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本篇文章主要讲述互联网促进沟通,互联网使得与政府官员的沟通更加紧密:政府与公民之间的沟通发挥着至关重要的作用。要建立和发展民主,就必须同有关政府及其人民保持健康的沟通。这已经通过互联网实现了。互联网在民主中的使用越来越多,使得公民能够与政府官员建立更密切的沟通,这在过去被认为是一件罕见的事情(Layne and Lee, 2001)。它也被称为电子民主或电子民主,是一种提高选举投票率的手段,也影响年轻人参加政府活动。本篇美国市场营销论文代写文章由美国论文人EducationRen教育网整理,供大家参考阅读。

The Internet allows closer communication with the government officials: The communication between government and citizens plays a vital role. For a democracy to be established and growing, it is vital that the communication with the respective government and its people be healthy. This has been made reality by internet. The rising use of internet in democracy has enabled the citizens to establish a closer communication with government officials which was considered a rare thing once (Layne and Lee, 2001). It is also known as e-democracy or electronic democracy which is a means to increase the voter turnout in elections and also influencing the youth to take part in the government activities.
As a result of low voter turnout, e-democracy and e-voting can help improve the condition. It enables the government to share critical information about democracy in unlimited quantities on demand. It also facilitates the citizens to bring their issues of concern in front of local, regional and national governments. Also, the internet updates the citizens regarding the environmental, policy, legal and cultural initiatives taken by the government (Litan and Rivlin, 2001). Overall, internet has reshaped the decision making process of government at all levels. The government officials can conduct virtual meetings with citizens and members to take critical decisions.
The Internet spreads democracy around the globe: The last benefit of internet for democracy is that it helps to strengthen the democracy around the globe. Since it establishes a strong relationship between government and people, it ultimately strengthens the democracy. With internet, people are able to know the latest news and happenings in their country which enables them to react on it accordingly. Internet has helped maximising the opportunities for people to become active participants in public policies and debates. Education crisis and illiteracy are a few challenges faced by the communities across globe. However, internet has enabled everyone, irrespective of being educated or non-educated to be active in democracy and be updated about the happenings occurring around (Laswad, Fisher and Oyelere, 2005). Therefore, it has strengthened the democracy across globe and helped citizens to closely communicate with government.
These are some of the potential benefits provided by internet to democracies across globe. Due to all these factors, internet is considered as a boon for democracy across globe.


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