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在过去,合并和获取形式的变更需要完全改变等级结构。新组织最终以一种能够完成平衡结构的方式吸收了现有工作队的长处和弱点。然而,事实并非如此。因为合并或收购而关注变化的组织可能只关注合并的领域。它可以是部门或某种特定的功能,也可以是基于地理位置,等等。因此,组织结构可能不会像过去那样,从上往下或在更大的程度上重新调整。领导者在这些非常具体的变化中所扮演的角色将会转变(Pettigrew, 2014;林奇,2008)。



In the past, the mergers and acquisition form of change required for complete changes in hierarchical structures. The new organizations ended up imbibing both the strengths and weaknesses of the existing task force in a way that it would complete a balanced structuring. However, this was not the case later. The organizations that are focused on change because of a merger or an acquisition might only focus on the areas that merge. It could be departments or some specific functionality or would be based on the geographic location, etc. Organizational structure might hence not be reshuffled from top down or in a higher magnitude as it used to be in the past. The role of the leader in the context of these very specific changes would be transformational (Pettigrew, 2014; Lynch, 2008).


The leader will have to work with the specific issues, but then will also have to use the strengths and vision of leadership in a generic sense. A balance between context specific and generic leadership is required here. This leader could serve to motivate employees towards the change in organizational structuring and employees would be able to adapt to their roles better. This form of a leadership was more contexts specific. This ensured that individual issues are addressed better. The generic standpoint in leadership, as applicable for changes in organizational structure with respect to mergers and acquisitions includes almost all change management agent recommendations. The leader has to be the key agent of change management and the driver of change. The leader in addition to motivating the employees must also be able to make them see the holistic end picture.


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