


现有技术模块:郑et al(2013)提出一个安全访问指导射频识别子系统。该系统采用射频识别技术,智能手机、无线信号和建筑为了追踪访客的地图。它也可以有效的管理对象和准确地跟踪他们的位置。室外跟踪已广泛近几十年才发展起来的。有很多问题克服室内本地化(Ni等,2011)。然而SVG技术能够有效地处理这个问题和跟踪所有细节。这项技术一旦被开发的开发人员想要确保它是完全安全的。为了测试这个他们提出了攻击者模型和各种类型的安全漏洞看到申请这项技术的任何漏洞。进行了测试,范围从简单类型的违反行为非常复杂的类型的黑客。他们参与测试模型,包括目前已知的所有可能的安全漏洞。这项研究的发现,这是一个安全的方法和最新的安全协议。作者得出结论,他们可以安全地满足新客户或人,不会担心任何违反安全(郑等人,2014)。


Existing Technology Module: Zheng et al (2013) present a security visiting guiding subsystem of RFID. This system uses RFID technology, a smart phone, Wi-Fi signals and a map of building in order to track visitors. It can also effective manage objects and accurately track their positions. The outdoor tracking has been extensively developed in the recent decades. There have been a lot of problems surmounting the indoor localizations (Ni et al, 2011). However the SVG technology has been able to effectively handle this issue and track all details. This technology once it has been developed the developers wanted to ensure that it is wholly secure. In order to test this they proposed the attacker model and applied various types of security breaches to see for any vulnerability in this technology. The tests that were conducted ranged from simple types of breaching actions to very intricate types of hacking. They had involved a testing model, which encompasses all the possible security breaches currently known. It was found from this study that this it was a safe method and it had the latest security protocols. The authors have concluded that they can safely meet new clients or people and not be worried about any breaches in security (Zheng et al, 2014).

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