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本文讲的是员工关系处理,影响员工关系的因素包括裁员、外包、管理变更、合并、收购甚至关闭。在任何一种情况下,这些因素都会直接影响雇佣关系,因为与所有这些因素直接相关的一个共同因素是信任。因此,与员工和员工保持直接的沟通渠道变得极为重要(Kinicki and Kreitner, 2003)。本篇美国论文代写文章由美国论文人EducationRen教育网整理,供大家参考阅读。

A number of factors which influence employee relations include downsizing, outsourcing, management changes, mergers, acquisitions and even closures. In either of these cases, these factors directly affect the employee-employer relationship because a common factor which is directly related to all these factors is trust. Thus, it becomes extremely essential to maintain direct communication channels with staffs and employees (Kinicki and Kreitner, 2003).
The employee empowerment is an important aspect as the employees are given substantial power to lead and take control of certain situations. In recent years, the organizations are becoming informal and believe in team work for maximal output (Losey et al., 2007). The employees participate in the day to day dealings and well-being of the organization so as to achieve the short and long term goals (Beardwell and Claydon, 2007). They participate in the managerial decision making process. They point out loopholes and suggest constructive feedbacks to deal with situations effectively.
Feedback system is based from the alignment of the performance with the goals of the organization. This is a form of representative participation. The employees in the company need to work together to create cohesive and dynamic solutions. The benefits and incentives of the company are based on the seniority of the job. Using the employee performance, there must be waiting in a queue to gain the access to the accolades for the performance (Schuler and Jackson, 2008).When the company tries to motivate, the employees need to be appreciated and recognized in the society. They need to have an employee recognition program.
The simple example of the performance based reward system can be explained by the use of Football game. When the particular player takes a lot of efforts to meet the performance, there is rewarding of the people based on the particular council and the sports organization (Boxall and Purcell, 2000).The employees are able to gain patronage to meet the demands of the external environment.


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