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I facilitated Adult Education Training Program. More knowledge was acquired on how treatment of the suffering victims should be done to avoid affecting the unconcerned parties. This allowed me to hone in on my communication skills in interacting with other people on a completely different level. There is so much to learn in the field of mental illness. I need to learn the skills and competencies required to deal with patients with severe mental illness. I believe that one can never learn enough and learning is an on-going and continuous process. In school, I held position of Boarding Prefect which instilled in my leadership and cooperation skills. I believe that cooperation and patience are two very important skills when handling patients with severe mental illness.
A person learns these two skills only through practice and experience. I still have a long way to go when it comes to learning and practicing. These two go hand in hand. My commitment to the National Honor Society allowed me to retain academic, social and service attitude and gave me the opportunity to participate in various charities and offer ideas to the committee. Thus, my diverse academic and extracurricular experiences had culminated in bringing me out of my shell. However, I am still in learning stage, I want to learn more and grow. I am open to new experiences and opportunities. I firmly believe that every opportunity given to me and every situation I experience facilitates learning new things. I am a keen learner.
Having witnessed firsthand the marvels of rehabilitation, I have become a strong believer in the power of shaping childhood development and believe that I may have found my true calling. Being exposed to mental illness at a young age not only instilled in me the need for patience and kindness, but it also opened me to a world of possibilities that would lead me to where I now stand: an exciting crossroads to my future.


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