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Stress causes a variety of health problems. It can result in high blood pressure. It could cause palpitations or fatigues in the short run, and in the long run could result in many chronic cases such as heart disease etc. Such people will not perform well in the workplace because of their issues in stress management and are more likely to take off work too. Issues of short term stress result in problems in work productivity and the latter results in work absenteeism, such as some workers having to do the work of others etc. Stress by itself is a multidimensional variable whose trigger can be understood as arising from many events in the workplace. Similarly, the impact of stress can also be understood in multiple ways .


Poor performance is often cited in the context of stress. Stress affects ability of a person in performing their job properly. Stress makes it difficult for people to focus on complex issues and it would even affect the memory of people . Research works suggest that when stress increases, then the person could forget important elements. Some of their existing tasks or priorities get jumbled up . More than the relaxed person, the stressed person is seen to face situations of affect. They end up lacking the motivation to finish a task that they would have begun. In the long run, their motivation takes a hit and as studies indicate, this will have an impact on performance.


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