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本文主要講的是文化的多樣性,在此基礎上,進一步推薦Adler(2013)的方法,以具備管理文化多樣性的能力。如前所述,關於如何管理基於文化的組織多樣性,有各種不同的方法和觀點(Certo, 2015)。第一個方法是忽略差異,也稱為狹隘。這些類型的小公司和經理們相信,世界是通過個人的視角來看待的,他們不接受文化的差異有任何影響。這導致提供任何重要的機會,並有任何組織的後果。本篇幫寫論文文章由美國論文人EducationRen教育網整理,供大家參考閱讀。

The approach of Adler (2013), furthermore is recommended here based upon the dimensions discussed above in order to have the ability of managing diversity of culture. As previously discussed, there are various approaches and perspectives over how culture based organization diversity needs to be managed (Certo, 2015). The first approach is ignoring the differences also known as Parochial. Parochial firms and managers of these type are of the belief that the world is seen individually through individual perspective and does not accept that differences in culture has any influence. This results in offering any essential opportunities and has any organization consequences.
The key behind this strategy is that managers do not understand diversity of culture rather they are of the belief that this is the only manner for organizing and managing a firm(Silverman, 2012). Therefore the cultural difference is ignored and not relevant within such approach but understood as one of the very general view within an organization. The result of this assumption as well as the strategy results in hindering the management from opportunities enhancement which arise from diversity of culture and reduce its negative influence over the organization.
The second approach is ethnocentric approach engaging in minimizing the differences (Thomas et al., 2009). The organization ethnocentric nature and view of managers is central towards scaling and reaction. Key assumption over such strategy is that managers do understand the culture difference but not in a positive manner but as the problem source. Managers are further of the belief that the way is the best manner and regard others way to do things as less appropriate to their management way (Thomas, 2010).

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