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Employees having positive attitude are likely to stay for the long haul in the organisation and will lessen down the turnover costs.  In contrast, negative outlook towards the organisation or employer not feels to invest further in the organisation and thinks to continue (Muhammad and Akhter, 2010). Thus, it is apparent that the attitude pertinently impacts the job behaviour of an employee. The common work attitude is satisfaction, commitment and involvement in job and this play crucial role in the turnover of an employee as concluded by Wright (2006).

Job satisfaction in a manner is a type of attitude, which is the level to which an employee likes or dislikes his or her work. Job satisfaction is pertinent employee attitude because there is a direct cause and effect connection between employee job satisfaction and their organisational behaviour in the workplace, which affects the productivity, quality of products and services, company success and employee turnover. Employees with high job satisfaction embraces positive attitude towards job, while the ones who are dissatisfied embraces negative job attitudes (Lee and Bruvold, 2003).

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