




This cinematography in Hollywood is considered to be the best, toughest and a competitive way of filming that could be carried out by the legendary cinematographers to gain much effort, recognitions and awards in a very worthy manner. The Mainstream Cinemas streamed by the extraordinary filmmakers have got several positive records and these films are made in reality using the real time strategies and materials. The rating and the ranking of the Hollywood Cinema has been raised by these films and filmmakers through the provision and use of reinforced and maintained quality tools and techniques. Here, an example is presented for this kind of direction. During the year, 1967, an exclusive film named “Weekend” is released with several expectations. The expectation of this movie is for both the story and the process of film making. This entire “Weekend” film is directed by Godard, one of the finest director’s of Hollywood. Godard directed this film with simple, highly qualified techniques that have not been identified by any of the filmmakers. The director has streamed this particular film with the use of eye-level framing, natural lighting, and natural color and with synchronized sound effects. No other defining technology has been implemented to direct this film. The entire filming team along with the director has gone through the continuity editing techniques such as shot-reverse-shot, 180 degree axis rule, inserts and cutaway methodologies and much more.

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