much depth that one might get too as this penetrates the very ideology of men.












The companies have to work under extremely complex conditions in all areas such as aviation, transport, labour recruitment, employment contracts and even laws and regulations formed by the government.
Strict laws have been framed by the U.S government after the incident of September 11, 2001. If any company fails to comply these rules and regulations heavy penalties are imposed on them by the governments both on national and international level (Bies, 2007).
Strikes, lockouts and slow down of services by the workers is another environmental factor which affects the workings of the UPS and its competitors.
Changing preferences and demands of customers also affects the workings of the company. If any of the company fails to deliver services and products as per consumer demands they might loss a customer base for the long run or on permanent basis.
Disruptive services of logistic partners and suppliers and even the changes in the prices of oil and gas affect the workings of UPS and its competitors (Durlak, 2008).
Cyclical and seasonal fluctuations affect the demands of services of the company. The services of UPS and its competitors are greatly affected by natural calamities such as hurricanes, heavy snow flow and floods etc. which blocks the transportation systems also affects the workings of these companies.
The workings of UPS and competitors are also affected by the restrictions imposed on flights by airport authorities due to any reasons. Generally this is not the case but in certain cases like that in case of fire and other emergency condition flights are cancelled or their routes are diverted which affects the companies.




过去几十年以来的戏剧性进展中国尤其是在最近10年了成功,中国是获得温(91 – 96)。中国的经济增长表现动态和相当大的相比,世界其他经济增长。这个国家的减贫成就过去30年以来也明显的超过5亿人民前进的贫困线以下。人类发展指标也显示类似的大幅增长也进步贡献努力在全球层面。国际教育指标也描绘的增长比率越来越高技术行业增长放缓。中国的经济明显的各种经济视角显示,中国在未来有一个美好的未来,即使当前水平的增长可能放缓几个百分比(世界银行)。然而消除障碍可以发生在该国一次一步是采取避免只取决于公共投资。中国的经济价值超过10万亿美元在2013年增长7.7%。此外,对于了解中国目前的经济,信息从供应部门、需求部门和信贷行业是充分的,本报告中讨论,揭示了国家拥有巨大的发展前景。如果美国政府关注经济增长的模型转化为变得慢一点但同时同样可持续,那么机会消除它的障碍变得更为重要。


The dramatic progress of China since the past several decades especially over a span of 10 recent years has highlighted the success that China is gaining (Wen et al 91-96). The economic growth performance of China has been dynamic and considerable in comparison to other growing economies of the world. The achievement of poverty reduction in the country since the past 30 years is also appreciable with more than 500 million citizens moving ahead of the poverty line. Human development indicators have also revealed similarly substantial growth progress contributing also towards making efforts at the global level. International education indicators have also depicted increasingly higher growth ratios with a slower growth in technological sector. The economy of China as evident from the various economic perspectives of China has revealed that the country in future has a bright future even though the growth may be slow at the current level by a few percentages (World Bank). However elimination of barriers can take place in the country once a step is taken to refrain from depending on public investments only. The economy of China was worth more than 10 trillion dollars in the year 2013 showing a growth of 7.7 percent. Furthermore, for understanding the economy of China currently, the information from its supply sectors, demand sectors and credit sectors is sufficient as discussed in this report to reveal the tremendous growth prospects that the country holds. If the nation’s government focuses on converting the model of its economic growth to become a little slower but at the same time equally sustainable, then the opportunities to eliminate its barriers becomes more significant.






Recently, the upheaval in the energy markets and the busting of oil sectors in Alberta has created a drastic change in the Canadian history and this change in economical rate has affected the unemployment rate in a very rather way. From the month of June, the prices of oils has been plunged to more than 20% and this leads to several losses of income in the economy of Canadian stocks, which is found in the global stock market. But after several days of recovery, this correction has lead to the great recession in the economy in the sectors of oil and unemployment. The Canadians who believe in the sectors of energy have got more recessions and unemployment strategies. This single recession has changed the whole part of the economy, which belongs to the reliable economic engine. Now the oil supplies are drying up and this ending age of oil could not get enough profits in all strategies of economical growth. Several magazines and text books have given proofs for the provision of several supplies and demands in which the companies have invested to get several profits and demands. But this past decade values has mainly affected the energy conservation methods and this has unlocked the resources and this in turn mainly leads to the increase in unemployment factors. For the topmost Canadian economies, the energy sectors are considered to be the main spot. Here, the main energy sectors are considered to be the oil sector and this sector is recession now.




一个月期间的收益率在0.90到0.86之间变化,对于特定的利率为1.25%。上述收益率曲线为一个月时间。这条曲线表明,从2013的产量已经减少了很多。01月2014日,它是0.90但在05月2014日,它降低到0.88(Deepti Govind,2014)。


This essay focuses on the financial market and institutions in Canada. The interest rates yield and inflation rates are the important indicators in the financial markets. The interest rates here are followed from the Bank of Canada website as being the best reliable source of information. The trends for the interest’s rate with other factors are also observed in this essay to understand the scenario in next couple of months.

The interest rate and yields are the important factors in the financial markets. The interest rates in Canada are 1.25%. The treasury yields are 0.90 and bond yields is 1.04 as reported on the official Canada bank website. These interest rates and yields are identified only at the Bank of Canada website, which is an official and reliable source of the information. The below graphs are for the yield curve for the specified interest rate for 1 month, 3 month, 6 months and 1-3 years duration (Bank of Canada, 2014).

The yield for one month period varies in between 0.86 to 0.90 for the certain given interest rate of 1.25%. The above yield curve is for one month duration. This curve indicates that from 2013 the yield has been reduced a lot. On 01 Oct 2014, it was 0.90 but on 05 Nov 2014, it reduced to 0.88 (Deepti Govind, 2014).

Below curve is for 3 months duration according to Bank of Canada official website. The below yield curve indicates that the yield rate has been reduced from 0.92 to 0.90. This means that for 3 months duration the investment return will be less on the government bonds. This indicates that the expected return would be less for 6 month duration if invested (Bank of Canada, 2014).






Explain how Marx’s conception of human nature also underlies the basic claim of one of our other readings—either (1) his claim in “The Jewish Question” that the political emancipation of Jews and other religious minorities by the separation of church and state does not constitute the human emancipation of those minorities; or (2) the claim from Capital that the way we treat commodities constitutes a form of “fetishism.

Marx conception of the Human nature has been the basic claim for a large number of readings/ in one such read he claims that the political emancipation of the Jews and other minorities does not constituents the human emancipation of the minorities. He said that the German Jews are the people who are egoistic. On one hand, they want to work for the political emancipation of the country and on the other hand as human beings you work for the emancipation of the mankind. He said that they used to recognize that the Christian state is justified and they can also get the recognition from the general oppression. He said that it was due to the nature of the Christian state, that it was incapable of emancipation of the Jew. In particular the German Jew was confronted due to the absence of the political emancipation.






There have been various supporting activities needed and to be taken care of at the tourism industry. These include accommodation, transport, local drinks, arts and crafts, etc. All these have taken care by the various destination organisations. These organisation even with the help of various other organisations promote themselves as a brand. They come forward for the organisations to help, support and promote the tourism sector, adding up the value to the organisation. However, promoting the organisations with the help of these public boards and agencies are not sufficient. The organisations themselves need to come forward with different strategies to achieve success.

The competitor organisations exist in the market providing similar existing services as that of Cotswold. Some of them excel and provide better services than Cotswold while others are new to the field.

The market trend of the tousrism industry is changing constantly. Be it staycation, sustainability, going green or any other issue, organisations dealing in this field should grab the full opportunities existing in it. There are various strengths and weaknesses in the oganisations that could be sensed easily and they should be worked upon internally in the organisation. Similarly, there are opportunities existing in the market that these organisations should fully avail. Meanwhile, it is important to know about the threats prevailing in the market and try to be minimise them so that it does not affect the business of the organisations.

A smart move, however, if taken by Cotswolds Tourism and other Tourism and destination companies will help the tourism sector and industry achieve new heights.







Environmental Performance of Dominos: Dominos has been concentrated on sustainable development programs since its inception. They have been committed towards the environment stewardship in their operations. They are also dedicated towards the enhancements in their environmental performance. This done by assuring that all the wastes which are obtained from their processes are disposed and recycled in a proper manner. They take care that the harmful effluents are properly destroyed and the useful ones are recycled. Also, they have been complying with all the activities related to the environmental. In order to ensure that there is no harm to the environment, they have integrated each and every environmental issue in their business process reports which are followed strictly by all the stakeholders. Dominos also ensures that the development of the new processes are done with a view enhance sustainable development. In addition to this, dominos also increases its employers and customers to use methods which are environmental friendly. They make sure that the company’s environmental impact is minimum. Dominos provides proper training related to environmental awareness to all of its new employees. Thus, they follow all the environmental standards.
Economic performance of dominos: The method of value chain and franchisee has led to a vast gain in the economic performance of dominos in the last ten years. Further improvement in economic performance is done by the use of technology through the official websites of dominos and the social community pages. It has been observed that dominos has attained a profit of over 45.8 million in the year 2014. The dominos has strived for the further economic enhancement in their performance by growth in online orders in Australia, Japan, New Zealand, and Europe in the next five years.






Hard efforts put forth in reducing the size (Minimalism) and functionality (Usage) and appropriate sleek design. Small and beautiful was the theme behind the manufacture of Apple Computers, which created a revolution in a compact no nonsense design approach. This success can also be termed as a true victory for the designers of the products as they shed the old world ideology and came into the real world using functionalism as a prime focus of design approach and a process of re-inventing themselves. The Bauhaus way of building construction which originated in Germany was a front runner in changing the traditional ideas of constructing a building. This was a built in the same minimalist ideology as was discussed for the Apple. There was a brief respite in this style of building when Hitler rose to power. But this school of thought gained more momentum later. The people of this school of thought rejected the idea of constructing massive structures with no utilitarian point of view, and the idea of huge tombs and towers were anathema to the Bauhaus idea people. They likened to construct their building with minimalist outer design, and with more concentration in the usage and functional aspect shedding unwanted ornamental design. In Strict terms, this was a pure classical and traditional form of building with a rational view point (Meij, 2003).







The interest rate is also defined as the relationship between bond or interest rates and maturity time. The interest rate is also called as yield rate and therefore is playing a vital role in part of the economy. The structure yield also refers as market expectations moreover, it used for further needs, therefore this yield rate is provided in the policy of monetary conditions. The yield curve differs based on interest rates, if your interest is long term then it will raise. In case if your value is low, then it becomes less. Here the plot of the UK yield curve is given below where it highly used for people how the value is often increasing.
The plot of the interest curve provides number of bonds where along with the various terms in order to identify the terms of risk, tax considerations as well as liquidity. Also the yield curve is mainly used to locate the economic activity; however, it provides the future predictor. The interest rate contains many of the factors where the rates of future only affect the curve of yield. Normally the literature affects the variety of macroeconomic especially this policy of monetary is used to place the slope in the yield curve.







The land used for the development of the transportation facility in the city for supporting the MIA and MUAC is more supportive. The plan requires the collaboration between the community, transport department and the municipality for getting the sustainable infrastructure. When the plan is implemented then it will focus on the growth of the MjAC and the MuAC so it integrates the high density for the development for the urban designs. The high density residential buildings develop the vacant space for the 500m radius for any transportation that has the train stops and the ram usage as they support the MjAC and MuAC.

The Moreland is the unique position that gives the better option for the citizen with the wider community in the city of Moreland. This strategy action plan identifies and analysis the wider community for making the compact city. This also increases the economy of the city in the best chance between the northern Moreland sectors to the Southern Moreland sector. This also decreases use of the car and it reduces the pollution in the country which is eco friendly. This method also creates the job opportunity for the people in the Moreland city. The expansion of the train lines is the vision for making the future quality transport without affecting the environment. The plan increases the tree planting programs for the welfare of the environment and the cost for the program is very less. This also increases the bicycle lanes in the city which will be useful for the welfare of the community.






The entire design of the process has been created in such a way that the user finds it easy to do any kind of order. The online website has a very simple and an attractive UI which consists of a number of options to choose from. After entering the details of their location, they are passed to the page where they can choose their pizza toppings and the crust. Proceeding to which they can go to the sides and can find a number of sides including beverages, cupcakes etc. In the same the customer can enter the promo/ discount codes. Pizza hut offers a number of discounts or offers through the promo codes. This is done in order to attract more and more customers. An example of the same is the dominos, Buy 1 get one free offer on Wednesdays, which was enjoyed by the customers for over 2 years. The next step is the process of payment and address. There are a number of payment modes available for the customers to pay from. Initially the only payment mode available was through the cash payment but now a number of payment modes such as through the use of credit cards, debit cards are available for customers. After selecting the mode of payment and giving the complete address, the customer’s order is completed. Though in case of the cash on delivery mode of payment, they give a confirmation call on which the customer has to confirm for the orders. After the confirmation is done, the tracking process initiates where the customers can track their order. Other methods including ordering through telephone or by going to the store. Though, the coupons can be applied only through online orders.




中国目前的经济扩张速度缓慢在过去7年的出口拖累导致加压政府花更多的增加和减少的利率支撑经济增长。GDP的增长提高6.8%从2008年第四季度增长9%之后的3个月同年由统计局确认,北京(胡锦涛等人,364年- 369年)。在整个亚太地区,要求从中国出口零部件和材料的影响造成的经济澳大利亚、韩国和台湾接近衰退,这也导致日本经济衰退恶化。因此,迫切需要一直在紧急的基础上使政府工作的季度为了扭转社会稳定前景之间的减速和维护工作。

然而中国的经济增长在2008年进一步扩大在2007年达到13% 9更多百分比推动中国经济成为世界第三大经济增长表现穿越德国在世界(黄等,135 – 149)。中国经济崩溃但是增加了政府对中国的货币贬值可能性和促进战争下的贸易前景按照数据说明了阿尔伯特•爱德华兹,法国兴业银行全球策略师总部设在伦敦。


The economy of China currently is expanding at a slow pace in the past seven years as the exports have dragged down causing an increase in pressurizing the government to spend more and lessen the rates of interest for buoy growth. The growth in the GDP enhanced 6.8 per cent from 2008 by fourth quarter after an increase of 9 percent over a span of 3 months in the same year as confirmed by the statistical bureau, Beijing (Hu et al, 364-369). Across Asia pacific, the demands for export parts and materials from China has reverberated causing the economies of Australia, South Korea and Taiwan to come close to recession and this has also caused the slump of Japan to worsen. The urgent need therefore has been on making the government to work on urgent basis for the quarter in order to reverse the social stability slowdown and maintenance in between the outlook of jobs.
However the economy of China by expanding at 13 per cent in 2007 further grew in 2008 by 9 more percent pushing the economy of China to become the third biggest economic growth performer crossing Germany as well in the world (Huang et al, 135-149). The Chinese economy implosion however has increased the government likelihood for devaluing the currency of China and promoting a war under trade prospects as per the data illustrated by Albert Edwards, a global societe Generale SA strategist based in London.




现有技术模块:郑et al(2013)提出一个安全访问指导射频识别子系统。该系统采用射频识别技术,智能手机、无线信号和建筑为了追踪访客的地图。它也可以有效的管理对象和准确地跟踪他们的位置。室外跟踪已广泛近几十年才发展起来的。有很多问题克服室内本地化(Ni等,2011)。然而SVG技术能够有效地处理这个问题和跟踪所有细节。这项技术一旦被开发的开发人员想要确保它是完全安全的。为了测试这个他们提出了攻击者模型和各种类型的安全漏洞看到申请这项技术的任何漏洞。进行了测试,范围从简单类型的违反行为非常复杂的类型的黑客。他们参与测试模型,包括目前已知的所有可能的安全漏洞。这项研究的发现,这是一个安全的方法和最新的安全协议。作者得出结论,他们可以安全地满足新客户或人,不会担心任何违反安全(郑等人,2014)。


Existing Technology Module: Zheng et al (2013) present a security visiting guiding subsystem of RFID. This system uses RFID technology, a smart phone, Wi-Fi signals and a map of building in order to track visitors. It can also effective manage objects and accurately track their positions. The outdoor tracking has been extensively developed in the recent decades. There have been a lot of problems surmounting the indoor localizations (Ni et al, 2011). However the SVG technology has been able to effectively handle this issue and track all details. This technology once it has been developed the developers wanted to ensure that it is wholly secure. In order to test this they proposed the attacker model and applied various types of security breaches to see for any vulnerability in this technology. The tests that were conducted ranged from simple types of breaching actions to very intricate types of hacking. They had involved a testing model, which encompasses all the possible security breaches currently known. It was found from this study that this it was a safe method and it had the latest security protocols. The authors have concluded that they can safely meet new clients or people and not be worried about any breaches in security (Zheng et al, 2014).







The research has its basis on studying qualitatively which has a basic requirement based on understanding and interpreting(Seuring et al 2008). The grounds of qualitative study in this research has its basis n hermeneutical theory which is on the human perception of the self and the circumstances that the individuals find themselves in. For understanding the issues in supply chain, it will become important to first understand the process of new product development along with interpreting the nature of supply chain issues (Brun et al 2008). In addition, the research has its basis on secondary information which has a reference to data gathered already but it has been made sure that these secondary sources are credible and reliable.
The research quality will be based on credibility and the result reliability with regard to research quality. The main criteria that will help in understanding the appropriate use of theories are validity and reliability (Brun et al 2008). Validity will be depicted through the analysis and conclusion wherein conclusion will provide the complete explanation of the whole research to validate the findings of the research. The source from which this study will be developed are scientific journal articles and books from subject authors illustrating the reliability of this research from the case of 3 companies specifically. Data will be analyzed based on the case study solutions after investigation.








It is pertinent to note that attitude is an extremely complicated cognitive process; similar to the personality of an individual, but the key difference is that attitude makes up the personality of a person as asserted by Carmeli (2003). It has been stated by Dyne and Pierce (2004) that attitude is one of the significant factors that affect an organisation, as a whole. Attitude can be defined as a hidden and difficult to measure factor that ends up being decisive for the success of an organisation (Celik, 2011). Attitude is also a tendency to counter back positively or negatively towards a person, object or situation.

Employees having positive attitude are likely to stay for the long haul in the organisation and will lessen down the turnover costs.  In contrast, negative outlook towards the organisation or employer not feels to invest further in the organisation and thinks to continue (Muhammad and Akhter, 2010). Thus, it is apparent that the attitude pertinently impacts the job behaviour of an employee. The common work attitude is satisfaction, commitment and involvement in job and this play crucial role in the turnover of an employee as concluded by Wright (2006).

Job satisfaction in a manner is a type of attitude, which is the level to which an employee likes or dislikes his or her work. Job satisfaction is pertinent employee attitude because there is a direct cause and effect connection between employee job satisfaction and their organisational behaviour in the workplace, which affects the productivity, quality of products and services, company success and employee turnover. Employees with high job satisfaction embraces positive attitude towards job, while the ones who are dissatisfied embraces negative job attitudes (Lee and Bruvold, 2003).




学生之间的关系属于SES类别也影响了他们的学业。白色(1982)发现,当学生开始变老他们的学术成就减少之间的区别。这被发现,因为两个原因(McCoach &科尔伯特,2010)。首先,学校提供的环境,每个人都是平等与社会的其他领域。其次,区别也减少了,因为许多学生通常属于低SES离开他们的教育。




The relationship between the students belonging to the SES category also influenced their academic. It was found by White (1982) that as the student begun to get older the difference between their academic achievements diminishes. This was found because of two reasons (McCoach & Colbert,2 010). Firstly, the schools provide the environment where everyone is treated equally unlike the other spheres of the society. Secondly, the difference also diminishes because many students who belong to low SES generally leave their education.

Another factor related to the low SES students is the concern of the school location. A close review of the school location showed that the students belonging to the low SES are more concerned about the location of the school. If the school is far off from their location, they won’t be going for the same. According to the recent survey conducted by NCES (National Center for Education Status) it has been found that the minority students lagged behind the others. This also, depicts that the socio economic status is related to the academic achievements (Hackman et al, 2010).

Due to the present socio economic status, students who falls to the low category ends up with the limited financial resources (Lam, 2014). Due to this the students tends to leave the academics. Not only this, it has been also found that the children who live in poor families need more money to fulfill their education. Due to this they are exposed to the bad practices such as drug trafficking, violence and other bad things.





可口可乐公司的地方分支机构主要集中在投资开发实验室3D印制包括扫描仪和打印机,是为了让客户获得三维复制自己为3 D打印(由2011)。然而,毫无疑问,世界各地的组织都在使用3种打印机,以确保这一最新的技术是可供他们吸引客户。

随着3D印刷的进步,并单位变得非常先进,越来越多的营销者将获得机会,以保持领先地位,当它涉及到连接的客户在一个单独的水平(凯勒2003)。3 D打印机如MakerBot复制这样的折扣价格比以前会帮助年轻的创业者们甚至在竞争激烈的环境下,在尽可能最好的方式发展自己的产品和服务。



The following image is a creation of a 3D printer which the world’s leading Coca-Cola company has incorporated. The company has based itself at promoting its small sized bottles without diversification of their product line. With the help of Coca-Cola mobile app launch, the company managed to give invitations to customers for competing in a competition wherein participants will need to develop smaller versions of digital media by themselves.
The coca-cola company’s local branches were focused on making investments for developing a laboratory for printing in 3D inclusive of scanners and printers that are 3D in order to allow customer obtain a replica of themselves as a 3 D print (Hegarty 2011). There is no doubt however that organizations across the world are engaging in adopting 3 D printers in order to make sure that this latest technology is available for them to attract customers.
As the advancement of 3 D printing takes place and the unit becomes highly advanced, more and more marketers will gain opportunities to stay ahead when it comes to connect with the customers at an individual level(Keller 2003). 3 D printers such as MakerBot Replicator with such a discounted price than before will help the young entrepreneurs to develop their products and services in the best possible manner even in the competitive environment.
If Market bot Replicator is used by the young entrepreneurs, they will be capable of consistently leveraging their values by 3D printing usage.








In the case of Barbour, however there is a need for strong distribution networks because the retail environment of the United Kingdom is intensely competitive. While predominantly using push strategies, Barbour is recommended to invest in pull strategies too. The age of Online Marketing via Internet has opened unlimited ways and scope to infuse fresh thoughts into the Distribution Network. The strategy has to be to evolve taking in mind the online retail trade too. And Barbour is recommended to use the advanced tools of Internet so as to get a more focused approach and to understand the purchase trends of the customers, and also so as to have the supply chain management or logistics to be effectively managed with limited stock burden upon the Distributor.
A product can be marketed to the end user (Customer) through various methods and channels. The manufacturer alone cannot reach the public in mass as his presence is limited. The product has to go through a multitude of channels before reaching the Customer. The persons involved in the sector are also called Channels. The Channels of Sale could be the Wholesale seller / Distributor, the retail seller, Sales agent, manufacturer’s representative, Direct Sales, Indirect Sales and Sales through Internet. Barbour uses more of a wholesale seller/distributor network where it partners up with other retail distributor networks (Montford, 1998). In the context of expansions, some recommendations can be made for Barbour in the context of the competitive UK retail environment
The ideal way for Barbour would be to appoint Whole Sale Distributors who would take purchase in Good quality merchandise from their manufactory units and sell them to the retail (small) level traders. This could ensure that Barbour has more area coverage in retail representation.






When I read this story I got attached to it as if I was living even scene mentioned in the novel and lived it as it was all happening in real. It was his strong will power that motivated him to compose his autobiography.  His example is enough to motivate the humans for not giving up to any situation in life and live life at its fullest by fighting with all the odds given by life. This finally will make a simple human an extraordinary human not for the world but at least for the ones who know him/her. Bauby never gave up to his situation and he kept fighting all through his life to live as happy and satisfied in his mind as he would have been able to do in his body. With just one eye functioning properly Jean expressed all what he felt in various moments of life like the feelings of joy and sadness when he saw his children and heard his father’s voice over phone. Bauby used to treat his wife Celine and his children very rudely when he was normal, but now he regrets of what he did with them (Glenn, 2009).  Pierre Roussin was respected a lot by Bauby and he visited to meet Bauby in hospital. Roussin was the man who boarded the seat of Bauby on his way to Hong Kong which was later hijacked. Bauby never contacted Roussin after he was released after being hostage for 4 years by hijackers. Roussin  when visited Bauby compared himself and Bauby facing the same situation of being  helpless like Roussin was kept as hostage for 4 years and  now Bauby was having after being ‘locked-in’ his body.




希尔顿的博客英语1381年上升,写于1987年,描绘了大自然的农民和他们的背景。源是完全的偏见和辅助源的基础上,使一个完整的新想法,大部分的叛乱是城市家庭,而不是贫穷的农民。然而,这场斗争是农民的权利。许多叛乱城市背景和镇上的居民。其中一些是与当地政府有怨恨,其他人则相对贫困的受害者和一些被激进的信仰影响(希尔顿酒店,1995年,p . 1995 – 201)。

丹·约翰,1381年他的小说对农民起义,描绘了真实场景的残酷杀害数以百万计的无辜生命在黑死病事件,其次是萨宫的燃烧和杀害贵族个性作为报复。他的书出版于2009年赢得独立的书名,作者是一位历史学家获奖小说家(丹,j . 2009)。

在BBC新闻,女人的角色是杀死西蒙的开明的萨德伯里,斧头马克仍可见在他的头骨在展览。这份出版物是第一个,我遇到过,显然是不受任何性别歧视和biasness,无助的女性在1381年的流血事件,他们抓住了轴在他们的手中。(BBC新闻,Hongenboom m . 2012)



The  blog  English  Rising  of  1381,  by  Hilton  written  in  1987,  depicts  the  nature  of  the  peasants  and  their  background.  The  source  is  totally  biased  and  based  on  secondary  sources,  which  gives  a  complete  new  idea  that  most  of  the  rebellions were  from  Urban  families  rather  than   poor  peasants.  However, the fight was for the right of peasants.   Many  of  the  rebellions  have  urban  backgrounds  and  were  the  dwellers  of  the  town.  Some  of  them  were  having  grudges  with  the  local  authorities,  others  were  victims  of  relative  poverty  and   some  were  influenced  by  the  radical  beliefs (Hilton, 1995, p. 201-208).

Dan John,  in  his  novel  about  the  peasant  revolt  1381,  depicts  the  real  scenario  of  brutal  killing  of   millions  of  innocent  life  in  the  incident  of  black  death,  followed  by  the  burning  of  Savoy  palace  and  killing  of  noble  personalities  as  a  revenge.  His  book  published  in  2009  earned  the  title  of  the  independent  book  of  the  year,  the  writer  is a historian  award  winning  novelist (Dan, J. 2009).

In  the  BBC  news,  the  role  of  the  women  is  enlightened  in  the  killing  of  the  Simon  of Sudbury ,  the  axe  mark  is  still been  visible  on  his  skull  kept  in exhibition.  This  publication  is  the  first  one  that  I have  come  across,  is  free from  any  gender  discrimination  and  biasness,  clearly  showing  the  helplessness  of  women  during  the  bloodshed  of 1381  that  they  grabbed  axes  in  their  hands. (BBC News, Hongenboom, M. 2012)

Finally the  movie, “the  history  of  Warfare,  the  peasant  revolt”,  narrated  by  Michael Leighton,  is  a  very  true  story  depicting  the  betrayal  of  promise  made  by  Richard  II,  followed  by  the  brutal  killing  of  John  Ball  and  Wat  Tyler,  the  leaders of  the  revolts.  The  source  has  been  critically  examined  and  is  found  to  be  based  on  reality  rather  than  biased  story (Leighton, 2012).




元素,如外观和肤色仍然成为一个突出的指标确定个人的社会地位和个性。维克多的故事不仅描绘了大局的狭隘的思维方式的人还存在种族歧视的国家。维克多在研究总是好的,是一位才华横溢的学生但从未被班上的伴侣。故事中提到的事件之一是玩具店和事件发生在圣诞节。她去商店用于选择玩具作为圣诞节的礼物,喜欢旅游这个城市的一部分。当她还是个孩子的时候,她在发现新的地方很着迷,访问这个国家。她参观了商店观察到其他客人和商店的所有者。这个女孩的歧视和其他孩子在商店很明显。她被当作小偷,因为她来自于一个背景和国家。一旦她感动的一个玩具和喊她的主人说“你以为你是在搞什么鬼”“你波孩子把你的手放在这些东西,你们都脏”(Mcquade 334)。


Elements like appearance and skin color still become a prominent indicator for determining the social status and personality of the individual. The story of victor not only depicts the big picture of the narrow mind set of people but also about the existence of racism in the country. Victor was always good in studies and was a brilliant student but was never recognized by her class mates. One of the incidents mentioned in the story is about the toy shop and the incident that occurred on Christmas. She used to visit the shop for selecting her toys as gift of Christmas and loved to travel this part of the city. As she was a child she was fascinated in discovering new places and visiting the country. As she visited the shops she was observed by other guests and the owner of the shop closely. The discrimination of this girl with other children on the store was evident. She was treated like a thief because she came from a background and country. Once she touched one of the toys and the owner of the shouted on her saying “what the hell you think you are doing”  “You Puerto kids put your hands on the stuff and all of you are dirty” (Mcquade 334).








For example dollar thousand per value of CBA Company bonds with coupon of five percentages. Maturity of these values after five years wills the bond of dollar nine hundred. In aspects of marketing price the current value will be calculated with annual rate of coupon will be thousand dollars because this maturity will be calculated according to the annual interest rate. Which means fifty percentage of value will be increased per year.

For calculating current yield, which consist of current marketing price and interest which is divided by the bond value, total value will be divided by the current price of bond. For example dollar 50 is divided by 5.56, then redemption after five years will be dollar 1000. Capital gain for this maturity will be dollar 100, by measuring maturity offers way to gain capital income.

Total yield should be calculated according to maturity of interest rate and gain capital which is return according to years of bond. Here simple and effective method of calculating maturity will be give in following words. First gather data of the total return and capital gain tabulation. For calculating maturity required total yield minus the total rate with capital gain. For example minus the purchase price of dollar nine hundred with par of dollar thousand, by this you can easily get the discount rate will be dollar hundred. Total discount rate will be divided by the number of years. Result of this calculation will be annualized capital gain. Discount rate of hundred dollar provides the capital gain of dollar 20. Calculate the interest rate by using the annualized capital gain, for getting the annualized return added the both annualized capital gain and yearly interest rate.




卡尔•马克思(Karl Marx)的另一个观点是相关商品拜物教。这是知觉与社会参与的人生产。他在他的商品拜物教理论说,作品之间的关系被掩盖了由于商品的存在存在在一个特定的社会(马克思,1867)。他的理论的本质是在支持工人和人类。他说,工人们应该得到尊重。但是,按照马克思的资本主义社会中的人对待商品为对象熊很有价值和有大量的劳动力,可以消耗以产生有效的项目。通过基于商品的分析,马克思给工人的见解被疏远了所有的时间。prodyction相关在不同的阶段,有一个原子论的工人之间的交互方式。他主张资产阶级的最后把商品作为主要的重要性和给他们一个值相当于迷恋。他根据他的理论,他问工人们团结起来自己和创建一个革命和盲目崇拜结束了大宗商品的资本家。


Another view of Karl Marx was related to the commodity fetishism. It was the perception related to the social involvement of the people in the production. He in his theory of commodity fetishism said that the relations between the productions are being masked due to the presence of the commodities which existed within a specific society (Marx, 1867). His theory of nature was in support of the workers and the human beings. He said that that the workers should be respected. But, as per Marx the people in the capitalist society treats the commodities as the objects which bear a great value and has an amount of labor which can be expended in order to produce the effective project. Through the commodity based analysis, Marx gave the insight of the worker who is being alienated all the times. Within the different kinds of phases related to the prodyction, there was an interaction between the workers in atomistic manner. He advocated for the end of the capitalist class who treated the commodities as the primary importance and gave them a value which was equivalent to a fetish. He as per his theory, he asked the workers to unite themselves and create a revolution and to end the fetishism which was done for the commodities by the capitalists.







The identity of Taiwan being affirmed has been considered as a phenomenon that is highly recognised, while the polls of opinion can provide variations in results that all contribute in highlighting the similar trend. This trend had been that most of the citizens within the ROC currently considered themselves as the population of Taiwan (Rubinstein, 2009). According to a similar source as same as the DPP, by the end of the year 2004, almost two- thirds of the population of Taiwan had shown favourable perceptions with respect to the initial choice.
The change in an undeniable manner contributes in covering metamorphosis within the cultural identity and politics to a certain extent. Being favoured through rehabilitating the culture of Taiwan that was seen as dominating the island between years 1949 to the year 1987, this particular transformation had contributed in increasing the power related to the community of minnan and of the related dialect. The promotion of this had been done by the years of 1990s that ended up being ranked as the second language officially held by the island. It had also resulted in increasing the higher consideration of the diversity related to groups of human living in Taiwan and with respect to the language being spoken by them and the key dialects of Austronesia (Arrigo, 2010). Thus, there had been constitution of the discourse that is both, nativist as well as Universalist. This has gradually been becoming the discourse that is dominant with respect to the class of politics in order to call for recognizing both, status of Taiwan as a state within the international law and of a cultural and historical specificity that contributes in differentiating it with respect to the PRC.




然而当使用它们成为至关重要的问题和设计。这里存在识别所需设计的管理能力的挑战,金融资源约束和更多。通常MCS评估结果在不同的方法,这是另一个设计水平的挑战。期望的结果可能会与实际结果的完成任务。这是一种评价方法。另一种方法是通过行为控制,人员管理。换句话说,公司的内部流程必须健壮。这些形式的评估需要控制的方式开发适合的原因。通过检查内部行为的外部结果根据一些专家将成为增强。然而每个任务的检查不会是可行的。总有预算限制为每个任务分配。一些任务进行只保留一个金融视角。人们努力实现有限资源的任务。在这种背景下可以设计权衡的主要挑战。什么因素应优先考虑和别人应该排除设计。Malmi et al(2005)(引用在哈马德,2010)认为,MCS是一个集成的系统。


However when to use them becomes a question of prime importance and design. Here there exist challenges of management capability of identifying the needed design, financial resource constraints and more. Usually the MCS evaluated results in different method and this is yet another design level challenge. The desired result could be compared to the actual result of the completed task. This is one type of evaluation method. Another method is by behavioral control, people management. In other words the internal process of the company must be robust. These forms of evaluation will require the controls to be developed in ways that suit the cause. By checking the internal actions the external results would be become enhanced according to some experts. However the checking of each task would not be feasible. There are always budgetary constraints for each task assigned. Some tasks are carried out keeping only a financial perspective. People strive to achieve the tasks with the limited resources available. In such a context the main challenges could be the design tradeoffs. What factors should take precedence and what others should be left out of design. Malmi et al (2005) (as cited in Hamad, 2010) argued that MCS is an integrated system.






The film opens on a deafening and frightening note, with drumbeats and bizarre shrieks piercing the air against the backdrop of a panic-stricken atmosphere. The next scenes take us to the happy, relaxed aura prevailing on a fishing boat’s deck in the Pacific Ocean, where such merriment is brutally attacked as the ocean changes colour, as men get blinded and terrorised by the most destructive nuclear weapon in the world. The blinding bright light witnessed by the sailors was the “pikadon” or the “flash-boom” (atomic explosion) witnessed by survivors (Brothers, “Japan’s Nuclear Nightmare: How the Bomb Became a Beast called Godzilla”).  This drew parallels to the fresh attacks US had inflicted on the crew of a Japanese boat, Lucky Dragon 5, fishing in March of 1954, painfully awakening the post-war nuclear fears among the Japanese people (Martin, “Godzilla: why the Japanese original is no joke”). Though allegorical in context, and making no bones about the atomic disaster in Hiroshima and Nagasaki, Gojira runs on secrecy and a struggle against conscience. The internal conflict pervading in a lone scientist who, accidentally creates a weapon of catastrophe and a monster of destruction, and a palaeontologist who uses his surface casual objectivity to mask his real curiosity regarding the resistance of the monster to radiation, are the secrets running parallel in the depiction of the original Godzilla (Brody, “The Secrets of Godzilla”).





关于起义的细节已经被从“英语城市社会和1381年起义”,屠夫e . 1987年写的。应该是相关的信息,因为它是由剑桥大学出版社出版。中世纪的英国所面临的最严重的暴乱发生在1381年6月,被称为“农民起义。黑死病在1348年的波,摧毁了50%的人口。所以较小的劳动供应给工资,最终土地所有者的利润大幅下降,解体都观察到商贸(屠夫,1987年,p . 1987)。源是合理的和全面淋浴的所有参数。

另一个资源是革命和革命者的百科全书由马丁·c·写于1996年。理查德统治的时代是英国历史上的关键时刻,十四岁时,国王面临很多问题,他危及恢复王权的声望。在布伦特伍德起义对税吏,埃塞克斯。国王会见了农民领袖显然泰勒和同意他的要求,但下令屠杀,享受杀戮的叛乱领导人没有挑衅(马丁,1996年,p . 1996)。细节更倾向于有偏见的残酷的国王,完全忽略了生病的计划破坏农民的政府的财产。


The  story  of  peasant  revolt  has  been  discussed  by  many  writers,  novelists,  movie makers  and  news casters.  Each  of  them  giving  a  new  twist  to  the  real  scenario  of  1381  revolt. I  have  gather  few  sources  to  be  discussed  according  to  their  structures  and  details  about  the  revolt. The  reasons  of  the  revolt,  the outcomes  and  the  end  has  been  discussed  in  the  following  transcriptions.

The  details  about  the revolt  has  been  taken  from  “English  Urban  Society and  Revolt  of  1381”, written  by  Butcher E. in  1987. The  information  is  supposed  to  be  relevant  as  it  has  been  published by  the Cambridge  University  Press. The  most  serious  revolt  faced  by  Medieval  England  took  place  in June  1381,  known  as  the  Peasant  Revolt. The  wave  of  Black  Death  in  1348,  wiped  out  50% of  the  population.  So  the  lesser  supply  of  labors  gave  rise  to  wage  rate,  ultimately  the  profit  of  the  landowners  declined  dramatically  and  disintegration  has  been  observed  among  trade  and  commerceButcher, 1987, p. 86). The  source  is  justified  and  comprehensively  shower  light on  all  the  parameters.

Another   resource  is  the  Encyclopedia  of  Revolution  and  Revolutionaries   by  Martin  C.  written  in  1996. The  era  of  Richard  rule  has  been  the  critical time  in  the  Britain  History,  at  the  age  of  fourteen,  the  king  faced  a  lot  of  issues  and  he  jeopardized  to  restore  the prestige  of  the  crown. The  revolt  rose  against  the  tax  collectors  in  Brentwood,  Essex.  The  King  met  the  leader  of  the  peasant  Tyler  and  apparently  agreed  to  his  demands,  but  ordered  his  massacre  and  enjoyed  the   killing  of  the  rebellion  leader  without  provocation  (Martin, 1996, p. 422). The  details  inclined  more  biasedly  on  the  cruelty  of  the  King, totally  ignoring  the  ill  planning  of  the  peasant  of  sabotaging   the  property  of  the  government.






The very first book which was developed on the basis of the ideas of communism was titled as Utopia and released by Thomas Moore in the year 1516. In this book the cicerone view was raised for the very first time. The ideas which were put forward by Hythloday a character in the book raised the voice of communism. The ideas of communism were put forward for the first time in Utopia. The message which was common to all the communist revolution had been inspired from Utopia, a book which was written years before the very first communist movement took place in the world. The frame of mind which led to communism in the world was first penned down in the form of the book “Utopia” by Thomas Moore. Years after this, communists such as Stalin, Lenin and Trotsky begun the practices related to communism (Elliott, 1963). Utopia was the book which was way ahead of the actual incidents though had touched the people in such a sensitizing manner. The theories of philosophy, religion, social justice which was later practiced by Marx, Engels, Rawls etc. which were suggested in this book.








While implementing lean practices in services, a number of challenges might crop up which includes issues that include the fact that processes in services are complex, dependent intensively upon people and also at times there is lack of clarity and visibility of the processes (Sarkar, 2009).

Services are laced with processes which are unwieldy, large and complex in its outlook. Such complex structure of the processes makes it difficult to implement. As such driving changes in such complex processes are not easy to implement. Another issue that makes implementation of lean management in services challenging is the factor that the processes in services are dependent on intensive use of people. “The intangible elements of Lean implementation in service processes are dependent on moods of people and how they are feeling it at different points of time” (Sarkar, 2009). As such this factor makes it difficult to drive in changes within processes of services. Therefore, to ensure that lean management can be implemented requires concerted effort on the part of all concerned individuals (Sarkar, 2009).

Further, many a times processes within the services are not completely visible. This problem leads to lack of proper system through which wasteful and redundant portions of the services cannot be easily identified. What makes the task of implementation difficult is the issue of lack of complete clarity of the impact of each of the portions of the process. Only with thorough and detailed investigation can wasteful processes be identified for lean implementation. It is highly likely that many organizations clearly fail to even identify areas or processes which could be targeted for the purpose of lean management in services (Sarkar, 2009).




克雷斯曾与Leeuwen主题开发的主要方法来定义图像符号学的基本原理即视觉符号学。他们试图想出一个符号学领域的全面视图及其在视觉领域中的应用。动态领域已经发生了翻天覆地的变化由于技术的新趋势,西方文化和全球化的散度。为了定义符号的视觉结构计划,他们使用所涉及的参数向量。向量是一个假想线。参与者矢量图的人。各种实体和过程采用视觉在这个过程中所示。矢量图显示的图形描述的流的终极目标或达到目标。中间的动作或发生的方法达到我们的目标和定义为牵引(Van Leeuwen,2004)。在现实世界的应用程序很多因素需要复合前的终极目标。实际的向量图变得非常复杂和困扰观众。做一些外延是为了理解流。在这种情况下就会强制要求图的设计师优先考虑实体和行为发生。概念表示的元素,它变成了强制性的分类和地址相关联的特定属性。流的方向矢量图的箭头表示动作的方面和流动。


Kress had themes with Leeuwen to develop the primary methodology to define the fundamentals of graphic semiotics i.e. visual semiotics. They had tried to come up with a comprehensive view of the field of semiotics and its application in the visual arena. The dynamics of the field had changed dramatically owing to the new trends in technology, the divergence of the western cultures and the globalization. In order to define visual structure of the semiotic plan and the parameters involved they used vector. The vector is an imaginary line. The participants of the vector diagram are the people. Various entities and the processes they adopt are shown visually in this process. The pictorial depiction of the vector diagram shows the flow in which the ultimate goal or the aim is reached. The actions or the methods that happen in the middle to reach the goal are known and defined as the tractions (Van Leeuwen, 2004). In real world applications many factors needs to be compounded before the ultimate target is reached. The actual vector diagrams become very intricate and perplex the viewer. Some denotations are done in order to understand the flow. In such a scenario it becomes mandatory for the designer of the diagrams to prioritize the entities and the actions that takes place. For the conceptual representation of the elements, it becomes mandatory to classify and address the specific attributes associated with it. The direction of flow of the arrows of the vector diagram signifies the aspect and flow of the actions.







Good management and leadership involve creation of a system of managing followers in the backdrop of ensuring achievement of organization’s goals (Kruse, 2013). What is clearly evident is that good management focuses on achievement of organizational goals by making followers and subordinates work. However, the vested interests of the managers to work for their personal vested interests rather than organizational goals forces managers to lose sight over the principles of good management practices (Rost, 1993).

The main causes behind the incompetent and often narcissistic viewpoints of managers which prevent the formation of good management and leadership within the organization revolve around issues like poor people management skills, unclear expectations, vested interests of the executive and lack of proper communication channels (Leviticus, 2013). Largely, it has been seen that when organizations suffer from leadership which lacks in proper people management skills, it is unlikely to act in a competent manner. Further, executives with unclear expectations regarding the role that is expected from them are also likely to end up remaining incompetent in their management of the operations of any organization. At times vested interests of executives make the organizational goals subservient to the goals of the executives. These issues ensure that many a time managers are unable to reconcile the organizational goals with their own interests. In such a scenario, good management and leadership take a backseat and managers tend to approach their management style with self-serving and egotistic attitudes (Leviticus, 2013).







Big cities have always thrilled me. Earlier I was of the opinion that just like a big city, NYU was filled with academically diverse and successful people. It occurred to me after a while that NYU becomes its own haven for the students and the chances to learn and grow are unlimited. NYU has continued to be a hub for communication for the entire world and is the center of the largest city on the planet. NYU is the premier school for studies due to the diversity and its consolidation of the world. NYU could help me grow into a successful adult as the opportunities here are endless.

The main hopes of all the applicants at universities are that they would get high quality of education in the most basic theory. However, it is on how they utilize the available resources that the actual success of the individual is dependent on. For me, the diverse culture of students at NYU is the main catch. It is true to say that all the people who get into NYU are ambitious and getting to interact with them would help me to develop as an individual and also share my views on different topics. By exercising and proving my ability to stand out as an individual this would enable me to use this demographic and at the same time contributing to the collective. Both in terms of career opportunities and education the city offers a unique set of resources which would be an added advantage for me.






This cinematography in Hollywood is considered to be the best, toughest and a competitive way of filming that could be carried out by the legendary cinematographers to gain much effort, recognitions and awards in a very worthy manner. The Mainstream Cinemas streamed by the extraordinary filmmakers have got several positive records and these films are made in reality using the real time strategies and materials. The rating and the ranking of the Hollywood Cinema has been raised by these films and filmmakers through the provision and use of reinforced and maintained quality tools and techniques. Here, an example is presented for this kind of direction. During the year, 1967, an exclusive film named “Weekend” is released with several expectations. The expectation of this movie is for both the story and the process of film making. This entire “Weekend” film is directed by Godard, one of the finest director’s of Hollywood. Godard directed this film with simple, highly qualified techniques that have not been identified by any of the filmmakers. The director has streamed this particular film with the use of eye-level framing, natural lighting, and natural color and with synchronized sound effects. No other defining technology has been implemented to direct this film. The entire filming team along with the director has gone through the continuity editing techniques such as shot-reverse-shot, 180 degree axis rule, inserts and cutaway methodologies and much more.




适当的广告起着至关重要的作用在奢侈品牌扩张的成就。好的广告是呼吁观众和想阅读更多关于这个品牌。人们无意中把对产品的特点和功能。这样的豪华产品得到包含在列表的偏好。例如,目前,有各种各样的公司做智能手机比苹果和微软在低得多的价格,中国公司摧毁了Microsoft windows手机的大企业,因为这些手机买太昂贵。原因是智能手机由中国公司出售广告在较小值,简单的处理和容易被每一个人。出于这个原因,公众有一个短暂的看这些东西有义务购买这些品牌和智能手机使他们的生活中常见的商品(金,2012)。



Appropriate advertisement plays a vital role in accomplishment of luxury brand expansion. Good advertisements are appealing for viewers and like to read more about the brand. People are unintentionally pushed towards the characteristics and features of product. In this way the luxury product get included in list of their preferences. For example, at present, there are various companies making smart phones at much lower price than Apple and Microsoft, A Chinese based company has crushed the big business of Microsoft windows phones, because these phones are too costly to buy. The reason is that smart phones are advertised by the Chinese company are sold at much lesser value, simple handling and easy to get by everyone.  For that reason, public who have a momentary look at these stuffs are obligated to buy these brands and smart phones have made their place in common commodities of life (Jin, 2012).

Case in point, The Face book page of famous Burberry brand is extremely item determined, and records numerous more diminutive embellishments get things like purses for male and females, catching goggles, garments, shoes with their higher end fascinating appearance, appealing to targeted customers. The face book page additionally emphasizes a greater amount of the brand’s music impacts, which is not seen on Twitter and Instagram. This engages the marginally more appealing and imaginative client who desires moment satisfaction from staying overhauled and connected to constant. The web journal and diary of Mulberry is substantially posts a great deal less item, yet all the more on styling impacts, travel, occasions, daily wears, commodities of life and even food based posts(Jin, 2012).




在分析人类肠道微生态的新菌株大肠杆菌细胞比也可以摧毁其他大肠杆菌细胞被发现。为了分析和获得新的链,一个方法是通过文化的传播做了选择的大肠杆菌菌株在一个敏感的细菌的草坪。首先,从人类的肠道细菌培养一个单链大肠杆菌的培养皿中被选为代纯克隆。这进一步发展成单个克隆和敏感细胞板。这种新的细胞被称为应变和观察,无论这些菌株的细胞增长导致对间隙区描绘,链是分泌一种物质有毒其他细胞而不是链(布劳恩等人1994)。进一步的测试是通过使用Fredericq改良琼脂colicinogeny刺试验。所有的紧张都生长在营养肉汤液体通过保持整晚。接种的琼脂板通过领导的针头刺向汤文化的每一株形成主要对孵化为20个小时在37摄氏度。氯仿的细菌板接触蒸汽后被杀,所有板薄软琼脂层结束了包括10 7次新鲜的肉汤培养应变指标。在37摄氏度的孵化板块。X细胞压力增长时,观察到该地区是清除由于一些有毒物质释放。后加入胰蛋白酶然而,软琼脂的效果显然没有见过描述,胰蛋白酶消化有毒物质,因此它可以表示为一个质子化了的媒体文化。


After analyzing the micro-flora human gut, a new strain of E-coli cells than can also destroy other E-coli cells has been discovered. In order to analyze and obtain this new strand, a method was adopted by which culture spreading was done of the chosen strain of E-coli over a sensitive bacteria lawn. First, bacteria were cultured from the guts of human beings over a Petri dish from which single stranded E-coli was selected for generation of pure clones. This further grew into individual clones and sensitive cells plates. This new cell was termed as Strain A and it was observed that wherever these Strain A cells grew it led towards clearance of that zone depicting that the strand A was secreting a substance which was poisonous for other cells but not for that strand A(Braun et al 1994). Further testing was done by using a Fredericq’s modified agar stab test for colicinogeny. All the strained were grown under a nutrient of liquid broth by keeping it for all night. Inoculation of the Agar plated through stab of needles led towards broth cultures of every strain to form leading towards incubation at 37 degree Celsius for 20 hours. The bacterium plates after being exposed to vapor of chloroform were killed and on all the plates thin soft agar layers were over laid inclusive of 10 to the power 7 times the broth culture of a fresh strain indicator. At 37 degree Celsius the incubation of the plates took place. When the X cells strains were growing, it was observed that the region was cleared due to some toxic substance release. After adding trypsin however, the effect of soft agar was not evidently seen to depict that trypsin could digest the toxic substance and therefore it can be indicated as a protonated media culture.






The economic growth of China has slowed gradually as the economy continues to experience structural transformation. The growth in the output was exceeding the target depicted by the government in the year 2013 reaching 7.7 per cent (World Bank). Furthermore, stable growth implied the mid-2013 effects when measuring the supported growth but the current rates of growth that is in the year 2014, has critically been below the observed levels since the past 10 years because the economic growth drivers have continuously shifted from the sector of manufacturing to the sector of services, especially on the side of supply and on the demand side, the same has shifted from investing to mere consumption. The labor markets have depicted decelerating growth which has however been small because of the economic activity structural shifts towards the sectors of services which are labor intensive (World Bank). This report has not only highlighted the unique perspectives in China’s economic growth depictions but has also outlined the risks present within the Chinese economy in order to recommend certain aspects that may help in steady economic growth of China. In brief however, the main aim of this report remains on analyzing the economic growth performance of China over a period of 10 years in order to understand the trend in economic growth experienced by the country.







All around the world people believe that America is the nation of diversity and equality where people are independent and have equal rights. The original picture of the country depicts that the people of America are living in a country where racism, sarcasm and sexism are present. This essay will discuss the argument over gay rights and marriages in the country. Argument of both sides will be presented along with the importance of these arguments for the development of the nation. Everyone should remain in their personal life and should not comment on the decisions and life styles for others. The development of this mind set will not only benefit the future generations but will bring the individuals of the society more closely. Gay marriages have been scrutinized since 1960 and still the debate is present in the country. Still this debate is an issue and under light of many arguments as more and more people are accepting this lifestyle and giving their decisions of becoming gays or lesbians.

The point of differentiation that starts after hearing the word gay marriages is about the institution of marriage that is supposed to be with a man and woman. This law has been codified in the U.S federal law that is passed in recent times. To an extent disagreement with this argument is present because this is the weakest argument. People believe that no one has the right to codify the term marriage. This is not about some banker who is deciding about the people, who will own the money of his bank.






1、正确的推荐人。选择推荐人应当遵守量大原则一是熟悉,熟悉自己的人;二是专业,熟悉自己申请的专业的方向或是在这个专业领域里面发展工作的人,作为学生 的申请者她的推荐人最好一个是系主任,一个是金融主业方面的任课老师。如果需要三封推荐信,则第三封推荐信可以是实习公司的领导,也可以是课外活动小组的 老师。如果是社会人士申请则最好是自己的直接领导人和间接领导人,如果三封推荐信,可以提供一封自己学术方面的。

  • 客观评价。具体是指在写推荐信时最好要有小故事给自己的优点支持。切忌,不要在推荐信中把自己的优点全部罗列出来,一定要挑自己最有代表性的特点加以论述,做前列的推荐。






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