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論文 代寫 價格-營銷策略

本文主要講的是營銷策略,營銷策略是組織中最重要的概念之一,它能讓組織對如何制定決策有更深刻的理解。這是雀巢產品Milo的策略。雀巢的環境有利於雀巢的政治和經濟條件,這為組織提供了各種好處。公司的內部和外部環境也有助於雀巢在市場上獲得競爭優勢。雀巢公司的一種新產品可以給市場帶來很大的成功。本篇論文 代寫 價格文章由美國論文人EducationRen教育網整理,供大家參考閱讀。

Marketing strategy comes under the most important concepts of the organisation that provides the deep understanding to the organisation about how the decisions must be taken into the organisation. Here the strategy for the Nestle product Milo is created. The environment of the Nestle is favourable to the political and economic conditions of Nestle, which provides various benefits to the organisation. The internal and external environments of the company are also help Nestle in gaining the competitive advantage in the market. A new product in the category of Nestle could bring good success into the market.
Therefore, in this way rather than focusing on the chocolate flavours only, the company must use the mango-flavoured product to increase the customer base of the company. The positioning of a product is also affected a lot by the competition in the market. There are many products, which might have some attributes of Mango Flavoured Milo. However, in the end; Nestle has to focus on one USP that would differentiate it from its competitors. For example, there are many other nutritious bands in the market like Nestle Milo but if Nestle could pay attention to sell its instantaneous nutrition benefit, it might create a separate customer base. Nestle Mango Flavoured Milo is the ideal choice for the children in the age range of 3 to 9 and also for the children in the age range of 9 to 13 who participate in sports.
Marketing is a concept that includes the set of the decisions and plans that the organisation needs to develop so that a good growth in the sale could be provided to the product of the company. An organisation needs to work on its marketing strategy and make sure that it is able to let the customers know the unique features of the product. Current assignment is the analysis of different concepts of marketing by taking the example of Milo. Milo is a product of Nestle. It is basically a chocolate and malt powder, which is mixed with the hot water and the milk, which produces the beverages. Milo is very famous in US, UK and some Asian countries.

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