





Good management and leadership involve creation of a system of managing followers in the backdrop of ensuring achievement of organization’s goals (Kruse, 2013). What is clearly evident is that good management focuses on achievement of organizational goals by making followers and subordinates work. However, the vested interests of the managers to work for their personal vested interests rather than organizational goals forces managers to lose sight over the principles of good management practices (Rost, 1993).

The main causes behind the incompetent and often narcissistic viewpoints of managers which prevent the formation of good management and leadership within the organization revolve around issues like poor people management skills, unclear expectations, vested interests of the executive and lack of proper communication channels (Leviticus, 2013). Largely, it has been seen that when organizations suffer from leadership which lacks in proper people management skills, it is unlikely to act in a competent manner. Further, executives with unclear expectations regarding the role that is expected from them are also likely to end up remaining incompetent in their management of the operations of any organization. At times vested interests of executives make the organizational goals subservient to the goals of the executives. These issues ensure that many a time managers are unable to reconcile the organizational goals with their own interests. In such a scenario, good management and leadership take a backseat and managers tend to approach their management style with self-serving and egotistic attitudes (Leviticus, 2013).

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