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The case study shows that Dan and Jacob order Mikaela their wedding cake. Mikaela made their wedding cake using the almond flour from the Tower Flours, which she believed gluten free almond flour as per her conversation with Ricky, the representative of Tower Flours. The Flour was not gluten free and as Dan has the colic disease, she has a severe reaction to the cake. Then Dan and Jacob want sue Mikaela for the cake as they think it is the implied term that the cake must be of gluten free. Some customers do not ask for gluten free cake, and thus Mikaela uses to make cakes, which are not gluten free.

In this case, Dan and Jacob did not request for gluten free cake and they only asked for almond cake. Mikaela intended to provide them gluten free cake used the almond flour from the Tower Flours, which is believed to be gluten free as per her conversation with the company representative Ricky. As the wedding cake may be of gluten free as well as with gluten, Dan and Jacob did not request for gluten free cake. They did not sue Mikaela for the cake for what happened to Dan after eating the cake.


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