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The free movement of the students in the UK had led to the rise of diversified multi-cultural students and in this regard, I observed that the team member fails in understanding the cultural mind-sets of the other team members. One main reason behind this is that most of the members hail from different cultural backgrounds. They are shifting in the UK for better educational opportunities. For this reason, they are facing communication problems with the other team members. On the other hand, I had observed that the different opinions of the individuals improve the team performance if we look at their personality variables and cognitive ability variables.

The personality variables consist of different contextual habits among the individuals, the presence of different skills among them and the different contextual knowledge. Apart from this, the cognitive ability variables consist of differences in the task habits among the individuals, task skill as well as the task knowledge. Hence, at the time of working with the team members in Glasgow, I had managed the individual differences and integrated with individual differences. The individual differences help in the increase of adaptability and effective execution of the presentation skills. Considering the fact that our team consists of four members, the interaction level is quite strong as we would finish our parts in the presentation and then collaborate on Wednesday to practice presentation.


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