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本文主要讲的是企业的供应链管理,供应链管理是企业组织最重要的方面之一,对提高企业组织的有效性起着至关重要的作用。成功的供应链管理对企业的成长和发展有很大的帮助。供应链管理(SCM)解释了低库存、单一采购、及时交付、集中且紧密耦合的过程的优点(Burf, 2009)。有几家公司已经实施了这种特殊的精益方法,并通过控制来达到令人印象深刻的成本节约和生产率提高。本篇美国论文代写文章由美国论文人EducationRen教育网整理,供大家参考阅读。

The supply chain management is one of the most important aspects of the business organization, and it plays a vital role in improving the effectiveness of the business organization. A successful supply chain management contributes a lot to the growth and development of the business organization. The supply chain management (SCM) has explained the virtues of the low inventory, single sourcing, timely delivery, centralized and firmly coupled procedures (Burf, 2009). There are several firms which have implemented this particular lean approach and controlled to attain impressive cost saving plus productivity gains.
Over the same time, the business organizations have started global resourcing, production, and distribution, making complex webs of interdependency between the factories, storerooms, shops and fright terminals around the globe. Consequently, with the help of these, the business organization expand their market spheres, off-shore their manufacturing unit to the countries where get lower labour cost in comparison to the parent countries. Moreover, the organizations make diversification to their supply base.
However, in this manner, the business organization has amplified the vulnerability of their supply chain management (SCM) to several different types of disturbances (Pagell, Krause and Klassen, 2008). Few of the inventories, which provided a buffer against the internal as well as external changeability, have been reduced drastically. Hence the companies keep great reliance on fewer suppliers, carriers and transport nodes and sometime reduce flexibility for rescheduling the tasks in short time.


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