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An evolutionary pattern of internationalization might start from on and off exports to more periodic exports. Later, there will be formal contract agreements, multiple partners, cooperation with foreign office setting, a domestic branch and internationalization with multiple branches. In internationalization, exports would probably be the less challenging form; setting up international branches would be fraught with more challenges such as issues of understanding the macro environment, etc.
In the diffusion of innovations, Rogers argues that the diffusion process is one in which innovation being done is communicated to the stakeholders but the communication is also released to stakeholders over time, and not simply at the end of an innovation. In considering the rate of adoption of the innovation, there is a critical mass stage in the adoption curve where it can be said that there are so many individual adopters that innovation will become self-sustaining at that point. Incremental, breakthrough or radical and transformational innovation are the three types of innovation. The form of innovation that Arthur was aiming at was somewhere between radical and transformational.
Incremental innovation in the context of new product in an existing market aims at slowly getting consumers acquainted to the new idea, product and process. In the product life cycle, introduction of a product, growth and then maturity stage will ultimately lead to decline. Incremental innovation will keep the product growth stage more sustained in keeping the demand for the product.
Innovation of product, or process or service is three ways to have radical innovation. Arthur can be called a radical innovator because he was aiming for a form of newer form of service and product pricing strategy.
The marketing strategist always needs a whole picture to work with. In this context, the Very Big Diagram will contribute to a holistic understanding and hence the strategist would be able to plan better. Secondly, marketing is a set process involving many perspectives and attributes. In the past, marketing was developed conventionally in a more linear development process. However, in current times, marketing activities are recognized as part of an iterative fast moving environment and emergent process. Therefore, the Big Diagram would be able to assist in their more dynamic undertaking as well.

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