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本文主要讲述树莓工具运用研究,使用树莓派的项目是伯恩语法学院的学生与工程指导合作,将一个氦气球发射到26公里高的空中。这个气球捕捉到了地球的图像(罗宾逊2015)。为了发送和接收数据,设计了两台计算机。校车是用来接收数据的。校巴装有对讲机收音机。无线电被调到麦克风的频率,麦克风用于解码无线电反馈,以了解空中距离和图像数据(Robinson 2015)。在发送GPS数据的同时,还发送了温度数据。气球放飞后,人们追了大约7小时40分钟才找到它的残骸。本篇ps代写文章由美国论文人EducationRen教育网整理,供大家参考阅读。

The project using Raspberry Pi is one where the students of Bourne Grammar teamed up with engineering instruction to launch a Helium Balloon 26 km into the air. This balloon captured images of earth (Robinson 2015). Two computers were programmed for the purpose of sending data and receiving data. The school minibus was used for the purpose of receiving the data. School minibus was fitted with the walkie-talkie radios. The radios were tuned to the frequency of the microphone made use of for decoding radio feedback for understanding the aerial distance, and also the image data (Robinson 2015). Along with the GPS data, the temperature data was also sent. After release, the balloon was chased for around seven hours and 40 minutes, after which its remains were found.
The balloon had a working payload as well in it. GPS and radio technology was used to track the balloon and students were allotted tasks of programming, receiving data and tracking the final payload. A flight plan was predicted earlier on during the initial programming itself. Supportive equipment other that the school owned Raspberry Pi was provided by the “Skycademy” programme.
Figure 1: The Map showing the student chase route in the Helium Air Balloon Space Project at the Bourne Grammar School, England, (Source: The Guardian 2016)
Students completed the project as collaboration with the Raspberry Project group. They did it as both an indoor and outdoor exercise. The aim was to teach them to build a project using Raspberry Pi. Students were segregated as groups, with some assigned to the indoor tracking activity and others for the field work.
A literature study project was created. In this project, the Raspberry Kit is used by students to program and create a Minecraft world that represents their grasp and interest on the literature work -Bram Stokers Dracula (Roman 2016).
The project was initiated by the English literature teacher in the class who helped the students in the building of video games and consoles for completing their literature assignments (Lyn 2015).
Students groups worked on the project in similar Minecraft worlds so that the project became a collaborative one (Roman 2016). The project is one that is developed on Bram Stoker’s Dracula.
Learning Outcome:
Students learned how to build a unique video game making use of the Raspberry Pi, Sonic Pi, Python and Scratch. Students learned how to apply Raspberry Pi and related programming skills in creative ways. It is not common to apply programming to create a fictional world for a literature work.


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