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本文主要讲癌细胞的讨论和研究,包括某些类型的胃癌等。甲基化过程也参与到基因组印记的过程中,在这个过程中,母体或父方的基因等位基因通过甲基化过程得到修饰,然后失活(Dancey et al., 2012)。相反的过程是去甲基化的基因的印迹性质,导致表达的印迹损失发生在细胞内的肿瘤。最新数据还表明,hymmethylation in the gene results in of the, and also causes tumor to be induced on mice。这些结果进一步加强了表观遗传性质的改变直接导致肿瘤发展的观点。本篇学院论文代写文章由美国论文人EducationRen教育网整理,供大家参考阅读。

These are inclusive of some types of cancers in stomach, etc. The process of methylation also engages to participate within the process known as genome imprints wherein the gene allele of maternal or paternal nature get modified through the process of methylation and then its inactivation takes place (Dancey et al., 2012). The reverse procedure is demethylation of genes of imprinted nature resulting into expression of imprinting loss to occur within the cells of tumour. Latest data has also demonstrated that hymmethylation in the gene results in instability of the chromosomes and also causes tumours to be induced hen studied on mice. These have further resulted in strengthening the perspective that changes of epigenetic nature contribute directly to development of tumour.
Through the explanations and discussions laid down in this essay, it becomes apparent that the cellular basis of cancer helps in explaining the changes that cells take place resulting in becoming cancerous in nature. Scientists and other medicinal researchers have focused on finding out and developing different methods for measuring the genetic expression within normal cells and tumorous cells (Cheong et al., 2012). Among such newer methods, the RNA levels determination through analysis of micro-array is the most common one. However, such methods might prove to be useful but they need to be studied with more details to provide accuracy.
It can be concluded that cancer cells grow so fast due to their common nature. The alterations and mutations of genes and DNA make it difficult for the normal cells to sustain their properties and these results into cancer (Thangavelu et al., 2012). The cell cycle also gets distorted due to the changes that each cell goes through. The changes not only result in changing a cell but their spread causes anti-tumour genes as well to change. This further deteriorates the prospects of curing cancer in the best possible manner from human body and might even lead to death of cancer.


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