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Despite the original assessment that could have been made probable if the Fall of Jerusalem had not happened, some facts are still clearly established when it comes to the language. Firstly, it is established that Hebrew is indeed from the Canaanite language. There are many peculiar elements identified with the language and some of them are observed in the case of Hebrew. There are some allusions made to Aramaean ancestors and some researchers have even introspected the language for understanding how Hebrew roots can be useful for distinguishing the linguistics of the language from the genera Canaanite languages.
However, what made it difficult to understand Hebrew in its evolution of linguistic usages was that it was not a homogeneous linguistic system. In a homogeneous linguistic system, it would have been possible to segregate the language into different layers. For Hebrew, the Canaanite layer would have been at the top. The Akkadian influences and the Aramaic and Semitic influences would have been seen as lesser layers. Hebrew, on the other hand, is what is called a Mischsprache or a hybrid form of language. In the hybrid form, the layers cannot be easily distinguished. However, the mischsprache has also been challenged because it was possible to identify some traces of ancient Aramaic in Hebrew.
Aramaic components are indeed identified in the phonology, morphology and lexicon of biblical Hebrew. A geography and time based influence on Hebrew has hence been identified. Despite these affects, it is contended that Biblical Hebrew which saw its decline after the fall of Jerusalem might have revived in the other form called as Rabbinic Hebrew. Later over the years, other foreign languages started to have a strong impact on the language. The language is spoken predominantly in Israel and it was estimated that about 9 million Hebrew speakers are present worldwide. In the US, much globalization effects are noticed in the Hebrew language as the English language use and Hebrew use mix. It observed a mix of language elements because of the young adults choosing to use English words interspersed with Hebrew. As of 2011, around 216,343 speakers of Hebrew were identified in the country and of this number, around 0.4 percent spoke a language other than English in the home.


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