






The Econometrics has mainly helped the accounting and business sectors to make evaluations on separate disciplines of the mathematical statistics to create solutions for the problems that have been evolved from non experimental economic data. These data and essential information are not accumulated through the controlled experiments and analysis of individuals, firms and segments of the economy. The method of multiple regression analysis is the main process used in the economic and statistical analysis. It is a necessity provided for the regression analysis, which could help the economic strategies to deal with the complexities of economic data and with the test predictions of economic rules and theories. Among several tools and techniques indicated in the models, the econometric analysis will include several procedures such as making use of the Shazam output and the Shazam run data to analyze the exact practical output value and the practical run data output.


Practical values are needed in necessity because, sometimes, simple errors in the theoretical data could become a much bigger impact to make severe conflicts to the background information and to the final analysis of the model, which is going to be implemented. This could help the members of the economy to develop the field and techniques along with several tools that could be used to develop the economy in a very beneficial and cost effective way. With this simple theoretical and practical analysis, one could be able to get provided with best measures to detect and to destroy and to protect the economy from the severe factors that are affecting them in a very crucial way.

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