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The men aged from 20 to 64 in the unskilled manual occupations are prone to premature death owing to the cardio vascular disease. These numbers are relatively higher than the educated men in the society. The benefits for the health and awareness are not evenly distributed in the societies. Harmful stress is considered to be associated with cardiovascular diseases. These lead to a number of other conditions such as depression and lead to poor life expectancy. The diet of the people which include higher intake of salt is the most important contributing cause for the heart conditions. The increase in the saturated and trans fat leads to heart ailments. This is found in the WHO (World Health Organization) report.

Obesity in adults combined with inactivity is the leading cause for the people to develop such ailments. This is found to become even worse in the case of tobacco consumption or alcohol consumption. These lead to conditions of Diabetes or globalization. These cardiovascular diseases contribute to 4 million deaths in Europe. 30% of the years in life and the quality of life are reduced based on these conditions. These are found to become aggravated in smoking and drinking habits. The dietary patterns in Europe have been worsening in the past decade according to the WHO report. The levels of obesity in minors are also increased in Europe.


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