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本文主要講如何做到系統彈性和健壯性的結合,設計必須具有彈性,這樣才能從根本上增加設計的簡單性、解決未預料到的問題或通過以前關於消除任意的選擇來增加整體的優雅性(condorii – fernandez et al., 2009)。如果添加一個特定的特性並不會破壞之前的特性,那麼系統必須具有健壯性。這涉及到彈性和健壯性的結合,因為在一個特定的系統中,如果沒有彈性,就不能保持100%的健壯性。本篇論文代筆價錢文章由美國論文人EducationRen教育網整理,供大家參考閱讀。

There must be resilience of design such that key features are radically added in the fundamental causes of simplicity in the design, solving unexpected issues, or increasing the overall elegance by making choices previously regarding the elimination of arbitrary (Condori-Fernandez et al., 2009). There must be robustness of the system if adding a specific feature does not end up breaking down the prior feature. This involves the combination of resilience and robustness as 100 per cent robustness cannot be maintained in the absence of resilience within a specific system.
There must be composability of all components with each other at the whim of user. This involves the key consideration of connectedness and global consistency. The accessibility of component with each other has to be transitive as well as symmetric (Bendat & Piersol, 2011). The key implication will be the bidirectional links between hard links and mounts.
There must be obedience of each and every component towards the same syntax, while ensuring the similarity of meta- interface. The key implication will be almost complete transparency of network. It will be the choice of the user for the purpose of structuring the processes, while ensuring to monitor any operation and object (Brusilovsky & Millán, 2007).
1.4 Estimation of Assessment Effort and Cost
There will only be a need of 2 staff members to provide basic training to the users and this training will be provided for a period of two hours as the users do have knowledge about the basic Microsoft OS. There will be payment provided to the staff members at 40 dollars per hour and hence, this fee will be 160 dollars.
The following review procedure will be followed to meet the requirements of user (Burke & Noumair, 2015):
Setting up the overall stage
Ensuring the overall preparedness of the user
Leading the overall walk- through of the software as per different sections
Asking for the sign- off

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