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She invited her friend over after school.



除了在句首外,还应在专有名字、标题和头衔词首使用大写字母。专有名词指的是特指某些人物、地点和东西的正式称呼。标题属于专有名词的一种,指的是如书籍、电影、戏剧等艺术作品,或机构、地区的正式称呼。头衔包括尊称,如Her Majesty(女王陛下)、Mr. President(总统先生)等等。


Genghis Khan quickly became the most powerful man in Asia, if not the world.




The CIA and the NSA are just two of the USA’s many intelligence agencies.



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对于一些公众的,或者背景的信息,上网搜索一些有用的就行了。比如在线的公众信息啊,年鉴啊,在线百科全书啊,例如大英百科全书什么的。从利用搜索引擎和其他的搜索工具开始吧。不过要注意域名的后缀,比如:.edu (学校机构),.gov (政府部门),或者.org (非营利性组织)。这些网页代表的机构往往更可信,但是要主要一些政府网站很可能会比较有政治偏向性。对于.com(商业)的网站要小心些,有很多.com的网站确实很棒,但是有很大一部分商业网站除了产品广告外什么也没有。Network Solutions公司提供一个链接,你可以在那里查看到其他域名的后缀都代表什么意思。千万小心网络上的上百万的个人主页。这些个人主页的质量参差不齐。学会批判性地衡量网站的价值,并且有效地利用网络信息可以帮助你消除无关的网页节省时间。














设计一种你自己的方法来整理你的笔记。有一种方法是用不用颜色的水笔来做标记,或者用高光笔在你的大纲上确定段落部分。例如:IA3b–意思是“链接WWW”属于你的大纲里的如下部分。理解网络A. 网络是什么B. 怎么“网上冲浪”C. 链接 WWW把你抄在笔记里的条目按照你的大纲分成组。例如:IA2,IA3,IA4,等。这个方法能让你很快地把你的资料整合到正确的地方。




把你所有的笔记卡或者笔记纸按照你大纲的顺序排列好。例如:IA, IB, IC. 如果你是用的文档处理器,那么根据大纲起一些有意义的文件夹名会让你的剪切黏贴更容易。例如:剪切简介的第一段并年铁道IA去。不知不觉,你就已经把你的学期论文完全按照大纲整理好了。











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这个要根据学校所提供的研究环境和老师的学术背景来决定。 我们要充分了解自己导师的学术背景,了解自己学校所能提供的研究环境。还有,对应老师的学术背景之类的信息,这样才能帮助你更好的完成论文! 因为这些都将会是之后正式开始进行研究的影响因素。


我们不仅需要全身心的关注在学业上,同时也关注我们身边的一些新闻。代写留学生有些写作并不一定要进行动物实验或临床观察,如护理管理论文或护理综述等,但必要的社会实践活动仍是不可缺少的,只有将实践中得来的素材上升到理论,才有可能获得有价值的成果。 如果你是商科专业的学生可以多看看相关的网站和相关的新闻。 这样可以更好的帮助你去明确你的研究意义和一些现存的问题。

我们要有善于(擅长)发现自己感兴趣领域中现存的问题。 带着问题去做研究,去学习。


通过反复阅读相关的期刊杂志,我留学生作业代写网发现之前研究的不足或者没有涉及的地方然后再去选择你自己可以做到创新的地方。Paper代写选题确定之后,进一步提出问题并计划出解决问题的初步方案,以便使科研和写作顺利进行。 推荐:Science direct and Google Scholar 等等 期刊数据库(Database)。 这部分对之后的撰写很重要,通过挑选那些高引用次数的文章和那些高质量的学术期刊,都将给你之后的论文写作提供有效的学术支持。


把自己的想法进行网络检索,看看有没有类似或者相似的。 在我们确定我们的研究主题的时候,一定要明确自己的观点,从而使得自己的观点要清晰。


这一步,通常是对要读博士的朋友来说的啦 。 当然,对于想读博士的同学来说,这部分要做的更多。




在经历这些步骤以后,我们明确了我们的研究方向。 我们在明确自己的研究以后,接下来就是去开始撰写我们的开题报告,或者是研究型论文了!





RNA被认为是导致生命形成的主要元素,更容易理解和解释。另一方面,DNA不能被认为是碱基,因为它不能复制自己并催化反应,但它还需要额外单位的DNA聚合酶和RNA引物来进行复制(Huber & Wachtershauser, 1998)。


因此有许多理论,每一个都涉及共同和普遍祖先的概念,重视DNA,作为遗传信息的单位,比RNA更稳定。DNA中的互补链是复制的模板,具有遗传信息和性状,这表明它是一个优势系统,因为它有选择性条纹(Martin, Baross和Russell, 2008)。尽管如此,核酶仍然通过阅读RNA中包含的遗传信息来处理细胞中的信息,从而合成蛋白质。据说细胞内的催化活性如氨基酸与肽键的结合等都是由它完成的。由于这具有普遍的性质,可以说它可能已经在普遍的共同祖先中表现出来,并且在地球上现存的物种中仍然存在。

RNA was considered to be the main element which led to formation of life, was easier to understand and explain. DNA on the other hand could not be considered to be the base, because not could it replicate itself and catalyse the reaction but that it also needed additional units of DNA polymerases and RNA primers for replication (Huber & Wachtershauser, 1998).

It should be mentioned that RNA molecules conceptually could go through a molecular evolution, like normal evolution. Then the natural selection would come in and would play a role when the copies were being made by the RNA, concentrating on their main function of biological evolution. The replications would go on, there would be modifications and mutations, giving rise to variants, which would in turn not only increase the population, but also is the frequency at which it was getting populated. This would be the result when RNA was taken to be the base unit of formation of life.

There are a number of theories thus, and each refers to the common and universal ancestor concept, giving importance to DNA, as units of genetic information and being more stable than RNA. Complementary strands in DNA are templates for replication, having genetic information and traits, which showing that it is an advantageous system because it had a selective streak (Martin, Baross and Russell, 2008). Nevertheless, ribozymes still process the information in the cell leading to synthesizing the proteins by reading the information on genetics contained in the RNA. It is said that the catalytic activities within a cell like binding of the amino acids with the peptide bonds and so on are done by it. Since this has a nature of being universal, it can be said that it could have been presented in the universal common ancestors and it is still found in the living species on Earth.


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教授通常都会对文章引用数量有一个最低限制,但是却几乎对引用数量的上限很少规定。其实一篇文章如果引用丰富而且恰当,是作者良好研究能力和组织能力的体现。如果文章例子数量确定了,那么理想的情况是每一个例子都需要起码一则引用来作为理论支撑。而且我们也要注意引用格式和引用长度。基本上引用长度不要短于一句话,长度以教授规定的格式为准。代写论文提醒,引用要贴切,不要为了填充文章长度而引用不相关的文献和理论。但同学们务必确认论文重复率(similarity rate)不超过老师的要求,一般来讲是20%。如果超过了规定数值,有可能会被列入作弊。








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代写论文Argumentative Essay开头的写法

开头段需要简明扼要地表达Essay的主题,吸引读者的注意,使他们有欲望继续读下去。学会制造噱头,可以是一个问题,一段引文,一个事实,一段轶事,一个定义等等。 开头段的段末是中心句。中心句是对全文主旨的简要陈述,通常只有一句话。主旨必须是你最有说服力的一个或者几个论点。以下是我们代写论文老师开头段常用的写作方法,来看看吧。








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1. 保持论文提纲的灵活性


2. 提纲结构清晰合理


3. 进行适当地删减



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1. 代写的论文不是原创


2. 代写机构泄密


3. 将老师的要求给客服没讲清楚


4. 代写文章知识水平过度超越同学平时在课堂上的表现


5. 在老师面前不能解释论文的关键内容和思路



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代写论文Term Paper如何做到层次分明

Term Paper也就是我们常说的学期论文或学期报告,相较于essay,无论是写作要求和内容上都会更加严格,更加需要具备一定的表达逻辑,而这一点恰巧是中国留学生最为薄弱的,所以,在国外的中国留学生每到学期末总会由于Term Paper写作是遇到巨大困难,那么Term Paper写作如何做到层次分明,逻辑清晰?下面我们代写论文老师就给各位讲解一下。



单单做好句子与句子之间的逻辑衔接也是不够的,还要做好段落与段落之间的衔接。要写出逻辑清晰的Paper,就要必须要做到全文中句子以及段落的衔接和连贯。代写论文表示,大家在paper写作的时候用好连接词和语义承接就显得很重要了。在英文论文写作中常见的连接词有because, as, while, it, however, therefore, although, similarly,consequently, nevertheless等,它们属于“明连接”。“暗承接”即语义承接,通过上下文之间的承接关系行文,比如通过指示代词、人称代词等指代前一句中出现的内容,或转述、解释前一句的关键词,从而形成自然的承接关系。




Some people think that students should go to boarding schools instead ofliving at home. Do you agree or disagree?

这个thesis statement立意不够明确,应该直接表达出对上寄宿学校的赞同或者反对,而不是模棱两可,观点不清。


Judging from the current tendency, I am inclined to believe thattraditional shopping will disappear gradually and the reasons are as follows:For one thing, the online shopping can bring convenience to people’s life…Foranother, the merchandizes in online shops are much cheaper than that in thosereal shops because… Everybody tends to choose the online shopping in thiscase.


矛盾律是指文章论述必须首尾相贯,避免出现自相矛盾,跑题离题的现象。比如这样的题目:Asking students to evaluate their teachers is a good idea



如果大家想把自己的观点论述清楚,不仅仅要掌握语言技巧,更要有足够的知识储备。爱因斯坦说:“If you can’t explain it simply, you don’t understand it well enough.”试想,你对你自己确立的观点没有基本的知识储备,空谈语言技巧和逻辑思维方法没有任何意义。代写论文表示,清晰的逻辑和有力的论证肯定是要建立在足够深入了解话题的基础上。


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3.结论:论文的核心结论需要在摘要内容中提出,在呈现论文结论时应该有选择性的作总结,以重要且精彩的为主要呈现,如:一种以本发现为基础而发展的方法已在文中说明,并以重要的数据或论证在此呈现。 代写论文表示虽然,摘要的主要部分内容由如上3部分组成,但是文章内容需要做到言简意核,语意流畅。因为摘要内容的字数在400字左右,切忌以条列式书写法,且于末尾注明关键词。


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企业社会责任(CSR)的概念可以被描述为企业为支持可持续发展而做出的自愿贡献(Moreno & Capriotti, 2009)。公司可以在其运营的环境中实施措施,或者尝试处理其运营对环境造成的影响。它不仅仅与法定要求有关。这是一个完整的概念,在一个人的商业活动中,负责任的企业家行为是被期望的(Moreno & Capriotti, 2009)。在可持续性的背景下,人类行为延伸到确保代际平等,并在环境使用方面增加全球平等(Moreno & Capriotti, 2009)。




The purpose of this research was to critically identify and present the different models of CSR based on which an analysis of Singapore Airlines sustainability reports for 2015 and 2016 was conducted. Based on the analysis, recommendations are made.Analysis of different stakeholder groups was conducted using star model, and the overall sustainability reporting was analysed using seventh step model, hierarchy model, coordinate model, side by side model, triple bottom line, and the G4 guidelines. Applying said models on the analysis of sustainability reports of 2015 and 2016 of SIA, it was established that SIA requires better tracking of sustainability metrics.It requires better accountability in emission component reporting and the assurances in application of G4 principles have to be more clear. There are still existing stereotypes present in organizational advertisements and more and these have to be cleared, too.

The concept of Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) can be described as a voluntary contribution made by a company in order to support sustainability initiatives (Moreno & Capriotti, 2009). The company might do this either by implementing initiatives in the environment in which it operates or would try to handle the impact caused to the environment by its operation. It is not merely associated with statutory requirements as such. It is an integrated concept where responsible entrepreneurial action is expected in conducted one’s business activities (Moreno & Capriotti, 2009). Human action in the context of sustainability is extended to ensure inter-generational equality and increased global equality when it comes to environmental usage (Moreno & Capriotti, 2009).

Given this background on corporate social responsibility, the aim of this research is to analyse and assess the form of CSR initiatives that have been undertaken in the by Singapore Airlines Corporation SIA. The different models of CSR in SIA based on 2015 and 2016 sustainability reports is conducted and recommendations are made to the company based on the same. The aim is to assess the CSR policies of Singapore Airlines with CSR theoretical models and based on assessment present a SWOT of their current CSR, based on which future recommendations for improvement would be made.

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Magneto transport is the transport of the electrons through that which found to occur in a semi-conductor by the utilization of the magnetic field. The giant magneto resistance forces involved in the context of magneto transport occurs mains because of the change in electrical resistance. This change in electrical resistance is quite large as well. The changes in resistance in metallic layered systems are effected by a magnetization reorientation of ferromagnetic layers. The relative order to one another changes under the external magnetization effect. Under this influence, it is observed that electronic structure is changed because of the scattering electrons resulting in the change of resistance, and the identification of GMR.

The magneto transport understanding and the discovery of the GMR is a significant one in the context of studies on electronic transport in sublayers of magnetic materials. It is in face considered as one of the most significant ones. Some of the initial understandings of the subject have been based on simple band structures such as free electron models. The models are usually transparent and although simple they were used extensively by researchers to study the GMR physics. For instance, consider how the free electron theory was used in conjunction to understanding GMR physics.

Now per the free electron theory, based on the semi classical description of electronic transport, an understanding of the thickens in dependence of the GMR in magnetic multilayers are understood. However, simple models are just efficient enough to make some simple quantitative predictions. They are rally not useful for understanding proper band structures and herein it is necessary to make use of better interlayer structures that make use of quantum-mechanical theories. In the theory of GMR as identified by researchers, it is always crucial to have a strong modelling of the band structure.

In the past, researchers have been making use of the Boltzmann theory. However, the Boltzmann theory is constrained in that it is specifically usable only in the case of such systems where defect and impurity density is very low. Sufficient low values in defect and impurity density cannot always be guaranteed however. Also the use of the Boltzmann has the additional effect of breaking down any form if magnetic multiplayers where energy splitting ratios are higher. So the life time in broadening and splitting are almost the same. The quantum-mechanical multiband in this context becomes a much better identifies for understanding GMR and the origins of GMR.


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1、 文章紧紧围绕一个事物或事件进行描述,深入浅出,要求知其所以然


3、 语言平实、简洁、明白,有时会用以下修辞方法:分类法、举例子、做比较、列数字

4、 层次结构清楚,多为总分结构



1、 如何写作说明文之:草稿



a. 草稿的创建可以帮助整个写作过程更加容易组织和富有条理;

b. 为你的说明文找到一个较为平衡的题目(即我们中国人常说的“中庸”),既不能太宽泛,也不要太狭窄;

c. 确保你的目标读者熟悉你选择的题目或主题;

d. 找到支撑整个文章的有趣且可靠的事实基础;

e. 尽管说明文的目标是表述事实,但有趣的叙事会让读者更加愿意阅读。

2.、如何写作说明文之: 介绍 (Introduction)



a. 对于说明文来说,一般文章的第一句话就需要表述清楚论文的方向和梗概;

b. 论点语句非常重要,你的目标是尽可能清晰的阐述你要准备阐述的事实概况;

c. 确保你的总体论点(概要)对你的全篇论文有效;

d. 如果您的老师给您分配了一个主题,那么不要在第一句话中重申主题。

3.、如何写作说明文之:主体 (Main body)



a. 各个段落表述的内容和信息均匀分布;

b. 针对论文受众有效清晰的使用数据表述内容;

c. 确保各个段落以恰当的方式衔接并且逻辑清晰;

d. 确保各个主题间转换清晰明确;

e. 主题句极为重要,它们意味着一个新的思想和内容的开始。

4.、如何写作说明文之: 结论 (Conclusion)





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1、在文中引用处的注释规范 当作者姓名在句子中自然出现时,给出作者姓和出版年份,将出版年份放在小括号内,如:In a recent study Harvey (1993) argued that …;当作者姓名不在句子中自然出现时,姓和出版年份都放在括号中。如果在文中直接引用其他作者原话且引文不超过两行刚直接插入文本中,也可以用单引号也可用双引号,只要全文一致即可。还要在恰当的位置给出作者姓和出版年份以及页码。

2、在文后参考书目处的注释规范 所有参考书目以作者姓名的字母顺序排列,一个作者有多本著作时,则按年份先后排列顺序,一个作者一年内有多本著作出版或论文发表,在年份后按月份先后加小写字母加以区别,这样做的好处是:只有一个按字母顺序排列的参考书目,便于老师查阅。

3、英文脚注规范 尽管哈佛体系不主张使用脚注,但很多毕业留学生还是采用,其方法是在文中引用数字表明序号,在当前页下方用一条线与正文隔开,按每页上注释顺序逐一做注。这一点,可使用wordy文档的自动格式。



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对于你选择进行研究的方法而言,提供合理的理由是绝对必要的,尤其是采用新颖或非寻常的方法时,需要更为严密有力的解释。这过程无疑是艰辛的,但是天降大任于斯人, 因为你正在运用一种新的方法论为当前的研究提升广度和深度。无论你是遵循还是挑战一些学术权威,你都必须建立强有力的论据来支持你的方法,以此向读者展示你对研究领域的超乎常人的深刻理解。
















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For example, this will be dependent upon armed group dissemination and enforcement. At times, states also reflect the application of IHL in a non-global armed conflict as they do not have a wish for conceding that such a situation on their territories can amount towards armed conflicts. There are various reasons behind this such as wish of avoiding the perception that a particular region is a weak state, afraid to provide legitimacy and the urge of preserving the ability of the state to deal with these groups as an inner matter governed through local laws.
There does not lie a new phenomenon for the asymmetric nature perceived by unequal capacity of military authorities. There has always been a possession of various military strength by warring parties that have put in efforts for the utilization of significant advantage. As there is an increased rareness for occurrence of wars between the states, however, disparity across the parties have started becoming a defining attribute of several present conflict. There lies specific evidence in events of wars where there is an involvement of major power, holding both, highly advanced weapons and weapons in large quantity.
This has also been identified as the case in which a coalition among the states ends up fighting a mutual enemy like coalition led by the United States of America in Iraq or the International Security Assistance Force led by NATO in the location of Afghanistan. Armed conflicts at internal level within which the government fights against several armed groups or one armed groups can be considered as asymmetrical typically. Enhancement of asymmetric nature among the parties can be considered as being in association with the greater utilization of attacks that were perfidious and civilians being targeted deliberately by the party that is weaker. This also involves the utilization of several illegal tactics by the party that is stronger in terms of military, further being inclusive of interrogation practices, illegal detection and indiscriminate attacks.


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The use of digital marketing helps in earning trust of the population. Digital marketing leverages on social media signs, social evidence and memorials from exact customers who have earlier purchased, united or availed of a good or service promoted through a specific brand or firm.Digital marketing helps in encouraging population to take appropriate action. It may make use of smart and inventive methods to attract alteration utilising calls-to-action. The Internet of things is a universal ecosystem of unified tools like tablets, phones, machines, etc which may draw attention of each other by the help of internet.
Digital marketing assures online business survival for the firm. Even if the firm possess lots of website visitors but no one of them ever alter, the firm’s online business may also maximise to survive.
Therefore, the management of Pizza Hut should effectively focus on digital marketing as it supports the firm to make use of established approaches and methods which attract not essentially further traffic but extremely aimed traffic which dispatches outcomes. Aiming the appropriate population which delivers the correct type of outcomes is what digital marketing denotes like assuring existence for the business of the firm.
The management of Pizza Hut should use responsive design as the consumers’ desire a reliable experience which matches the tool they are utilising at the time. Use of responsive design to assure that the website of Pizza Hut identifies whether consumers are on computer, phone and dispatches optimised content to effectively meet their requirements and the gadgets they are utilising.


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The prevention and control of instability in slopes are important research aspects in geotechnical engineering. The ideas of slope stability analysis are changed with accumulating the practical experience. It is significant to analyze the slope stability and express the appropriate method to avoid the slope failure. The protection of any slope from sliding, side collapse or against weather conditions and erosion is properly illustrated.To meet the requirements of different construction conditions, there are varieties of slope classification.
(1) According to the cause of slope formation, it can be divided into two categories: natural slope and man-made slope. The natural slope is the naturally formed slope such as hillside, riverbank. The man-made slope is artificial slope like embankments, cuttings, excavations and landfills (Cha and Kim, 2011).
(2) Regarding properties of the soil, it can be classified into clayey, gravel, loess and rocky slopes.
(3) According to the section of the slope, there are vertical slopes, inclined slopes and stepped slope as shown in Figure 1.1. These three forms can form a composite slope, as shown in Figure 1.2.
(4) By service life, it can be classified into the temporary slope and permanent slope, the service life of permanent slope is more than two years.
In addition to the above classification, the slope can be classified due to the form of supporting structure (Zhao, He and Wang, 2003).
There are many types of slope failure, collapse and landslides that are common. Part of the rock and soil in front of the steep slope suddenly separated from the main part, the process of tumbling crash caving or falling to the bottom known as the collapse.


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the process of visitors’ movement in indirect ways. Also,each motion of bodily movement is included in the partial space where the balloon is floating in. In comparison, the size (width, length, depth) of the space in my work is based on the range of movement of my own arm or palm. In other words, the dimensions in my works is formed by the physical traits of my own body instead of others. As can be seen, the base of my painting, such as canvas or paper, is set as an opening box or ‘ㄩ’ in the process of applying the paint.
However, when it is displayed, it will be unfolded as a form of cross or ‘___’. In fact, it is similar to Enrico Job’s Bodymap(fig14), which is made on three dimensional surface but displayed in two dimensional ways. Firstly, the surface of the artists’ own body was subdivided in squares of 4.50cm for the body and 2.50cm for the head. Subsequently, the black pencilled squares were photographed by the order of numbers and printed in twice of their actual size. Next, the photos of original body are recomposed on wooden panels. It appears as a wall paper or a flat animal carpet.
The intention of Bodymap, which resembles any other map, is the reduction to a single dimension of a living thing, and therefore it works against the double time-space dimension (Vergine, 2000). Similar to Job, the intention of my works also comes from double time-space dimension to single dimension. It means that a viewer can simultaneously see the different sides of our works from same position. However, the essence of time and space in my work indicates the process of body movement instead of the details of body itself. Put simply, the unfolded canvas could be considered as a visualized documentary, a map or guidebook of my physical characters and natural capability of my bodily movement.

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本文主要講的是文化的多樣性,在此基礎上,進一步推薦Adler(2013)的方法,以具備管理文化多樣性的能力。如前所述,關於如何管理基於文化的組織多樣性,有各種不同的方法和觀點(Certo, 2015)。第一個方法是忽略差異,也稱為狹隘。這些類型的小公司和經理們相信,世界是通過個人的視角來看待的,他們不接受文化的差異有任何影響。這導致提供任何重要的機會,並有任何組織的後果。本篇幫寫論文文章由美國論文人EducationRen教育網整理,供大家參考閱讀。

The approach of Adler (2013), furthermore is recommended here based upon the dimensions discussed above in order to have the ability of managing diversity of culture. As previously discussed, there are various approaches and perspectives over how culture based organization diversity needs to be managed (Certo, 2015). The first approach is ignoring the differences also known as Parochial. Parochial firms and managers of these type are of the belief that the world is seen individually through individual perspective and does not accept that differences in culture has any influence. This results in offering any essential opportunities and has any organization consequences.
The key behind this strategy is that managers do not understand diversity of culture rather they are of the belief that this is the only manner for organizing and managing a firm(Silverman, 2012). Therefore the cultural difference is ignored and not relevant within such approach but understood as one of the very general view within an organization. The result of this assumption as well as the strategy results in hindering the management from opportunities enhancement which arise from diversity of culture and reduce its negative influence over the organization.
The second approach is ethnocentric approach engaging in minimizing the differences (Thomas et al., 2009). The organization ethnocentric nature and view of managers is central towards scaling and reaction. Key assumption over such strategy is that managers do understand the culture difference but not in a positive manner but as the problem source. Managers are further of the belief that the way is the best manner and regard others way to do things as less appropriate to their management way (Thomas, 2010).

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本文的主要内容是治理航空污染,飞机不仅会向大气排放二氧化碳,还会向大气中排放碳氢化合物、一氧化碳、黑碳、硫氧化物、氮氧化物、铅等,造成严重的环境污染(Johnston, 2013)。航空公司部门的运作已造成环境退化,这显然意味着没有有效地遵守可持续发展的原则。可持续发展的重要组成部分之一是环境保护,它支持反污染法律和其他污染控制措施的实施。维珍航空等航空公司造成环境空气污染的事实证明,航空公司不符合可持续发展的原则。本篇代写论文文章由美国论文人EducationRen教育网整理,供大家参考阅读。

Aircraft not only emits carbon dioxide but also emits hydrocarbons, carbon monoxide, black carbon, sulfur oxides, nitrogen oxides, lead etc. into the atmosphere causing substantial environmental pollution (Johnston, 2013). The operations of the airline sector have been causing degradation to the environment which evidently implies that the principles of sustainable development are not followed effectively. One of the significant parts of the sustainable development is environmental protection which supports the enforcement of anti-pollution laws and other pollution control measures. The fact that airlines like Virgin Atlantic have been causing air pollution in the environment proves that the airline companies do not comply with the principles of sustainable development.
Another important principle of sustainable development is the integration of environmental and economic decisions which state that companies like airline companies must make economic and profitable decisions by reflecting on the effects on the environment, human health and social impacts (Kaur Sahota, 2016). The tourism especially air tourism does not comply with sustainable development as there is a strong conflict between tourism and environment. This implies that social well-being, economy and environment are not effectively managed to impart benefits equally to the present as well as the future generations.
The sustainability programme of Virgin Atlantic is named as “Change is in the Air” which aims to focus on areas that have the greatest impact on the environmental footprint. The focus of the project is to reduce aircraft emission by innovating fuels, reducing wastes and operating efficient and quieter aircraft. Virgin Atlantic has been working with the buyers, suppliers and designers to ensure that environmental standards are maintained. The future development of Virgin Atlantic in the area of sustainability and carbon reduction has the capability to address and mitigate the disharmony between tourism, environment and sustainable development. Virgin has been supporting the global carbon deal in order to reduce carbon emission.


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本文講述的是漢語的發音,在這本書的資源中,中國學習者將通過重複和聽來區分一個音素和另一個音素,高度集中於特定的音素,如“這是城裡最乾淨的房子”或“我在房子裡發現了一隻老鼠”(Baker, 2006)。與基於語法結構的目的類似,本書資源的活動特別強調實踐,而不是交流,同時將發音看作是發音習慣的組合(Hancock, 2012)。這是漢語的一個主要缺點,因為漢語在建立新的發音習慣和克服母語的偏見方面面臨著巨大的困難或失敗。如果沒有一致性和重複,這幾乎是不可能的。這就降低了漢語元音的流利程度。本篇代寫論文文章由美國論文人EducationRen教育網整理,供大家參考閱讀。

In this book resource, Chinese learners will be distinguishing a phoneme with the other by repeating and hearing out sentences by being highly concentrated on specific phonemes like “This is the cleanest house in town” or “I found a mouse inside the house” (Baker, 2006). Similar with the purpose to structure based grammar, the activities of this book resource laid specific emphasis upon practice instead of communication while seeing pronunciation as a combination of habits to produce sounds (Hancock, 2012). This is a major drawback because Chinese ELLs face either massive difficulty or failure in establishing new habits of pronunciation and overcoming the biasness set by their native language. This is practically impossible without the presence of consistency and repetition. This reduces the scope of fluency attained by Chinese ELLs in English vowels.
As identified in the previous part of this assignment, the key place to teach pronunciation regarding the area of difficulty is vowel. There are a number of sounds of vowel when compared to Chinese languages (Baker, 2006). However, these do not have similar identities even if certain vowels existing in English and Chinese are same. As per the rules set in Chinese pronunciation, similar vowels will have different sounds for different words. Chinese ELLs are facing difficulties in the pronunciation of English vowel with maximum consistency. As reflected in the resource, the lack of regularity evident in English is not specified in “Ship or Sheep”.
Similar letters referred to by the book resource do not correspond with different sounds and hence, the Chinese ELLs stay highly dependent on the respective word that they learned from the activities. The tenseness and length of vowel in English will be changing the meaning of specific words as in the example pronunciation of “fist” and “feast” (Baker, 2006). However, this is not the same in pronunciation of Chinese. Tone or pitch is a major factor to change the meaning related to specific syllable. Hence, while “dip” and “deep” may have different sounds, they are the same for Chinese ELLs. The issue is not regarding the absence of sounds, but regarding the lack of understanding about the difference (Hancock, 2012).

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Hr deliverables should be aligned with HR architecture. The question here arises that how HR system, such as rewards, work organization, competencies and other factors should be structured to provide the HR deliverables. The figures provide the details that how a properly aligned HR system creates HR deliverable. The next step is to create the strategic measures that can support the HR objectives. Measures of HR deliverables are important to measure HR firm performance relationship. The correct HR performance drivers and enablers are very important to be chosen for the success. The strategy should be applied in the effective way. Some metrics have been developed by the Saratoga Institute in United States. These metrics are considered as the calculation of the bottom line value, which have human capital contribution to the organization. These metrics are:
Revenue Divide by total FTE (Full time equivalent)
Voluntary Separations divided by headcounts
Human capital value added
Human capital return on investments
Total compensation revenue percentage
Total labour cost revenue percentage
Total training cost divided by headcounts
Cost per hire
Turnover costs
In the HR cost for hiring, the cost is also included for orientation, start-up, employee efficiency, lost revenue opportunities, and internal waste caused by the workforce fluctuations.
In building the HR scoreboard, the HR professionals may choose too many metrics or the wrong metrics; such situations can be avoided by focusing on those measures that are helpful in defining the HR deliverables within an organization (Campbell, Coff & Kryscynski 2012). The deliverable are different in every organization. The metrics should be divided in two categories. First is core metrics, which do not have direct impact on organization’s strategy implementations. Second is strategic metrics, which have direct impact on the HR deliverable.
Thus, it can be said that HR scorecard have been a very important tool for the HR professionals and for achieving excellence in HR operations sustainable human-capital-based advantage (Kryscynski, & Ulrich, 2015).


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In this analysis, the Rockpool Bar & Grill Sydney is probed. It is situated at the meeting corner of Hunter and Bligh Streets. These are established and have a number of culinary features that encompasse the eclectic elegance of the restaurant space. Critical analysis of the services of the restaurant and related recommendations based on the theoretical framework has been explored in the following section.This is one of Sydney’s finest restaurants. The company needs not really adhere to any major changes. There are certain changes that can be incorporated to make the restaurant service even better. There should be more price differentiation to bring in more consumers.
Patronage for the product must be developed more. The marketing communications are currently limited. The awareness of this restaurant can be even more prominent in the current times (Luthans, Avolio, and Youssef-Morgan, 2015)
They take care of consumers and treat them well. The staffs are attentive and have extensive knowledge about the wine list and the food service rendering. They only need to maintain the standard of care (Mok, Sparks and Kadampully, 2013).
The restaurant can incorporate more modern neutral colours to increase the youthfulness of the place.
Loyalty programs can be incorporated into the restaurant design. These can make the customers feel even more welcome (Stevenson, 2005 ).
The restaurant has impeccable service. There is nothing to really improve. They can make these small changes and ensure that the standard or care is maintained in the system. This can improve the consumer patronage.
It can be concluded that Rockpool Bar & Grill Sydney at the corner of Hunter and Bligh Streets is one of the finest establishments that offer the consumers with a unique and satisfying experience. The culinary dexterity is evident in this process. The service staffs are very attentive and the menu was near perfect. The portion size of the food and the wine list prices can be more differentiated. The company needs to ensure that these are maintained. They can introduce these aspects if they want to develop consumer base. These were the important allusions that have been made from this research.

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Also on the same note, the arguments made by researchers like Nunan (2003) and Glass (2009) show that aspects of culture and politics have an influence on language and learning. Nunan (2003) observes that in the context of Chinese reformations, much of English medium learning and teaching was seen to grow because it provided a common way to unite people and make them open and receptive to the outside world. Here language to understand external cultures and to express self finds its meanings. A second example is that of how researchers like Glass (2009) argue that when Thai University students learned to read and write in English there are some influences they derive from their own culture. Lingua cultural background based differentiation is seen in the way they write to Thais and others from different cultural background. There is a definite connection seen between the language and the culture of the student. So, the presentation of the culture based impact findings of researchers like Kiss & Weninger (2017) finds strong support in existing literature. The researchers also support their viewpoints with the work of Risager (2011) for a chronological assessment of how dimensions of culture could be of three types as understood in the history of language learning research works. The first dimension is that of culture and its effect on the content or the language teaching materials and medium. Secondly, culture and effects on student and heir form of competency becomes another dimension. Finally, culture in general education and society. Kiss & Weninger (2017) focus more on the second dimension with implications being discussed for the first and the second dimensions.
The second major aspect that the researchers like Kiss & Weninger (2017) attempt to bring into their research work is how student interpret visual images from their learning text. How do student decode these images and how this interpretation understanding could help instructors improve the learning process for students is the focus here. Kiss & Weninger (2017) argue that visuals have been considered important for learning in general and language learning by means of existing research works.


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文章主要講述的是自主學習和母語教師,在向學習者講授任何課程時,最重要的因素是自主學習。根據倫敦兒童部的報告,獨立學習顯然有許多好處。這不僅對學習者有益,而且對教師也有益。通過這種自主學習,學生可以發展他們的自信。它可以提高學生在學習和其他活動中的個人表現(Philp, Oliver & Mackey, 2008)。本篇代寫論文文章由美國論文人EducationRen教育網整理,供大家參考閱讀。

In the case of teaching any lesson to the learners, the most important factor is independent learning. As per the report of the Department of the child of London, it is clear that there are many benefits of independent learning. It is beneficial not only for the learners but also for the teachers. Through this independent learning, the students can develop their self-confidence. It can improve the individual performance of the student in the study and another activity (Philp, Oliver & Mackey, 2008).
However, there is a negative point of the independent learning. It makes students self-centered, introvert and can affect the interaction and relationship between the students and teachers. One of the other positive points of this learning is that it can make student habituated with the usage of technology. Therefore, in the case of learning of the learners, the teachers should give their students enough possible space and try to understand them. Only the understanding can make the students learn better in every aspect.This document seeks to examine approaches to first language teacher education by allowing for two issues: content knowledge and instructional practice.
This paper considers the degree to which mother tongue teacher training has urbanized an intellectual, academic groundwork and evolved an exact body of educational practices. The instruction and preparation of first language teachers are a well popular activity within the field of language teaching. The acknowledgment of mother tongue teacher education as a general growing area is relatively new. In planning programs, the necessary decisions which have to be measured are the same as those concerned in planning any of instructional program- namely Pedagogical Content Knowledge, Instructional planning. Issues raised in making decisions in cooperation of these domains form the focal point for the rest of this paper (Mitchell, 2016). To settle on the pedagogical content knowledge in the field of first language teacher education, it is essential to recognize the sources of this information. Teacher- perceived wants to refer to the job and the kinds of skills that they need for performing arts on those tasks.

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1.合理利用THESAURUS。虽然说,留学生不是土生土长的美国人,在英语应用方面自然没有美国本地人灵活。但这也并不是说,留学生就不能写出高质量的论文。虽然留学生母语并非英语,但可以在自己已有的英语基础上尽可能的提高自己的写作质量。thesaurus是美国当地学生常用的一个工具,其和我们中文的同义词字典比较相似,但其又不止是同义词典。一些好的thesaurus也会给出一些例句,或者告诉你一些词汇语境上的差别(特别是正式用语和非正式用语)。通过对thesaurus的利用可有效的增强你的词汇量,使自己的表达更加的丰富多样。 不过thesaurus的使用也具有一定的局限性,其对词条的解释及用法的介绍较为笼统,所以大家在使用过程中要尽可能同时配合使用普通英语字典。





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The Reformation or the Protestant reformation was the religious, cultural and political and the intellectual movement that took place in Europe and the 16th century. This reformation was the cultural upheaval that broke down the Catholic Europe. The protestant reformation established the new belief and societal structure that brought the continent into the modern era. Some of the significant reformers of the Protestant reformation were Martine Luther, Henry VIII and John Calvin. The main aspect of this reformation was that the reformers challenged the Catholic belief and challenged the Catholic definition of Christian Practice. The reformers were responsible for the redistribution of the power that resulted in war and many persecutions.
The Spanish monopoly in Europe was at the centre of the political, economic and social structure of the continent. The most royal monopoly was the Caribbean colonies, as the Caribbean Sea became the major part of Spanish trade, Spanish government and Spanish nationals. All the precious good and money of Europe were drained due to Spanish monopoly. With the spread of reformation, Europe break into Catholic and Protestant countries and the universal authority of the Pope was dismissed. Since the Catholic Church launched the Counter Reformation, it resulted in great struggle between the Catholic and Protestants. Many of the sea captains in the 16th century, especially those who were Dutch and English, were Protestants who stood against the Spaniards due to the religious movement. This religious movement challenged the Spanish monopoly over seas.
The Spanish Armada was the Spanish fleet of 130 ships that sailed under the command of the Duke of Medina Sidonia in order to invade England. The main aim of this fleet was to invade the reign of Queen Elizabeth I. The main reason of this aim of invasion of England was the support of Queen Elizabeth I provided to the Dutch rebels and Spanish Netherlands. The victory of England over Spanish Armada was significant because it destroyed the dominance of Spain over the seas. This victory of England also inspired the new wave of colonization in the New World.


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4、其次要清楚如何写结论: 结论的任务就是通过严密的逻辑推理得到富有创造性、指导性、经验性的结果,这种精炼表达必须是要在理论分析和试验验证的基础上的。文章的结论要和开始的引言相呼应。结论并不是对结果简单的重复,而是对研究结果的更深一步的认识。一般包括:这个研究说明了什么问题,解决了什么问题;对前人研究中有的问题作了什么检验,哪些是修改之后又得出新观点的。















This report is about BFG, an insurance company, which has been in operation since 10 years and has been operating with 5 offices around Australia. Management of BFG has been facing difficulty in managing its human resource. Recently BFG were bought out by SIG, a Singapore based company. In this individual report HR measurement framework has been applied on BFG so as to manage issues in its HRM. HR measurement framework includes engagement and culture of employees, grievance policy and exit policy implementation. One of the most important aspects that are covered in this report is employee turnover during recent time period. Low employee retention rate and their decline productivity had been proved to be real thread for BFG. BFG has established HR Committee for resolving same issues.


In this report, effective leadership is the theoretical approach or model has been used to analyse assumptions of manager of BFG. This report includes recommendation to resolve the problem that BFG shall implement or undergo to avoid issues in HRM. Flexible working environment, motivation planning and implementation of Theory X and Theory Y are required to be used for overcoming issues that BFG is facing. Gap analysis in terms of required information and available information has been conducted. At last action plan has been developed so as to make management aware or enable them to monitor or control activities.

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其次就是对文献资料精彩重要的内容,留学生们可以直接做为论证和引证之用,美国代写辅导老师提醒留学生们,在摘录这些内容时要注意注明考资料的来源,如作者姓名、书名或论文题目、出版地、出版社、 版本、出版时间等等。



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在过去,合并和获取形式的变更需要完全改变等级结构。新组织最终以一种能够完成平衡结构的方式吸收了现有工作队的长处和弱点。然而,事实并非如此。因为合并或收购而关注变化的组织可能只关注合并的领域。它可以是部门或某种特定的功能,也可以是基于地理位置,等等。因此,组织结构可能不会像过去那样,从上往下或在更大的程度上重新调整。领导者在这些非常具体的变化中所扮演的角色将会转变(Pettigrew, 2014;林奇,2008)。



In the past, the mergers and acquisition form of change required for complete changes in hierarchical structures. The new organizations ended up imbibing both the strengths and weaknesses of the existing task force in a way that it would complete a balanced structuring. However, this was not the case later. The organizations that are focused on change because of a merger or an acquisition might only focus on the areas that merge. It could be departments or some specific functionality or would be based on the geographic location, etc. Organizational structure might hence not be reshuffled from top down or in a higher magnitude as it used to be in the past. The role of the leader in the context of these very specific changes would be transformational (Pettigrew, 2014; Lynch, 2008).


The leader will have to work with the specific issues, but then will also have to use the strengths and vision of leadership in a generic sense. A balance between context specific and generic leadership is required here. This leader could serve to motivate employees towards the change in organizational structuring and employees would be able to adapt to their roles better. This form of a leadership was more contexts specific. This ensured that individual issues are addressed better. The generic standpoint in leadership, as applicable for changes in organizational structure with respect to mergers and acquisitions includes almost all change management agent recommendations. The leader has to be the key agent of change management and the driver of change. The leader in addition to motivating the employees must also be able to make them see the holistic end picture.


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The case study shows that Dan and Jacob order Mikaela their wedding cake. Mikaela made their wedding cake using the almond flour from the Tower Flours, which she believed gluten free almond flour as per her conversation with Ricky, the representative of Tower Flours. The Flour was not gluten free and as Dan has the colic disease, she has a severe reaction to the cake. Then Dan and Jacob want sue Mikaela for the cake as they think it is the implied term that the cake must be of gluten free. Some customers do not ask for gluten free cake, and thus Mikaela uses to make cakes, which are not gluten free.

In this case, Dan and Jacob did not request for gluten free cake and they only asked for almond cake. Mikaela intended to provide them gluten free cake used the almond flour from the Tower Flours, which is believed to be gluten free as per her conversation with the company representative Ricky. As the wedding cake may be of gluten free as well as with gluten, Dan and Jacob did not request for gluten free cake. They did not sue Mikaela for the cake for what happened to Dan after eating the cake.


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In the world today, the saxophone is portrayed as an instrument that excels in different genres of music. Countless amazing jazz saxophone artists play regularly around the world to tell the world about the sound of the saxophone. It seems that the saxophone has become one of the icons of jazz music. However, what most does not realize is that the saxophone is as widely used in classical music as it is widely used in jazz music. The same question regarding the selection of the classical or the jazz is being faced by every saxophonist. It seems that classical and jazz saxophones are two extreme ways of learning saxophone. Is it possible to being a multi-faceted saxophonist? And what are the difficulties?

To start with, it will provide a brief background and history about how the saxophone came to be, what it was used for in the very beginning (Cook, 2010). Then it mentions how the saxophone grew and morphed to become the instrument that it is today. In addition, the details about the similarities and differences of equipment and techniques of playing classical and jazz saxophones are undertaken for showing the difficulties of playing in multi-styles. To end this research paper, a short conclusion and suggestion for the intended multi-faceted players will be provided.


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The free movement of the students in the UK had led to the rise of diversified multi-cultural students and in this regard, I observed that the team member fails in understanding the cultural mind-sets of the other team members. One main reason behind this is that most of the members hail from different cultural backgrounds. They are shifting in the UK for better educational opportunities. For this reason, they are facing communication problems with the other team members. On the other hand, I had observed that the different opinions of the individuals improve the team performance if we look at their personality variables and cognitive ability variables.

The personality variables consist of different contextual habits among the individuals, the presence of different skills among them and the different contextual knowledge. Apart from this, the cognitive ability variables consist of differences in the task habits among the individuals, task skill as well as the task knowledge. Hence, at the time of working with the team members in Glasgow, I had managed the individual differences and integrated with individual differences. The individual differences help in the increase of adaptability and effective execution of the presentation skills. Considering the fact that our team consists of four members, the interaction level is quite strong as we would finish our parts in the presentation and then collaborate on Wednesday to practice presentation.


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根据业务流程,采购也是买方和供应商关系的重要组成部分。采购是一个从外部来源购买和获取产品和服务的获取过程。一个组织可以使用的外部资源是其他公司、机构和慈善机构。在达成协议之前,外源必须是合适的,并向组织的管理人员提供解决其困难的办法(Azevedo, 2013)。在选择之后,价格或成本需要令人满意。巨大的公众和企业组织喜欢通过采购和获得项目来促进选择和更大的竞争。选择和优势在商业中大有作为。最后,每个人都能从中受益。

外包是一个个人或组织执行任务、提供服务或为其他公司的业务活动生产产品的过程,这些活动本可以在内部完成。外包自然被公司用来节约成本。业务外包服务提高组织的盈利能力和效率,满足内部和外部利益相关者(Bolstorff和Rosenbaum, 2007)。在少数情况下,公司的整个信息管理是外包的,包括计划和业务分析,以及网络和工作站的安装、管理和服务。


Procurement is also a significant part of the buyer-supplier relationship as per the business processes. Procurement is a gaining process used for purchasing and acquiring products and services from external sources. The external sources that can be used by an organization are other company, institution, and charity. Ahead of an agreement can be reached, the outer source must be suitable and make available to the management of the organization with a solution to their difficulty (Azevedo, 2013). Following that choice, price or cost requires being satisfactory. Huge public and corporate organizations like to promote option and greater competition with procurement and gaining programs. Choice and superiority go a long way in business. In the end, everyone can benefit.

Outsourcing is a process in which an individual or organization executes tasks, supply services or produces products for other company business activities that could have been or is done in-house. Outsourcing is naturally used by companies to save costs. Business outsources services for increasing the profitability and efficiency of the organization and satisfying internal and external stakeholders (Bolstorff and Rosenbaum, 2007). In a few cases, the entire information management of a company is outsourced, with planning and business analysis as well as the installation, management, and servicing of the network and workstations.


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The men aged from 20 to 64 in the unskilled manual occupations are prone to premature death owing to the cardio vascular disease. These numbers are relatively higher than the educated men in the society. The benefits for the health and awareness are not evenly distributed in the societies. Harmful stress is considered to be associated with cardiovascular diseases. These lead to a number of other conditions such as depression and lead to poor life expectancy. The diet of the people which include higher intake of salt is the most important contributing cause for the heart conditions. The increase in the saturated and trans fat leads to heart ailments. This is found in the WHO (World Health Organization) report.

Obesity in adults combined with inactivity is the leading cause for the people to develop such ailments. This is found to become even worse in the case of tobacco consumption or alcohol consumption. These lead to conditions of Diabetes or globalization. These cardiovascular diseases contribute to 4 million deaths in Europe. 30% of the years in life and the quality of life are reduced based on these conditions. These are found to become aggravated in smoking and drinking habits. The dietary patterns in Europe have been worsening in the past decade according to the WHO report. The levels of obesity in minors are also increased in Europe.


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层次业务模型有四个层次。在层次模型的最高层,组织有一个董事会,接着是首席执行官,在首席执行官的领导下,组织有其他有影响力的高管,如首席信息官、首席财务官、首席运营官等等。这是管理的最高层次,所有重要的组织成员都位于其中。根据传统公司的规模,这些部门主管通常遵循上层管理和其他类别的管理人员,然后是高层管理人员。根据模型,可以看出有四个决策平台,分别是EIS、DSS、MIS和TPS。所有这些部门都有各自的活动(Kotler和Keller, 2016)。



There are four levels in the hierarchical business model. At the very top level of the hierarchical model, organization has a board of directors followed by the CEO, and under the CEO, organizations have other influential executives such as chief information officer, chief financial officer, chief operating officer and so on. This is the top level of management where all the important members of organization situated. Depending on the size of traditional firms, those department head usually follow the upper management and the other categories of executives followed by the top level management. As per the model, it could be seen that there are four decision-making platforms which are the EIS, DSS, MIS and TPS. All these sectors have their individual activities (Kotler and Keller, 2016).

As per the EIS, the top-level management has decided what to do within the organization because they have all the power to make necessary decisions. After the EIS, the senior managers are responsible for conducting the decisions for the betterment of organizational strategies. As per the MIS, the middle managers are responsible for following the decisions, which have been taken by the senior managers. At the end of the business model, the workers or employees have followed the TPS system, and they are very much responsible for conducting the day-to-day movements within the organization. The main concept of the traditional business model is the flow of decisions that are carried out by the top level management to the low-level management. The decision is conducted in the downward direction.


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有人可能会想,“只有小婴儿才会睡很多的觉,我们不需要。”其实,我们每个人都需要有足够的睡觉,才会在第二天感觉更有活力。 有的同学说,“我好累呀,昨天晚上过了半夜才睡觉!”如果在那个时候做功课,是可以理解的。可是,如果半夜还在玩儿电脑游戏,就有一点儿惨了。要是每一天都这么晚睡觉,会对身体有很多坏处。









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投资者的行为和态度对市场上的股票表现产生了显著的影响。当投资者情绪高涨时,就会有更多的普通股发行。当情绪低落时,供给量就会超过对股市表现不佳的需求。在这种情况下,股票的价格会上涨,而定价偏低,因为发行者有优势。市场上的交易受到投资者意见的影响,这些观点导致股市崩盘和泡沫。投资者关注当下,忽视未来。其后果是由于未来价格的上涨而导致的崩溃和泡沫,当股票的价格达到其临界值时,股票的价格就开始下跌。在大多数情况下,企业家和经理因为他们的信心而过度投资于市场(Malliaris, 2005)。与市场上其他参与者相比,在不同领域取得成功的参与者更有信心。他们对自己的知识和技能变得更加自信。然而,人们发现,在市场上投资较多的投资者获得了更多的经验。那些在金融市场拥有更大经验的投资者过于自信。行为金融分析依赖于投资者对市场的过度自信,对股市产生重大影响。管理者认为他们的成功是基于他们的能力,他们高估了自己的能力。


The different tactics, the formulation of the market crashes and the market bubbles are drawn by the psychological trails that are related to the behavioural economics. This not only aims to the supplant others explanation but also to consider the psychological origins of the bubble behaviour. The attempt is being made for considering the argument regarding the decision making psychological factors. With these psychological factors, the characterization with indicating the extreme fluctuations in the market sentiment can be made and this leads to the collapse and the formation of the bubbles. Behavioural finance and other financial theories.


The behaviour and attitude of the investors impose significant impact on the performances of the stocks in the market. When the sentiment of the investors is high, then there is a greater issuance of common stock.When the sentiments are low, then the supply exceeds the demand that results to the underperformance of the stock market. In this situation, the price of the stocks increases and under-pricing decreases because the issuers take the advantage. The trades in the market are affected by the opinions of the investors which lead to crashes and bubbles. The investors in the market focus on the present and neglect the future. The consequences are crashes and bubbles due to the increase in the prices in future, and when the price of the stock reaches its critical value, and then the price of the stock starts falling. In most cases, entrepreneurs and managers overinvest into the market because of their confidence (Malliaris, 2005). The participants in the market who have attained success in different fields are more confident in comparison to other participants in the market. They become more confident in their knowledge and skills. However, it has been found that the investors who invest more in the market gain more experience. The investors who are having greater experiences in the financial market are overconfident. The behavioural finance analysis relies on the overconfidence of the investors in the market imposing a significant impact on the stock market. Managers believe that their success is based on their abilities and they overestimate their capabilities.


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The educators may feel comfortable with the use of multi-literacy as it includes appealing graphs, videos, web quest and other interactive content that can lead the teacher into the situation of ambiguity whether to use these mediums for imparting education to learners or not as they might feel that these mediums can alter the mind set of students and can take them into another world. It is essential for teachers to recognize the importance of multi-literacy and its value for young learners (Yelland, 2008). They must conduct a cost benefit analysis of using various multi-literacy for the curriculum and the young learners. Normally young learners feel comfortable with the technology and its various formats when their teachers make them familiar to it then the multimedia approaches serve as a medium through which they introduce the crucial and difficult topics to the students with ease in the classroom settings.


Students then on their own will explore the multi-literacy for gathering more information about the concerned topics through individual readings on YouTube and other multi-literacy mediums. Thus for engaging students on individual and collective basis teachers must be familiar with the multi-literacy and must use these techniques for imparting education to students so that students can get in depth knowledge about the issue (Bennett, 2007). It might be a case that in starting young learners uses this multi-literacy for fun instead of leaning from them but in long run they will be benefitted by their fun learning’s through multi-literacy as with the passage of time learners will be familiar with these approaches.

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Beginning chapters of the book discussed about the struggle that was drawn by Sach for convincing the donors for this global project. He wanted to make his model into reality so the issue of global poverty can be resolved. He convinced donors, global agencies, private firms of different countries and poor farmers so they can buy his idea of stopping the poverty. This part of the book is termed as the weakness of Munk because later in her book she criticized Sach for his ignorance and bad intentions. In the beginning she develops the plot about the project and how the idea of millennium project was convinced and developed by Sach.

If she was not convinced with the idea of the millennium project, why did she accompanies Sach on his project and showed courage towards his project? Later the depiction of Munk is about the dream of man; Sach that had an idea for stopping and reducing the poverty issues and how this issue became a challenge because of the real life issues that are not present in the books and models. Munk discussed about the heroes behind the story and explained about their lives. The real heroes of this sorry were the people of African region that were struggling for their fellow members of the society by taking some initiatives so their region can prosper and gain the basic necessities of life. She had an idea that was accepted to an extent that discussed about the poverty reduction in the country and the idea was: the issues in the African region can only be resolved by the African people themselves and no one else. Munk discussed in detail about the mentality and reality of the people of the African region.

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关于Martingale的第一件事是世界上第一家提供短期延伸公司的资产管理公司。主动管理能力是Martingale成为唯一的力量,成为波士顿着名的计量和价值导向管理投资业务。这项管理工作是由Alan Strasssman,William Jacques,Patricia O’Conor和Arnold Wood四人创立的。他们在业务上的成就非常高,因此他们在2008年的早期阶段通过传统股权管理了大约50亿美元。他们赢得了很多利润,还有一大批好客户。通过他们的管理,他们赢得了包括公共或私人养老基金,国家基金和捐赠基金在内的40个机构组织的客户的信任。机构客户之所以在三年内扭转了1250亿美元至3000亿美元的规模,这只不过是他们业务的成功故事之一。



The first thing about Martingale is the first asset management firm in the world who offered short extension firm. Active management ability was the only power for Martingale, which became a famous measurement and value oriented management investment business in Boston. This management had been developed by four people named Alan Strasssman, William Jacques, Patricia O’Conor, and Arnold Wood. Their achievement in business was very high and hence they managed approximately $5 billion through the traditional equity at a very early stage in 2008. They earned profit as well as a long list of good clients. By their management they earned believe from clients of 40 institutional organizations included with public or private pension funds, state funds, and endowment. The reason of institutional client, they had made a turn of $125 billion to $300 billion in three years. This is nothing but only one of the success story in their business.

Once Martingale offered first short extension funds in 2004 and in 2008 they offered four funds based on 130/30. And an amount of $66 billion was involved in the business of Short extension firms. They struggle to push their investment business in the marketplace as in high profile. Fees for short extension for US equities were 60 to 100 bps. They researched a new strategy for stack business and used is low volatility equity. They also researched about their business and found the minimum low volatility strategy for investment. This decision they could take because the management of the organization also was very strong as they invested their brain in researching to find their new and new policies that could be profitable for their business rather than using the common investment policy. Mr. William Jacques has thought about to merge the minimum variance policy with lower volatility investment policy. As he had confidence in the ability of innovative active management like the Martingale. Through the ultimate innovation mentality it has recently moved forward over the last 20-plus years.

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Lack of Scripted and Standardized Procedures
The present scenario is indicating that there was a lack of monitoring of such serious patients in the palliative care department and that is the reason that the nurses and administration of the department remained unable to have any idea about the incident that took place in the ward. There was no proper attention paid to need for proper monitoring of patients at the terminal stages of their diseases and that is the factor that contributed to make this incident happen.
Discourse of Bureaucracy and Compliance
It was the duty of bureaucracy and compliance to ensure that there must be anyone responsible to monitor that such a sensitive patient cannot get the limits of the ward crossed. Someone should have been appointed t take of the factor that no patient remains able to get out of the ward in order to ensure their safety. Any sort of mental distress may contribute to deteriorate the physical condition of the patient and can become a reason behind serious outcomes like death of the patient. Mental comfort is necessary in such circumstances to be ensured because such patients at terminal stages of their diseases requires complete level of comfort so that they can easily pass the duration. At the same time it is not the duty of family or personal attendants of the patient to take care of her/him rather it is the duty of hospital staff to take care of patients. In this particular case the partner of the patient fell asleep and there was no other authority in the hospital to take care of the patient meanwhile. So, the role played by compliance department was unsatisfactory as no arrangements to ensure the safety of critical patients were made by the department.

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