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In addition to government funding, other factors also affect a university’s income. Highly ranked universities receive additional resources as enterprise grants, which are grants obtained from private companies/organizations to conduct research on their behalf. The value of enterprise grants received by Tsinghua University is 3.4 times that of Northeastern University, which is then 53 times that of Liaoning University. Being able to obtain enterprise grants means that more research can be conducted, highly skilled teaching staff will be attracted to the university, and more public funding can be redirected to improving teaching instead of spent in research. Liaoning University performed very poorly in this area and increasing its enterprise grants by building active relationships with industries will help it boost its funding and raise its profile. This is partly explained by its much lower volume of scientific journal publications, which indicates that its ability to conduct research may not be as attractive as that of Northeastern University. The correlation coefficient between enterprise grants and ranking [The ranking of what?] from analyzing 310 universities in China is 54%, indicating that these two factors are closely correlated.

Similarly, technology transfer revenue also gives universities more financial freedom. This is revenue from selling research/patents/technology to private companies. Highly ranked universities again tend to earn much higher technology transfer revenue compared to lower-ranked universities. Northeastern University, ranked higher, earns 48 times that of Liaoning University. The correlation coefficient between ranking and technology transfer is 22%, although lower but still is partially explained by differences in ranking.The factors influencing a university’s ranking are highly correlated. Higher funding leads to better ranking, and then attracts more funding in the future, enabling a virtuous circle. Higher ranking may also lead to higher entry requirements and thus higher student quality, which lead to better graduate prospects, and further build up the university’s ranking and lead to greater donations from alumni in future. Because of this, a university should always seek to improve its profile in all aspects and enable its own virtuous circle.

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