









Price discrimination is all about the difference done in prices by the firm at the time of selling the goods. Different markets are there and the preference of buyers and consumers are totally different here. There are different criteria on which the discrimination is based. If the rise in prices are not high as per the expectations of the consumer then whatever the extra amount is charged by the firm that is the revenue of the firm.

Discrimination is done by the firms in the prices of the goods. Price discrimination means charge the prices by the firms for the same goods or services. The reason behind all this is only they want to generate the maximum revenue out of it. It should not be based on the prejudice, stereotype.

(Source: economicsonline.co.uk)


  • Second price discriminations means, price charges by the firm are different for the different quantities. It shows that the total prices are different for all the quantities, which is quite fare (Armstrong, M.2005).
  • Third price discrimination means, charge of prices are different for the different categories of consumers. It is very commonly seen in the market. For example: prices of train tickets vary according to the consumers, type of coach, luxurious/ non luxurious etc. Three categories are defined under travellers- children, adults, and old citizens. The prices of fare tickets are different, there are certain exemptions. So this example is related with this discrimination.

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