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本篇文章主要讲奴隶与生产,在这一过程中,社会中的妇女也得到了特殊的地位。他们参与了水稻种子的选择和收获(Carney & Carney, 2009)。在这一行动之后,当前时代的水稻生产和生产方法的所有权被暗指奴隶。在黑米中,有一种说法是奴隶是黑米生产的主要来源。本篇ps代写文章由美国论文人EducationRen教育网整理,供大家参考阅读。

In this process, the women in the societies were also given special place. They were involved in the selection of the rice seeds and were involved in their harvest (Carney & Carney, 2009). Subsequent to this action, ownership of rice production and the methods in the current era has been alluded to the slaves. In Black rice, there has been allusion that the slaves were the primary root of production in the area.
It was observed that in the cases of Brazil the plantation owners were under heavy stress. This leads to the increase of competitiveness in the society. This rises in competition lead to the owners controlling the people and putting pressure on the slaves to increase the production. In this process, the slaves were not given any autonomy (De Bivar Marquese, 2008). They however did not ask the input of the slaves about the area. They were more open to trying to foster the Arabian methods of cultivation of the rise and had forgotten about the slaves. They considered liberation of the slaves to take an economic downturn and ensured that slaves were not given any form of freedom to maintain high production levels in the plantations (De Bivar Marquese, 2008). This was the case that was observed around the region, and also in other plantation crops such as corn or rice production.
The similarity that has been observed in each of these ideologies was that the slave owners benefitted from exploitation of the slaves. This was evident in the increase in the economies. The slave owners benefitted tangibly from exploiting the slaves. In the case of Carolina, the slaves were exploited for their knowledge and physical labor. The slaves had paved the way for the growth of the once unproductive Carolina swamp lands. On the other hand, in Brazil the slaves were under the control of the gangs and were made to indulge in hard work. They were made to destroy the rainforest areas for the purpose of coffee production.


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