美国代写论文 美国留学常识 美国论文代写







The chosen media form is an article with supporting videos and charts to prove the premises by the author. The language used is positive. It provokes the readers with realistic words and the phrases seem appropriate. The reporter has been working on this subject and case studies are the supporting evidences. The creators of the case studies are the company and experts in the field. They have supported with statistical evidences and personal opinions.


The issues framed are coherent and there are no exaggeration strategies within the article. As it projects the reality, the story only explains the situation from various perspectives with supporting premises. It is thought-provoking and encourages the readers to understand the enemy construction easily. The article tries to highlight the policymaking process, health and economic aspects of the issue. The stands of government and policymakers towards the issue of legalization of marijuana are concealed with the cases of business developments and foreign investments . The article ends with the opinion of the author and the likelihood of immediate action plan of the government towards this issue. This shows the credibility and accuracy of the information presented in the article.

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