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本文講述的是漢語的發音,在這本書的資源中,中國學習者將通過重複和聽來區分一個音素和另一個音素,高度集中於特定的音素,如“這是城裡最乾淨的房子”或“我在房子裡發現了一隻老鼠”(Baker, 2006)。與基於語法結構的目的類似,本書資源的活動特別強調實踐,而不是交流,同時將發音看作是發音習慣的組合(Hancock, 2012)。這是漢語的一個主要缺點,因為漢語在建立新的發音習慣和克服母語的偏見方面面臨著巨大的困難或失敗。如果沒有一致性和重複,這幾乎是不可能的。這就降低了漢語元音的流利程度。本篇代寫論文文章由美國論文人EducationRen教育網整理,供大家參考閱讀。

In this book resource, Chinese learners will be distinguishing a phoneme with the other by repeating and hearing out sentences by being highly concentrated on specific phonemes like “This is the cleanest house in town” or “I found a mouse inside the house” (Baker, 2006). Similar with the purpose to structure based grammar, the activities of this book resource laid specific emphasis upon practice instead of communication while seeing pronunciation as a combination of habits to produce sounds (Hancock, 2012). This is a major drawback because Chinese ELLs face either massive difficulty or failure in establishing new habits of pronunciation and overcoming the biasness set by their native language. This is practically impossible without the presence of consistency and repetition. This reduces the scope of fluency attained by Chinese ELLs in English vowels.
As identified in the previous part of this assignment, the key place to teach pronunciation regarding the area of difficulty is vowel. There are a number of sounds of vowel when compared to Chinese languages (Baker, 2006). However, these do not have similar identities even if certain vowels existing in English and Chinese are same. As per the rules set in Chinese pronunciation, similar vowels will have different sounds for different words. Chinese ELLs are facing difficulties in the pronunciation of English vowel with maximum consistency. As reflected in the resource, the lack of regularity evident in English is not specified in “Ship or Sheep”.
Similar letters referred to by the book resource do not correspond with different sounds and hence, the Chinese ELLs stay highly dependent on the respective word that they learned from the activities. The tenseness and length of vowel in English will be changing the meaning of specific words as in the example pronunciation of “fist” and “feast” (Baker, 2006). However, this is not the same in pronunciation of Chinese. Tone or pitch is a major factor to change the meaning related to specific syllable. Hence, while “dip” and “deep” may have different sounds, they are the same for Chinese ELLs. The issue is not regarding the absence of sounds, but regarding the lack of understanding about the difference (Hancock, 2012).

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