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Also on the same note, the arguments made by researchers like Nunan (2003) and Glass (2009) show that aspects of culture and politics have an influence on language and learning. Nunan (2003) observes that in the context of Chinese reformations, much of English medium learning and teaching was seen to grow because it provided a common way to unite people and make them open and receptive to the outside world. Here language to understand external cultures and to express self finds its meanings. A second example is that of how researchers like Glass (2009) argue that when Thai University students learned to read and write in English there are some influences they derive from their own culture. Lingua cultural background based differentiation is seen in the way they write to Thais and others from different cultural background. There is a definite connection seen between the language and the culture of the student. So, the presentation of the culture based impact findings of researchers like Kiss & Weninger (2017) finds strong support in existing literature. The researchers also support their viewpoints with the work of Risager (2011) for a chronological assessment of how dimensions of culture could be of three types as understood in the history of language learning research works. The first dimension is that of culture and its effect on the content or the language teaching materials and medium. Secondly, culture and effects on student and heir form of competency becomes another dimension. Finally, culture in general education and society. Kiss & Weninger (2017) focus more on the second dimension with implications being discussed for the first and the second dimensions.
The second major aspect that the researchers like Kiss & Weninger (2017) attempt to bring into their research work is how student interpret visual images from their learning text. How do student decode these images and how this interpretation understanding could help instructors improve the learning process for students is the focus here. Kiss & Weninger (2017) argue that visuals have been considered important for learning in general and language learning by means of existing research works.


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