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本文主要讲的是公私伙伴关系,作为默认的解决方案,公私伙伴关系(PPPs)对于了解政府的需求和问题具有重要意义,尤其是在基础设施方面。公私伙伴关系受到全球许多选区和政党的支持。这种特殊的趋势已经加速,因为财政赤字的经验,政府和替代方式可以考虑为融资和提供政府的服务(Coghill, 2007)。在伙伴关系迅速发展的环境中,维持问责制所需的政府工具不能被认为与机构的孤立活动一样。本篇美国代写论文文章由美国论文人EducationRen教育网整理,供大家参考阅读。

As the default solution, Public-Private Partnerships (PPPs) are of huge significance to perceive the needs and issues of the government, specifically in concern with the infrastructure. PPPs are embraced by a number of constituencies and political parties all across the globe. This particular trend has been accelerating as fiscal deficits are experienced by governments and alternate ways can be considered for financing and delivering the services of government (Coghill, 2007). Across an environment with proliferation of partnerships, the required tools of government for the maintenance of accountability cannot be considered as same as for insular activities of agency.
PPPs end up changing the dynamics across public accountability by the involvement of private partners in the program delivery and decision making of government. The conditions and terms related to this involvement can be seen deserving careful understanding and scrutiny by the public officials, before making an entry into PPP (Bloomfield, 2006). This is because private partners make an entry into these types of arrangements for a number of reasons in comparison with the governments. While the governments perform for serving the public in projects of capital investment, the understandable focus of private partners is to recoup their investment and generate appropriate value of profit (Dooren, 2011).
As a thesis statement for this essay, transparency and accountability is a major requirement for creating appropriate safeguards while ensuring that there is no compromise of public services for the sake of private profits in PPPs.The aim of this essay is to conduct a critical assessment for the implications of PPPs for issues of transparency and accountability. Key points of conclusion will be drafted based on this critical assessment and the critical assessment will be conducted based on the following headings.


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