


过去几十年以来的戏剧性进展中国尤其是在最近10年了成功,中国是获得温(91 – 96)。中国的经济增长表现动态和相当大的相比,世界其他经济增长。这个国家的减贫成就过去30年以来也明显的超过5亿人民前进的贫困线以下。人类发展指标也显示类似的大幅增长也进步贡献努力在全球层面。国际教育指标也描绘的增长比率越来越高技术行业增长放缓。中国的经济明显的各种经济视角显示,中国在未来有一个美好的未来,即使当前水平的增长可能放缓几个百分比(世界银行)。然而消除障碍可以发生在该国一次一步是采取避免只取决于公共投资。中国的经济价值超过10万亿美元在2013年增长7.7%。此外,对于了解中国目前的经济,信息从供应部门、需求部门和信贷行业是充分的,本报告中讨论,揭示了国家拥有巨大的发展前景。如果美国政府关注经济增长的模型转化为变得慢一点但同时同样可持续,那么机会消除它的障碍变得更为重要。


The dramatic progress of China since the past several decades especially over a span of 10 recent years has highlighted the success that China is gaining (Wen et al 91-96). The economic growth performance of China has been dynamic and considerable in comparison to other growing economies of the world. The achievement of poverty reduction in the country since the past 30 years is also appreciable with more than 500 million citizens moving ahead of the poverty line. Human development indicators have also revealed similarly substantial growth progress contributing also towards making efforts at the global level. International education indicators have also depicted increasingly higher growth ratios with a slower growth in technological sector. The economy of China as evident from the various economic perspectives of China has revealed that the country in future has a bright future even though the growth may be slow at the current level by a few percentages (World Bank). However elimination of barriers can take place in the country once a step is taken to refrain from depending on public investments only. The economy of China was worth more than 10 trillion dollars in the year 2013 showing a growth of 7.7 percent. Furthermore, for understanding the economy of China currently, the information from its supply sectors, demand sectors and credit sectors is sufficient as discussed in this report to reveal the tremendous growth prospects that the country holds. If the nation’s government focuses on converting the model of its economic growth to become a little slower but at the same time equally sustainable, then the opportunities to eliminate its barriers becomes more significant.

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