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本文主要讲述的是假日酒店,据酒店假日酒店及度假村品牌管理高级副总裁Mark Snyder称,该活动的目的是提升全球游客对这个标志性品牌的看法,该品牌正在不断改进其形成的方式,以满足客户的需求。强调的元素是高速互联网接入和舒适的室内工作空间等。这些服务似乎是基本的,但很有意义,因为他们影响的品牌形象和遗产的品牌像酒店假日酒店。本篇作业代写文章由美国论文人EducationRen教育网整理,供大家参考阅读。

According to the senior vice president of brand management of hotel Holiday Inns and Resorts, Mark Snyder, the aim of the campaign was to enhance the outlook of worldwide visitors towards the iconic brand that is working continuously for evolving the ways formed for meeting the requirements of the customers. The elements on which the emphasis was given were high-speed internet access and comfortable in-room workspaces etc. These kinds of services seem to be fundamental but are highly meaningful as they affect the brand image and legacy of the brand like Hotel Holiday Inn.
In the history of successful hotels worldwide Hotel Holiday Inn is one of the leading names as it works on innovations and creativity. The e-marketing strategies of the hotel are formed in such a manner that these are taken as opportunity for presenting the image of the brand as distinctive among the other players of the same industry. The major means of advertising in the hotel industry is through electronic media such as radio, television and also through newspapers and magazines that are part of print media. In the present scenario the e-marketing or internet marketing is attaining more importance in the hospitality industry. The two major methods used for assessing and selecting the media for advertising are Cost per thousand (CPM) and Gross Rating Points (GRPs).
The effectiveness of any advertising media is assessed on the basis of four factors i.e. cost, frequency, impact and reach to the worldwide customers. The conventional advertising techniques are changed with the advanced and improved advertising techniques in the hotel industry. There is seen a shift in the marketing strategies of the hotel industry i.e. now the marketing is done through internet advertising and digital marketing. This is done with an aim of increasing the level of interaction with the customers. It is crucial for hotel firms to identify the timings during which the customers are willing to pay for attaining the various services of the hotel which provided worth to the business. Some hotel firms follow the strategy of advertising at that period of time during which the targeted audiences are willing to purchase the services and experiences offered by the company.


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