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A product can be marketed to the end user (Customer) through various methods and channels. The manufacturer alone cannot reach the public in mass as his presence is limited. The product has to go through a multitude of channels before reaching the Customer. The persons involved in the sector are also called Channels. The Channels of Sale could be the Wholesale seller / Distributor, the retail seller, Sales agent, manufacturer’s representative, Direct Sales, Indirect Sales and Sales through Internet. Barbour uses more of a wholesale seller/distributor network where it partners up with other retail distributor networks (Montford, 1998). In the context of expansions, some recommendations can be made for Barbour in the context of the competitive UK retail environment
The ideal way for Barbour would be to appoint Whole Sale Distributors who would take purchase in Good quality merchandise from their manufactory units and sell them to the retail (small) level traders. This could ensure that Barbour has more area coverage in retail representation.

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