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代寫論文 價格-英國國情分析

本篇文章講英國國情分析,英國的政治形勢是穩定的,目前的政治焦點是最近幾次的經濟增長,以及滿足老年人和學生群體不斷增長的醫療保健需求。 Aldi將能夠以就業的形式為學生帶來優勢,定價將對所有部門都很方便。英國2013年和2014年的經濟因素一直在復蘇,比2009年和2010年更加穩定。阿爾迪將特別關注經濟因素,因為這些因素將決定人民的消費。這些都是公司無法控制的因素,但阿爾迪可以為這些影響做好戰略準備。本篇代寫論文 價格文章由美國論文人EducationRen教育網整理,供大家參考閱讀。

The political situation of the United Kingdom is stable and the political focus at present is both on the economic rises of recent times and also on meeting demands in terms of health care for the growing populous of senior citizens and student community. Aldi would be able to bring advantage for students in the form of employment and pricing would be convenient for all segments. UK’s economic factors over the years of 2013 and 2014 has been in recovery and has been much more stable than 2009 and 2010. The economic factors will be of special concern to Aldi as these would deice the consumption of the people. These are factors that are outside the control of the company and yet Aldi can prepare strategically for the effects.
In terms of the social and cultural factors, the United Kingdom has an aging population which could very well lead to issues for the country in terms of labor needs especially in skilled labor. Aldi has a training and recruitment program that could handle this issue very well. In terms of buying behavioral trends, Aldi is seen to have a customer who might prefer high end brands over store brands even if it means cost effectiveness. However, with an aging demographic who want value for money it can be said that Aldi would be able to see potential market share increase.
In terms of technological factors, Aldi has reduced tagging and implements bar codes that makes it easier for check out. It also makes use of wireless inventory and self-check out strategy at some stores (Wortmann, 2004). Both convenience for customer and cost reduction is at the core of this technology integration (Wortmann, 2004). In terms of environmental factors, the United Kingdom is highly invested in environmental safety programs. Aldi attempts to invest in sustainable practices such as the use of environmentally friendly paper bags encouraging customers to bring their own bags etc.

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