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In the world today, the saxophone is portrayed as an instrument that excels in different genres of music. Countless amazing jazz saxophone artists play regularly around the world to tell the world about the sound of the saxophone. It seems that the saxophone has become one of the icons of jazz music. However, what most does not realize is that the saxophone is as widely used in classical music as it is widely used in jazz music. The same question regarding the selection of the classical or the jazz is being faced by every saxophonist. It seems that classical and jazz saxophones are two extreme ways of learning saxophone. Is it possible to being a multi-faceted saxophonist? And what are the difficulties?

To start with, it will provide a brief background and history about how the saxophone came to be, what it was used for in the very beginning (Cook, 2010). Then it mentions how the saxophone grew and morphed to become the instrument that it is today. In addition, the details about the similarities and differences of equipment and techniques of playing classical and jazz saxophones are undertaken for showing the difficulties of playing in multi-styles. To end this research paper, a short conclusion and suggestion for the intended multi-faceted players will be provided.


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