





All around the world people believe that America is the nation of diversity and equality where people are independent and have equal rights. The original picture of the country depicts that the people of America are living in a country where racism, sarcasm and sexism are present. This essay will discuss the argument over gay rights and marriages in the country. Argument of both sides will be presented along with the importance of these arguments for the development of the nation. Everyone should remain in their personal life and should not comment on the decisions and life styles for others. The development of this mind set will not only benefit the future generations but will bring the individuals of the society more closely. Gay marriages have been scrutinized since 1960 and still the debate is present in the country. Still this debate is an issue and under light of many arguments as more and more people are accepting this lifestyle and giving their decisions of becoming gays or lesbians.

The point of differentiation that starts after hearing the word gay marriages is about the institution of marriage that is supposed to be with a man and woman. This law has been codified in the U.S federal law that is passed in recent times. To an extent disagreement with this argument is present because this is the weakest argument. People believe that no one has the right to codify the term marriage. This is not about some banker who is deciding about the people, who will own the money of his bank.

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