


有两个不同的点之间的奢侈品消费在中国和发达国家;首先,时代集团在中国购买奢侈品是20-45岁之间,而在发达国家,市场是由40 – 70岁组。这一现象表明,中国奢侈品消费的群体是相对年轻的比较与发达国家集团。第二,大多数中国人、皮具、豪华服装、香水、手表等个人用品都是奢侈品。然而,大多数人生活在发达国家,他们认为,房子、汽车和旅行是真正的奢侈品。这些差异说明中国人民之间的不同的生活方式,人们生活在发达国家。


根据中国人口年龄结构图在2013年底(见picture4.1),20-45年龄结构的比例占45.98%的中国人口年龄结构(7.66% + 6.74% + 6.74% + 6.76% + 9.04% + 9.04%)。作为研究员上面所提到的,在中国奢侈品的主要消费群体是20-45岁这个年龄段接管附近全中国人口的一半。因此,中国市场,大多数奢侈品零售公司,最大的潜力。


There are two different points between the consumption of luxury goods in China and in developed countries; first, the age group which purchasing luxury goods in China is between 20-45 years old, while in developed countries, the market is dominated by 40-70 years old group. This phenomenon showed that the group of Chinese consumption of luxury goods was relative young to compare with the group in developed countries. Second, to most Chinese people, leather goods, luxury clothing, perfume, watches and other personal items are the luxury items. However, to most people who live in the developed countries, they hold that house, car and travel are the real luxury goods to them. These differences illustrated the different lifestyles between Chinese people and people live in developed countries.


According to the Population Age Structure Diagram of China at the end of 2013(see picture4.1), the proportion of 20-45 age structure occupied 45.98% of the whole population age structure of China (7.66%+6.74%+6.37%+6.76%+ 9.04%+9.41%). As researcher mentioned above, main consumption group of luxury goods in China is 20-45 years old, this age group took over near half of the whole population in China. Therefore, Chinese market, to most luxury goods retail companies, has the greatest potential.

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