








Consider a sentence, “It has an exciting fresh plot”. Here, the adjectival modification will contain the aspect token (e.g. “Plot”), and uses the “amod” relations to extract a list of the adjectival modifiers of the aspect token (e.g. the two words “exciting” and “fresh” in this case).In the above module, one could notice that, certain aspect tokens are often described by non-opinion words. For example, the phrase “main plot” is often used; “main” adjective modifies “plot”, so the opinion extractor will find “main” as an opinion.


Here, consider the sentence, “the plot was dull”, where, the interest is to only look forward for the “amod” relations that miss the word “dull” .Notice that when linked via a copula to an adjective, the noun is always in an “nsubj” relation with the adjective itself. So, one should use appropriate dependency relations to output the term opinion word “dull”.


Here, from the above references, the opinion extractors must be created. It will only find the opinion “dull”. It would not recover an indication of the strength of the opinion. Adverbs like “excessively” elaborate on the adjectives that they modify in adverbial modification relations. The relevant dependency relation could be used to show this relationship as “advmod”. But, this opinion extraction function when given in a sentence like those aspect tokens, “plot”, should use the advmod relation to output the features like “excessively-dull”. Consider, the below mentioned module. If this has a list of strings, then one could use python’s join function to concatenate them into a single string. But, here, the opinion extractor must be tested and the example test sets must be set in order to check whether the function is working as per the requirement.

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