






科学家们对他们的工作非常雄心勃勃的,拥有独特的行为特征和性格特征被定义为疯狂或疯狂的科学家。尼古拉·特斯拉是著名的以类似的方式在纽约和美国和考虑偏心和邪恶的,据报道,有一个强迫性和强迫性障碍(卡尔森,2013:302 – 331)。他的工作是good-spirited和仁慈的,世界却不尊重他个人的工作和影响人类的友爱和科学的世界。很频繁,特斯拉了新闻标题和经常被批评为同一这就是为什么他是脱离世界。


Nikola Tesla was a Serbian scientist who had lived a brilliant life that was accompanied by torture and pain as well. His profound work in the areas of mathematics, physics and sciences was such that intrigued other scientists of the time and was a base for future research for the coming generations of researchers of science. The inventions of Tesla were very much to perfection and his imagination.


The world however perceived him as an insane scientist who was typically mad about inventions in science. Even though he was recognized for his work and successes, Tesla was not considered to be a very good individual by many at the times until his death. Until 1960 his work was also ignored and the period till then after his death virtually killed the name he had gained in his ailing years.


Scientists who are unusually ambitious about their work and possess unique behavioural characteristics and personality traits are defined as mad or insane scientists. Nikola Tesla was distinguished in a similar way in New York and America and considered eccentric and villainous and was reported to have an obsessive and compulsive disorder (Carlson, 2013:302-331). His work was good-spirited and benevolent but that the world did not respect him for the work and influence of the individual to the human fraternity and the world of science. It was quite frequent that Tesla hit the news headlines and often was criticised for the same which was why he was mostly detached from the world.

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