




Explain how Marx’s conception of human nature also underlies the basic claim of one of our other readings—either (1) his claim in “The Jewish Question” that the political emancipation of Jews and other religious minorities by the separation of church and state does not constitute the human emancipation of those minorities; or (2) the claim from Capital that the way we treat commodities constitutes a form of “fetishism.

Marx conception of the Human nature has been the basic claim for a large number of readings/ in one such read he claims that the political emancipation of the Jews and other minorities does not constituents the human emancipation of the minorities. He said that the German Jews are the people who are egoistic. On one hand, they want to work for the political emancipation of the country and on the other hand as human beings you work for the emancipation of the mankind. He said that they used to recognize that the Christian state is justified and they can also get the recognition from the general oppression. He said that it was due to the nature of the Christian state, that it was incapable of emancipation of the Jew. In particular the German Jew was confronted due to the absence of the political emancipation.

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